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Letter of Motivation Auslandssemester
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Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2012
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 22. März 2012 10:43    Titel: Letter of Motivation Auslandssemester Antworten mit Zitat

Hallo zusammen,

ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn mir jemand helfen könnte und meinen Letter of Motivation kontrollieren würde.

Vielen Dank schon Mal!! :-)

Dear Sir or Maddam,

I hereby wish to state my motivation for a spot in your Bachelor Exchange Program.

My long term goal is to take on a leading position in an international operating company. On my way of achieving this goal, I have already taken some important steps. After graduating from a business school and completing an apprenticeship followed by a one-year professional activity in that field, I continued my way with the enrollment in Business Administration at the University of XXX. It would be an honor if I could launch forth my way at XXX University.

The challenge of studying abroad at such a well renowned University, combined with a foreign language and culture, would not only benefit my academic knowledge and skills but also my personal life experiences. This opportunity would bring me a few steps closer to my goal.
During my professional activity as an industrial clerk, I had the chance to get in touch with the working method of worldwide linked companies. These first insights aroused a desire to extend my knowledge in that field and to open my perspective. While checking XXX’s homepage, I had been feeling very confident that the University provides all necessary aspects to impart knowledge and morality in a very good manner.

XXX, a german author, said once: “As for the global economy, it is intertwined.” – This quotation is from XXX and tends to cause smiling from today’s point of view. Of course it is intertwined. The globalization is progressing unstoppable and connects countries from all over the world more and more. I am very attracted by the different approaches to economics, which are influenced by different cultures. Also the analysis of that approaches from another position than the European’s is very interesting. In reverse, I can contribute the international atmosphere with diverse aspects of European life on campus and in class.

Besides the academic contribution, which an abroad semester at XXX would provide to my life, it would also teach me a lot about living in a multicultural environment. Different people from different countries have their own habits and customs. Sharing a room and working together in teams will benefit all members of that group and have a great impact for their lives.
As a result, you would get a highly motivated, international, social- and team-oriented student, who wants to be a precious part of a vibrant and learning community at XXX University.

Thank you very much for considering my request and I am looking forward to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,


Anmeldungsdatum: 22.01.2005
Beiträge: 1140
Wohnort: München

BeitragVerfasst am: 25. März 2012 00:04    Titel: Re: Letter of Motivation Auslandssemester Antworten mit Zitat

Generell ist das sprachliche Niveau von meiner Warte aus gesehen schon sehr gut. Ein paar Kleinigkeiten sind mir aufgefallen (rot), und ich habe ein paar Vorschläge (grün) eingefügt und einige Anmerkungen gemacht. (Orange, wenn ich mir nicht ganz sicher war, ob deine Version korrekt ist).

Ansonsten hoffe ich wie immer, dass ich nichts großes übersehen habe und keine Fehler eingebaut habe Augenzwinkern .


BWL1909 hat Folgendes geschrieben:

Dear Sir or Maddam,

I hereby wish to state my motivation for a spot in your Bachelor Exchange Program. Ist das auch gleichzeitig das Anschreiben? Wenn ja, dann würde ich vielleicht leicht anders beginnen als zu sagen: "Ich will hier meine Motivation ausdrücken." Vielleicht eher: "Ich interessiere mich und möchte erklären, warum", also z.B. "I hereby wish to state my interest for a spot in your BEP and therefore, I would like explain to you why I think your program would be a perfect opportunity for me."

My long term goal is to take on a leading position in an internationally operating company. Könnte natürlich ein feststehender Ausdruck sein (ich bin Physiker/Mathematiker und habe vom englischen Wirtschaftsjargon wenig Ahnung), aber spontan hätte ich gesagt, dass das "international" ein Adjektiv sein sollte, weil es sich auf "operating" bezieht. On my way of achieving this goal, I have already taken some important steps. Ich hätte "way to" statt "way of" gesagt, Google scheint aber beides zuzulassen. After graduating from a business school and completing an apprenticeship followed by a one-year professional activity in that field, I continued my way with the enrollment in Business Administration at the University of XXX. Ich weiß jetzt nicht, ob mit "business school" eine wirkliche Schule gemeint ist oder eben eine Universität. Wenn so etwas wie ein Wirtschaftsgymnasium gemeint ist - anders übersetzen, "business schools" sind immer Universitäten. Das nur als Hinweis - ich gehe sowieso davon aus, dass Spezifikationen im Lebenslauf erfolgen. It would be an honor if I could continue my way at XXX University. "launch forth" klingt für mich nach Tolkien oder 19. Jahrhundert - und heißt ja eigentlich mehr etwas wie "anfangen"...

The challenge of studying abroad at such a well renowned University, combined with a foreign language and culture, would not only benefit my academic knowledge and skills but also my personal life experiences Vielleicht einfach nur "personality"? Und eventuell noch ein "greatly" einstreuen - obwohl, andererseits bin ich gegen solche Übertreibungen. This opportunity would bring me a few steps closer to my goal.
During my professional activity as an industrial clerk, I had the chance to get in touch with the working method of worldwide linked companies. These first insights aroused a desire to extend my knowledge in that field and to open my perspective. While checking XXX’s homepage, I have felt very confident that the University provides all necessary aspects to impart knowledge and morality in a very good manner. Von der Logik her würde ich hier present perfect oder, je mehr ich drüber nachdenke, fast noch eher simple past nehmen - für past perfect sehe ich keinen Grund und deine progressive Form passt nicht zum Nebensatz.

XXX, a german author, said once: “As for the global economy, it is intertwined.” – This quotation is from XXX and tends to cause smiling from today’s point of view. "is from XXX" - du hast doch den Namen schon genannt - oder soll das ein Jahr sein? Dann reicht doch vermutlich "This quotation is a couple of years/decades/centuries old and thus..." Of course it is intertwined. Globalization is progressing unstoppable and connects countries from all over the world more and more etwas gewählter vielleicht "in an ever increasing manner" - aber eventuell unpassend für ein Motivationsschreiben Augenzwinkern . I am very attracted by the different approaches to economics, which are influenced by different cultures. Also, the analysis of that approaches from another position than the European one is very interesting. In reverse, I can contribute the international atmosphere with diverse aspects of European life on campus and in class.

Besides the academic contribution, which a semester abroad at XXX would add to my life, it would also teach me a lot about living in a multicultural environment. "an abroad semester" klingt für mich etwas seltsam - von der Bildung her nicht falsch, aber soweit ich mich recht erinnere werden mehrsilbige Adjektive eher nachgestellt. Different people from different countries have their own habits and customs. Sharing a room and working together in teams will benefit all members of that group and have a great impact on their lives.
As a result, you would get a highly motivated, international, social- and team-oriented student, who wants to be a precious part of a vibrant and learning community at XXX University.

Thank you very much for considering my request and I am looking forward to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

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