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Anmeldungsdatum: 30.01.2005
Beiträge: 40

BeitragVerfasst am: 22. Feb 2005 12:17    Titel: Übersetzung richtig so? Antworten mit Zitat

also ich mal wieder:
Wieder eine Aufgabe zu "dead poets society" .
Die Aufgabe vor:
A summary of chapter 5:

Habe folgendes geschrieben, kann man noch was verbessern, sind Fehler drin, fehlt was, kann man etwas ergänzen? Bitte um Antworten.

The chapter 5 is subdivided in three passages.
Ad the first passages Todd scribbles "Seize the day" in big, black letters in his notebook. But he does not know how he can seize the day and starts to read in his history book.
The second passages is about the Danburys and Know Overstreet.
Know fall in love with a girl who is practically engaged to the son of his parent's friends.
The third passages is about Mr. Keating and his lesson:
Mr. Keating continues his teaching by instructing the class to rip out the pages of their books which describe a scientific way to determine the greatness of poetry with a coordinate system.
Keating says you can not measure poetry, you must feel it! And if you likes a poem, because of the language, it is enough in order to evaluate the poem and you do not need a meter scale.

und bitte noch das:
In the first passage of chapter five Todd scribbles "Seize the day" in big, black letters. But he asks howhe can seize the day and so he ripps the page out and throws it into the wastebasket.
In the second passage of chapter five Knox visits a girl and he is crazy about her. He tells his friends about the girl, but the say, thtat he should forget her.
And in the last passage of chapter five Mr. Keating orders for the students to rip a page out, which shows how you can measure poetry, but you can not measure it, you must feel!

Gruss teddy

BeitragVerfasst am: 22. Feb 2005 14:31    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Also der erste Satz das heißt "at" und nicht "ad". Besser wäre hier sogar in.

The second passages is about the Danburys and Know Overstreet.


The second "passage is" about the Danburys and Know Overstreet.


The second "passages are" about the Danburys and Know Overstreet.

Know fall in love with a girl who is practically engaged to the son of his parent's friends. ---> Ich glaube das muss "knowing" heißen, bin mir aber net sicher!

And if you likes a poem. ---> Ohne das "s" (like)

Anmeldungsdatum: 30.01.2005
Beiträge: 40

BeitragVerfasst am: 22. Feb 2005 17:21    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Danke und der zweite Text in quote? smile

BeitragVerfasst am: 22. Feb 2005 17:30    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

In the first passage of chapter five Todd scribbles "Seize the day" in big, black letters. But he asks how he can seize the day and so he ripps the page out and throws it into the wastebasket.
In the second passage of chapter five Knox visits a girl and he is crazy about her. He tells his friends about the girl, but the say, thtat he should forget her.
And in the last passage of chapter five Mr. Keating orders for the students to rip a page out, which shows how you can measure poetry, but you can not measure it, you must feel!

He tells his friends about the girl, but "they" say, "that" he should forget her. --> Ich glaube hast dich nur verschrieben!

Mr. Keating invite the students to rip a page out

BeitragVerfasst am: 22. Feb 2005 19:28    Titel: Re: Übersetzung richtig so? Antworten mit Zitat

A summary of chapter 5:

The chapter 5 is subdivided in three passages.
IN the first passage Todd scribbles "Seize the day" in big, black letters in his notebook. But he does not know how he can seize the day and starts to read in his history book.
The second passage is about the Danburys and KnoX Overstreet.
KnoX fallS in love with a girl who is practically engaged to the son of his parents' friends.
The third passage is about Mr. Keating and his lesson:
Mr. Keating continues his teaching by instructing the class to rip out the pages of their books which describe a scientific way to determine the greatness of poetry BY a coordinate system.
Keating says POETRY can not BE MEASURED BY MATHEMATICAL RULES, you must feel it! And if you like a poem because of the language, it is enough in order to evaluate the poem and you do not need a meter scale.

In the first passage of chapter five Todd scribbles "Seize the day" in big, black letters. But he asks how he can seize the day and so he rips out the page and throws it into the wastebasket.
In the second passage of chapter five Knox visits a girl and he is crazy about her. He tells his friends about the girl, but theY say, thtat he should forget ABOUT her.
And in the last passage of chapter five Mr. Keating tells the students to rip out the pages, which show how POETRY CAN BE MEASURED, but POETRY can not BE measureD, you must feel it!

Hab leider keine Zeit, irgendwelche ERgänzungen dazu zu schreiben, hab nur die Fehler ausgebessert. smile

lg kiki

BeitragVerfasst am: 22. Feb 2005 19:30    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Hab einen Fehler noch übersehen:

cannot - muss zusammen geschrieben werden.

lg kiki

Anmeldungsdatum: 30.01.2005
Beiträge: 40

BeitragVerfasst am: 22. Feb 2005 19:35    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Super, vielen Dank. smile

Vielleicht hast du in den nächsten 2 Tagen noch Zeit wichtige Ergänzungen zu schreiben, oder ist das so im Großen und Ganzen in Ordnung? Danke smile

Danke auch an CrunkMuzik.

Letzte Frage, hast du im anderen Thread gelesen, dass ich dir gerne eine Mail schicken würde. Kannst du mir mal deine addy zu schicken oder mir eine Mail schreiben?
Wäre super.

[email protected]
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