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Letter of Motivation für Job in Holland
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Anmeldungsdatum: 04.08.2008
Beiträge: 2

BeitragVerfasst am: 04. Aug 2008 20:19    Titel: Letter of Motivation für Job in Holland Antworten mit Zitat


da ich sehr unschlüssig bin was sowohl die grammatika als auch den inhalt des oben genannten letters angeht möchte ich euch nochmal bitten, meinen bisherigen (wie ich finde stümperhaften) Versuch nochmal zu kontrollieren.

es geht übriges um die stelle der reklamationsbearbeitung bei nem großen autokonzern.

Dear Sir or Madame,

As you can see from my CV, I can offer a considerable amount of relevant work experience. Since 2006 I worked in a famous forwarding agency and leave this company in 2008.

I really enjoyed that kind of work where I had a lot of contact with costumer and clients.

My willingness to learn all about M***** B*** and working in foreign country will help me to get an even more sensitive feeling for those abilities like to work in a team, self-confidence, creativity and a sense for knowledge of human nature.

All those criteria strengthened my decision to work in your company.
I believe I have all the skills, knowledge and expertise that you are looking for. I also work well with people and would enjoy leading the team and working with clients and costumers.

I am very familiar with a variety of computer software, including Excel and Microsoft Word and I very confident with working in the internet.

In these days it´s advantageous to be very flexible to be good at your own business, to cope with all kinds of situations and also to manage problems, which is important to become a good staff member.

In my opinion, I'm a tolerant, objective and open-minded person. I really like to help other people. Sometimes I need time for myself but normally I like the adjacence of other people. I can say that I'm adaptable to new circumstances and that I can get used to them fast. Apart from my handwriting, I'm kind of tidy.
One of my best attributes is that I'm eager for knowledge in the majority of cases and ever willed to broaden it.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon

BeitragVerfasst am: 04. Aug 2008 21:37    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

so gleich mal vorab:
normalerweise sieht man zuerst das Anschreibne und dann erst den Lebenslauf, sodass dein erster Satz taktisch uncool gewählt ist.

Dear Sir or Madame,

As you can see from my CV, I can offer a considerable amount of relevant work experience. Since 2006 I have worked in a famous ( nicht gerade wichtig zu erwähnen ) forwarding agency.
I really enjoyed that kind of work where I had lots of contact with costumers and clients.

My willingness to learn all about M***** B*** and working in a foreign country will help me to get an even more sensitive feeling for those abilities like to work in a team, self-confidence, creativity and a sense for knowledge of human nature.

All those criteria strengthened my decision to work for ?? your company.
I believe I have all the skills, knowledge and expertise that you are looking for. I also work well with people and would enjoy leading the team and working with clients and costumers.

I am very familiar with a variety of computer software, including Excel and Microsoft Word and I very confident with working in the internet.

In these days it is advantageous to be very flexible to be good at your own business, to cope with all kinds of situations and also to manage problems, which is important to become a good staff member.

In my opinion, I'm a tolerant, objective and an open-minded person. I really like to help other people. Sometimes I need time for myself but normally I like the adjacence?? of other people. I can say that I'm adaptable to new circumstances and that I can get used to them quickly.
One of my best attributes is that I'm eager for knowledge in the majority of cases and ever willed to broaden it.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon

so ich habs jetzt mal grob durchgeschaut:
was mir aufgefallen manchen stellen klingst du sehr überzeugt von dir, an anderen fehlt dir das nötige Selbstvertrauen.
Dinge zu sagen, wie "Ich denke ich bin / ICh glaub ich bin so so so" sprechen nicht gerade für dich.
Auf der anderen Seite sind Schwächen zu haben ja schön, aber es interessiert niemanden, wie deine Handschrift ist.

in einem so formellen Brief sollte man es möglichst vermeiden Abkürzungen zu benutzen.

Hoffe ich konnt dir nen bissel helfen.

Anmeldungsdatum: 04.08.2008
Beiträge: 2

BeitragVerfasst am: 04. Aug 2008 21:52    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat


dann werd cih nochmal gucken, was ich da noch so an überzeugung reingebastelt bekomme...
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