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Englisch: Wo sind die Fehler?
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BeitragVerfasst am: 24. Jan 2013 17:00    Titel: Englisch: Wo sind die Fehler? Antworten mit Zitat

Meine Frage:
Hallo, ihr Lieben!

EInige Freundinnen und ich haben bei der Englisch Arbeit einige Fehler und wir würden gerne wissen, was genau falsch ist. Meine Lehrerin ist z.Z. aus gesundheitlichen Gründen nicht da, deswegen hoffe ich ihr könntet uns weiterhelfen. Meine Lehrerin hat alles unterstrichen, was falsch war. Hier habe ich sie mit **...** mackiert.

- **The author discusses in this text** the question of whether...
- John White raised **the** hand.
- This quote **shall** emphasize man's struggle with nature.
- This is what **stands** in the text.
- The text can be **devided** into fice sections.
- Terry walked along **the** Carnby Street.
- Exological problems will increase **in the next time**.
- She **has moved** to London last year.
- That's a question of **actual** interest.
- He told me that he **must** take the next bus.
- We **are used to hear** about growing poverty in Africa.
- **How do you** call a huge city?
- He was innocent, **what** was supported by her confession.
- That's another **example for** globalization.
- They **also don't** respect theit attitude to nature.
London is big, but Mexico City is **still bigger**.
- Are the Englisch **more reserved** as the Germans?
- That's **typical for** their attitude to minorities.
- How does he **look like**?
- This **critic** of thechnologie progress is justified.
- I have **made the experience** that...
- My parents **what that i study** more.
- We need to **practice** it every week.
- The Prime Minister is a **50-years-old** man.
- People do not **take** these problems...**serious**.
- The Catholics want to **seperate** from the Protestants.
- **Do** they have **some** money?
- **Who does not protest, must** accept what others decide.
- The authoer **wants to make us** clear that...
- She is much **taller then** he is.
- Let's **discuss about** the pros and cons.
- 1984 is a **novel from** Georg Orwell.
- The author **brings** a lot of arguments for that.
- They are not afraid of **the death**.
- **In contrary to** Britain, Germany is...
- The teachter **let us learn** the wohle chapter.
- **Among the younger generation** are quite a few.

Ja, ich weiß. Ziemlich viel insgesamt. Würde mich freuen, wenn ihr mir helfen könntet. Danke im vorraus :*!

Meine Ideen:
Bei einigen habe ich eine Vermutung:
How does he look like > How does he looks like
Do they have some money? > Have they any money?

Bei den anderen bin ich mir nicht sicher...

BeitragVerfasst am: 25. Jan 2013 20:38    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

The author this text discusses the question of whether...
- John White raised his hand.
- This quote is to emphasize man's struggle with nature.
- This is what the text says .
- The text can be divided into fice sections.
- Terry walked along Carnby Street.
- Exological problems will increase in the time to come
- She m,oved to London last year.
- That's a question of topical/current interest.
- He told me that he had to take the next bus.
- We are used to hearing about growing poverty in Africa.
- What do you call a huge city?
- He was innocent, which was supported by her confession.
- That's another example of globalization.
- They don´t also respect theit attitude to nature.
London is big, but Mexico City is even bigger.
- Are the Englisch more reserved ??) than the Germans?
- That's typical of their attitude to minorities.
- How does he look ? KONTEXT ??
- This criticism of thechnological progress is justified.
- I have lived to see that...
- My parents want me to study more.
- We need to practice every week.
- The Prime Minister is a 50-year-old man.
- People do not take these problems..seriously.
- The Catholics want to part from the Protestants.
- Have they have got any money? Do they have... (amerikanisch)
- Those who do not protest must accept what others decide.
- The author wants to make it clear that...
- She is much taller than he is/him
- Let's discuss the pros and cons.
- 1984 is a novel by Georg Orwell.
- The author brings forward/ presents a lot of arguments for that.
- They are not afraid of death
- Unlike Britain, Germany is...
- The teachter made us learn the wohle chapter.
- Among the younger generation there are quite a few.

BeitragVerfasst am: 25. Jan 2013 21:08    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat


he author of this text discusses the question of whether

Have they got any money? Do they have... (amerikanisch)

Auf Rechtschreibfehlet habe ich nicht im Detail geachtet.
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