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Letter of motivation
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Anmeldungsdatum: 11.02.2016
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 11. Feb 2016 14:14    Titel: Letter of motivation Antworten mit Zitat

Meine Frage:
Hallo liebe Leute. Ich muss für eine Bewerbung bei einer Hochschule einen Letter of motivation scheiben. Da unten ist er nun und ich wollte euch fragen, ob ihr ihn vielleicht zur Korrektur mal durchlesen könntet.

Vielen Dank schonmal!

Meine Ideen:
Dear Sir or Madam,

I hereby wish to state my interest for a place in your Bachelor of Arts program in Psychology & Management.

Currently I am living in x, a small city in Saxony-Anhalt, where I attend the last year, learning for my A-Levels, at school.
My estimated graduation will be in June 2016, after which I directly want to attend to International School of Management in Hamburg.

Concerning my future career I intend to achieve the Bachelor of Arts, followed by the Master of Arts in Psychology & Management. It is my aim to work in an international company, such as a bank or a consultancy. I would prefer to use the knowledge I acquire in a social environment instead of from behind a desk.
To achieve this goal, preparations for working in the Finance, Consulting and Strategy departments of international corporations are required.

I heard about the International School of Management in school, by listening to a former student who is studying international Management in Frankfurt. After visiting the homepage and the Information Day in 2015 I felt very confident that this will help me in achieving my goal and prepare me for the working environment.

Another reason for applying is that I would like to study in an international school to get into contact with students from other countries and cultures. I am a very open-minded person and in my opinion it is very important to learn more about foreign cultures and mentalities to understand the global developments.

For me it is important to connect the learned theory with real issues. Periods with practical training in other countries are a good way to improve my foreign language knowledge, to learn more about other people and their cultures and to apply the theory I have learned so far.
I settle in easily and adjust quickly to working with a new team as I am open-minded, outgoing and adaptable.

Being in Israel was a very influencing part of my life. I was twelve years old and I was living there in an Israeli host family for ten days. Life in Tira, the Israeli twin city of x, was different than ours here in Germany. English was our main language of communication and thus the desire grew to improve my skills, enabling me to partake better in the discussions. Meeting new people and talking to them means getting new opinions and having a better perception of their points of view.
Furthermore I am very motivated in finding solutions for different problems.

My choice of school was concentrated on an international importance.

In 2015 I spent two weeks abroad in London, England. It was a language holiday, with everyday school. These exchange weeks helped me to improve my English skills and made me more mature.

Thank you very much for considering my request.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Your´s sincerely
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