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BeitragVerfasst am: 13. Apr 2010 13:00    Titel: Bitte um Korrektur Antworten mit Zitat

Könntet ihr bitte den Text kurz durchgehen!?
ist zum Vorlesen gedacht.
Daher sind Rechtschreibfehler und groß und kleinschreibung nicht so wichtig:)
Vielen Dank schon mal im vorraus.grammar

9.985.000 square kilometers, population 34 million, offical language english and french, capital Ottawa. All of these data describe one country; Canada.
Its history began 10. 000 years before Christ when the first Indian immigrants passed the Bering Sea and spread close to the present-day Canadian and American westcost. Approximately about 1000 anno Domini the Vikings arrived on Neufundland, but they coudln´t hold this area. 1497 John Cabot landed in Canada and founded a colony named Newfrance. At the beginning the colony wasn´t under the control of the french crown but under a tradingcompany which was bargaining with fleece of the Indians.
1674 the french crown got the direct command and explored the area as far as possibile up to the Gulf of Mexico. By this settlement the british fleecetrading get constricted and this caused rising tensions.
Initila there had been only sub-agent wars between confederated Indianclans but before the Seven Years War hostility between France and England got clear. Finally England won also with it´s predominant armada. By Peace of Paris France ceded Canada and Cape Breton to England.
To alleviate the french population this takeover, the british allowed them religious liberty and the french civil law. After the American indipendence war 1783 many loyal Britains anglicized the french pressed country. These involved differences lead to a seperation in a british Uppercanada and french Lowcanada. The border between this two prvinces was the Ottawa river.
The USA tried vain to conquer Canada during the British-American-War in 1812. To be prepared for a later attempt, the british crown combined the provinces to one country and forced so also the national consciousness. The aim of England was to reach a complete independend country and counted it 1919 as a own land in the League of Nations. 1931 Canada got sovereign but stayed as a part of the british Commonwealth.
As in the first WW Canada supported England also in the second WW this shows the tight collaboration among these two countries through the centuries.
During the Cold War Canada was working with the Americans and granted them to build militarybases.
Since 2001 the Canadian army has engaged in the Afghanistan War.
Retrospective you can say that Canada is a passiv country which doesn´t act, only react.
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