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Letter of motivation
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Anmeldungsdatum: 09.06.2019
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 09. Jun 2019 15:21    Titel: Letter of motivation Antworten mit Zitat

Meine Frage:
Hallo alle zusammen, ich weiss das man bei eine motivation letter so wenig fehler wie möglich haben soll und da ich seit längerem kein Englisch Kurs mehr habe hat sich mein level ein bisschen verschlechtert.. Könntet ihr vielleicht auf meine Motivationletter für eine Auslandsfamulatur draufkucken und mir sagen wie ich das verbessern kann oder ob es so in Ordnung ist?
Vielen vielen Dank im Voraus!

I am a second year medicine Student in the xxxxx in Germany. I?m persuing my medical career in a recognized german University and I?m looking forward to finish with the Staatsexam (the German medical final Exam). With this motivation letter I would like to express my interest and motivation in doing a internship in a Columbian Hospital in Medellin for about a month on March 2020.
Since I remember I have always been interested in the medical milieu. When I was finaly twelve years old I could take a ?first help? course and since then I engaged myself in voluntary work in the city I grew up. Specifically I was being trained to be a voluntary Paramedic in XXXX

. When I was sixteen I successfully completed my training and I was working till I came in Germany for my studies. I mainly started studying medicine because of my love for people and in general social work although when I started I also got very interested in the science behind medicine.
Furthemore, my excitement and interest for people made me apply for a job in the universital Hospital of xxxx, in the pediatric intensive station, which I will be starting in July of 2019.
The reason I choose to apply in your hospital is because I know I?m passionate about getting to know people and new different cultures. I had the chance of growing up in a mixt family with a xxx mother and a xxx father in xxxxxx. That gave me the possibility to come in contact with people from different cultures and to make me want to see more.
Being friends with Columbians in xxxx wakened up my interest in this country and specifically in the culture. I always wanted to see and getting to know that part of the world but never had the chance till now.
While looking for an Internship in Columbia I came across a written experience text of a German medicine student who made her Internship in your Hospital. Her descriptions attired my interest and made me wish to have a similar experience.
Working in your Hospital would give me the opportunity to come to know a new health system in addition of discovering a new country and culture. I?m really interested to see and work with doctors of your hospital and get an impression of the health facilities. Moreover, I would love to learn and to be taught about your treatment methods. I truly believe this will widen my horizon and fill me with new knowledge and experience.
I know it is going to be a challenge to have to communicate in an foreign language, for me, but I am sure I will manage to get the most out of this adventure. I hope that the possibility exists for me to complete an internship in one of the hospitals in Medellin.
Thank you for considering my application and I am looking forward to hear from you.
With kind regards,

Meine Ideen:
Ich würde mich auch auf jede Verbesserungsideen über die Formatierung freuen.
Steffen Bühler

Anmeldungsdatum: 03.12.2013
Beiträge: 92

BeitragVerfasst am: 11. Jun 2019 18:07    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Willkommen im Englischboard!

Ich korrigiere mal die gröbsten Rechtschreibfehler der Reihe nach, Du findest sie dann leicht im Text:

German university
in March
Ever since I can remember
I was trained
to Germany
July 2019
possibility of coming into contact
woke my interest
get to know
in addition to
a foreign language for me

Viele Grüße
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