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Englisch Referat London Eye / Vortrag
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    Foren-Übersicht -> Englisch Grundstufe
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Anmeldungsdatum: 17.03.2012
Beiträge: 5

BeitragVerfasst am: 17. März 2012 19:08    Titel: Englisch Referat London Eye / Vortrag Antworten mit Zitat

Meine Frage:
Ich wollte wissen ob der sinn der Sätze klar ist und der Satzbau/Zeitstuffen inordunung sind LG

Meine Ideen:
The London Eye

I?m going to talk about the London Eye.
I chose the tropic because I?m interesting in sights and I wanted to know more about the London?s tallest wheel.

And the information I got from the internet and a guide book.

The London Eye is the biggest Ferris wheel in Europe and was designed by architects David Marks and Julia Barfield. The
construction of the wheel was in 1998. Because a technical problems the opening times moved for visitors and opened in 2000 to celebrate the millennium.
The Eye should be open for a limited time of five years. But while the great success it is still open.
It has been standing in the heart of London since 2000, right on the Thames opposite Big Ben.

With a height of 135 meters and its 32 capsules, they mean symbolic the 32 city areas of London. So belong the London Eye to the third-largest Ferris wheel in the world.
From the 32 gondolas, which are formed almost completely of glass, it can carry up to 25 people, who will enjoy a spectacular view over parts of London.
Especially beautiful is a ride in the twilight or after dark because the whole London seems by lights. So you will see under you feed the famous sights, how St. Pauli?s Cathedral, Big Ben and the House of Parliament in the blaze of lights shine.

The wheel spins slowly and takes for a turn about 30-40 minutes. All in All the London Eye transports up to 800 passengers per turn.
The big wheel holds never, so the passengers have to get off during the driving.

I personally think the wheel is a great sight of London.
And If I went to London , I would visit it.

Thank you for listening.

Now have somebody questions?

Anmeldungsdatum: 22.01.2005
Beiträge: 1140
Wohnort: München

BeitragVerfasst am: 21. März 2012 00:52    Titel: Re: Englisch Referat London Eye / Vortrag Antworten mit Zitat

So, ich hab's mal probiert (hoffentlich hilft es dir noch). Dein Hauptproblem - die Satzstellung - hast du ja schon selbst identifiziert. Ich weiß nicht, in welcher Stufe, bzw. wie gut du Englisch sprechen solltest, daher keine Wertung Augenzwinkern .

Globalisierung1 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Meine Frage:
The London Eye

I?m going to talk about the London Eye.
I chose the tropic because I?m interested in sights and I wanted to know more about London?s tallest wheel. "I'm interesting" heißt "ich bin interessant". Weiter: Nicht "the London's".

I got the information from the internet and a guide book. Satzbau! SVO - deiner ist Deutsch!

The London Eye is the biggest Ferris wheel in Europe and was designed by architects David Marks and Julia Barfield. The
wheel was constructed in 1998. Because of technical problems the opening times moved for visitors and opened in 2000 to celebrate the millennium. Den letzten Satzteil verstehe ich nicht. Am Anfang gilt: "Because of" heißt "wegen" und dann musst du dich entscheiden: "a technical problem" oder "technical problems" Augenzwinkern .
The Eye was supposed to be open for a limited time of five years. "should" hat die Bedeutung von "sollte" eher im Sinne des Konjunktivs. Hier ist's Vergangenheit, da geht das meiner Meinung nach nicht. But because of the great success it is still open. "while" heißt "während".
It has been standing in the heart of London since 2000, right on the banks of the river Thames opposite Big Ben.
Die Zeit gefällt mir nicht richtig, aber ich weiß da gerade nicht genau...

It has a height of 135 meters and its 32 capsules are a symbol of the 32 city areas of London. "with its..." heißt "Mit seinen..." - dann muss aber auch ein richtiger Hauptsatz kommen, der hier fehlt. Daher würde ich das umformulieren. So belong the London Eye to the third-largest Ferris wheel in the world. Was willst du damit sagen? Ich habe so eine Idee - aber in jedem Fall gilt: Satzstellung immer SVO und das ist hier auf jeden Fall nicht der Fall.
The 32 gondolas, which are formed almost completely of glass, can carry up to 25 people each, who will enjoy a spectacular view over parts of London. Hier stimmt die Satzstellung leider auch nicht - die Logik funktioniert nicht. Der erste Satzteil gehört zusammen mit dem dritten ("it can carry...") und stellt eigentlich das Subjekt da (eingeschobener Relativsatz "which"). Daher: "From" weg - das Subjekt sind die Gondeln (der Blick ist erst später interessant), dann "it" weg - weil wir schon ein Subjekt haben.
A ride during twilight or after dusk is especially beautiful, because the whole of London is beautiful by lights. Wieder: SVO - niemals vorformulierte Sätze aus dem Deutschen übersetzen! So you will see under you feed the famous sights, how St. Pauli?s Cathedral, Big Ben and the House of Parliament in the blaze of lights shine. Siehe vorher. Probier's hier mal selbst. Außerdem muss es heißen: "below the feet".

The wheel spins slowly and takes for a turn about 30-40 minutes. All in all the London Eye transports up to 800 passengers per turn.
The big wheel never stops moving, so the passengers have to get off during driving. Satzstellung: Adverb vor dem Verb!

I personally think the wheel is a great sight of London.
And If I went to London , I would visit it.

Thank you for listening.

Now are there any questions?

Anmeldungsdatum: 17.03.2012
Beiträge: 5

BeitragVerfasst am: 23. März 2012 21:00    Titel: =) Antworten mit Zitat

Danke schön !!! =) ich hab mir schon gedacht ,dass es falsch ist !!! Dann muss ich es mal richtig schreiben!! DANKE !!!!

Anmeldungsdatum: 17.03.2012
Beiträge: 5

BeitragVerfasst am: 23. März 2012 21:48    Titel: Verbesserung Antworten mit Zitat

The London Eye

I’m going to talk about the London Eye.
I chose the tropic because I’m interested in sights and I wanted to know more about the sights of London.

I got the information from the internet and a guide book.

The London Eye is the biggest Ferris wheel in Europe and was designed by architects David Marks and Julia Barfield. The wheel was
constructed in 1998. Because of a technical problem the opening times moved for visitors and opened in 2000 to celebrate the millennium.
The Eye was supposed to be open for a limited time of five years. But because of the great success it is still open.
It stands in the heart of London since 2000, right on the banks of the river Thames opposite Big Ben.

It has a height of 135 meters and its 32 capsules are a symbol of the 32 city areas of London. Because of his high is the London Eye the third-largest Ferris wheel in the world.
The 32 gondolas are almost completely formed of glass and can carry up to 25 people, who will enjoy a spectacular view over parts of London.
A ride during twilight or after dusk is especially beautiful, because the whole of London is beautiful by lights. You will see below the feet in blaze of lights shine the famous sights, how St. Pauli‘s Cathedral, Big Ben and the House of Parliament.

The wheel spins slowly and takes for a turn about 30-40 minutes. All in all the London Eye transports up to 800 passengers per turn.
The big wheel never stops moving, so the passengers have to get off during driving.

I personally think the wheel is a great sight of London.
And If I went to London , I would visit it.

Thank you for listening.

Now are there any questions?

Ich hoff, dass es jetzt einigermassen inordnung ist !!

Anmeldungsdatum: 17.03.2012
Beiträge: 5

BeitragVerfasst am: 24. März 2012 13:42    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

The London Eye

I’m going to talk about the London Eye.
I chose the tropic because I’m interested in sights and I wanted to know more about the sights of London.
I got the information from the internet and a guide book.
I divided my presentation into three parts.

1. The beginning of the Ferris Wheel
2. Why is London Eye famous ?
3. A turn with the wheel

To the first (1) point:
The beginning of the Ferris Wheel

The London Eye is the biggest Ferris wheel in Europe and was designed by architects David Marks and Julia Barfield. The wheel was
constructed in 1998. Because of a technical problem the opening times moved for visitors and opened in 2000 to celebrate the millennium.
The Eye was supposed to be open for a limited time of five years. But because of the great success it is still open.
It stands in the heart of London since 2000, right on the banks of the river Thames opposite Big Ben.

To the second (2) point:
Why is London Eye famous?

It has a height of 135 meters and its 32 capsules are a symbol of the 32 city areas of London. Because of his high is the London Eye the third-largest Ferris Wheel in the world.
The 32 gondolas are almost completely formed of glass and can carry up to 25 people, who will enjoy a spectacular view over parts of London.
A ride during twilight or after dusk is especially beautiful, because the whole of London is wonderful
by lights. You will see below the feet in blaze of lights shine the famous sights, how St. Pauli‘s Cathedral, Big Ben and the House of Parliament.

And to the last (3) point:
A turn with the wheel

The wheel spins slowly and takes for a turn about 30-40 minutes and a ride cost about 41 €.
All in all the London Eye transports up to 800 passengers per turn.
The big wheel never stops moving, so the passengers have to get off during driving.

I personally think the wheel is a great sight of London.
And If I went to London , I would visit it.

Thank you for listening.

Now are there any questions?

Anmeldungsdatum: 22.01.2005
Beiträge: 1140
Wohnort: München

BeitragVerfasst am: 24. März 2012 23:31    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Ist auf jeden Fall schon einmal sehr viel besser. Ein paar Anmerkungen (vorzugsweise zu den Dingen, die ich beim ersten Mal nicht verstanden habe) habe ich noch:

Globalisierung1 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
The London Eye

I’m going to talk about the London Eye.
I chose the tropic because I’m interested in sights and I wanted to know more about the sights of London.
I got the information from the internet and a guide book. Kleiner inhaltlicher Kommentar: "from the internet" ist so ähnlich wie: "irgendwo" - meiner Meinung nach solltest du präziser werden. Formal ist der Satz aber korrekt.
I divided my presentation into three parts.

1. The beginning of the Ferris Wheel
2. Why is London Eye famous ?
3. A turn with the wheel

To the first (1) point:
The beginning of the Ferris Wheel

The London Eye is the biggest Ferris wheel in Europe and was designed by architects David Marks and Julia Barfield. The wheel was
constructed in 1998. Because of a technical problem the wheel, originally meant to celebrate the millennium, was not opended until mid 2000. "Opening times" sind "Öffnungszeiten". Ich habe jetzt mal nachgeschaut, was du wohl meinst und das etwas umgeschrieben.
The Eye was supposed to be open for a limited time of five years. But because of the great success it is still open.
It stands in the heart of London since 2000, right on the banks of the river Thames opposite Big Ben.

To the second (2) point:
Why is London Eye famous?

It has a height of 135 meters and its 32 capsules are a symbol of the 32 city areas of London. Because of its height, the London Eye is the third-largest Ferris Wheel in the world. "Wegen seiner Höhe" ist im Grunde ein Nebensatz - daher muss danach wieder SVO folgen.
The 32 gondolas are almost completely made of glass and can carry up to 25 people, who will enjoy a spectacular view over parts of London.
A ride during twilight or at night is especially beautiful, because the whole of London is wonderful by lights. Da bin ich mit meinem eigenen Vorschlag (after dusk) nicht so zufrieden. Ist wohl richtig, aber so vielleicht schöner. "By lights" bereitet mir auch Bauchschmerzen, ich glaube, das geht so nicht. Vielleicht so etwas wie ".. is wonderfully illuminated by lights" oder "is wonderful when seen only in the light of streets and houses", auch wenn das alles nicht wirklich perfekt ist... Illuminated in a blaze of lights below your feet, you can see famous sights like St. Paul‘s Cathedral, Big Ben and the House of Parliament.
Ich glaube jetzt hier verstanden zu haben, was du wolltest. "How" heißt "wie" - aber niemals im Vergleichssinne (da immer "like") und die Satzstellung habe ich dann auch noch mal umgestellt. Sollte jetzt so ungefähr hinhauen.

And to the last (3) point:
A turn with the wheel

The wheel spins slowly and takes for a turn about 30-40 minutes and a ride cost about 41 €. Ich würde hier sagen: takes about 30-40 minutes for a turn.
All in all the London Eye transports up to 800 passengers per turn.
The big wheel never stops moving, so the passengers have to get off during driving.

I personally think the wheel is a great sight of London.
And If I went to London , I would visit it.

Thank you for listening.

Now are there any questions?

Anmeldungsdatum: 17.03.2012
Beiträge: 5

BeitragVerfasst am: 25. März 2012 13:24    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Also ich glaub jetzt muss es ganz okay sein Augenzwinkern muss ja nicht der brüller werden Big Laugh Ich danke dir Thumbs up! smile
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    Foren-Übersicht -> Englisch Grundstufe

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