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BeitragVerfasst am: 25. Nov 2005 19:04    Titel: Übersetzung Antworten mit Zitat

bitte, bitte, schaut mal nach, ob in meiner Übersetzung irgentwelche Fehler sind. Ist wirklich sehr wichtig.
danke im voraus.

The bears, with their scientific name Ursidae, are a family of mammals and beasts of prey. They are the biggest Land beasts of prey.
The great bears divides in 8 species :
-the biggest are the Brown bears, which live in the woodlands of north America, Asia and in some areas of Europe. In every region the brown bears have different fur colours and names. In America they are called Grizzly bears, in the east of Russia Kamtschakas and in Alaska Kodiak bears.
-the second-biggest species is the heavy polar bear.
-black bears, which not only black, but also have different colours like the brown bears, live in the USA and Canada.
-collar bears got their weird names, because they have very much hair on their shoulders, necks, nape of the necks and a white V or Y on the breast .They are in the hardwood- and mixed forests of central- and east Asia at home.
-in the rainforests of India were very much lip bears, but now their just in east India and Sri Lanka. With their long snout ,their marked lips and their long tongue they can catch insects very good.
-the smallest species is the Malay bears. Just a few of these bears survive and live in the tropical rainforests of south-east Asia now.
-the threaten spectacles bears settle the mountain woodlands in the north Andes of south America. They got their names, because of their bright circles around their eyes, which remind of glasses.
-the raring Panda bears live in the bamboo forests of China.
And very much years ago, there were the den bears, which already die out.

The biology of the bears
Bears live in most different habitats, from the drift ice of the Arctic, over the woodlands of the moderate latitude to the tropical rainforest. But most of the big land beasts of prey are in the north hemisphere at home. In south Africa somebody found some fossils, but in Australia never were bears.

Bears have very much same marks: for example the big, strong body, tight fur, a long snout and a tail.

Und die Sätze :Ihre stämmigen Beine enden in breiten Tatzen mit langen, gebogenen, nicht einziehbaren Krallen. Alle Bären verfügen über das Gebiss und Verdauungssystem eines typischen Fleischfressers. Dennoch sind die massigen Tiere äußerst ungewöhnliche Fleischfresser, da sie sich überwiegend von pflanzlicher Kost ernähren.

kann ich irgentwie nicht übersezten. Kann mir jemand helfen?
Bitte Hilfe traurig

BeitragVerfasst am: 25. Nov 2005 21:10    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Also ich habs mir jetzt nciht durchgelesen, aber die Sätze hab ich dir übersetzt. Grammatikalische Fehler erkennen, da bin ich nicht so gut drinnen Augenzwinkern

Hier die Sätze:
Their sturdy legs end in broad paws with long, turned, not retractable claws. All bears have the teeth and digestion system of a typical carnivore. The massive animals nevertheless are extremely unusual carnivores since they live on vegetable food predominantly.

Hoff, ich hab dir helfen können Augenzwinkern


BeitragVerfasst am: 29. Nov 2005 15:50    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Vielen, vielen Dank Alex Mit Zunge
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