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Nur kurz mal drüber schauen!?
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Anmeldungsdatum: 06.07.2008
Beiträge: 10

BeitragVerfasst am: 06. Jul 2008 12:16    Titel: Nur kurz mal drüber schauen!? Antworten mit Zitat

Hi, das sollte ABI Niveau sein. Wenn jemand einfach nur drüber schauen bezüglich gramma und Gültigkeit....

Danke euch vielmals:

Dear Mother,
I know it has been a while since we spoke to each other. For that reason and a secondary I have decided to write some lines about my recent life. Our life is quite nice to us in anyway. Ben is doing well with his carrier and I do not see an end of the ladder he is climbing up. I am very productive on my own work too. Right now I have been finishing my second book and with some luck it will have a bigger impact on the market than the first one. I cannot wait for your feedback.
The second reason for this letter is this: “Hi Mrs. Beautiful!” Do you remember this? It is really funny to imagine your face right now. I know how much you hated him for this. However, I met Charlie at the annual Thin-k-Conference, can you believe it? He became a writer too. I was watching the people there as he asked me from behind: “How is Mrs. Beautiful?” It was really fun to meet him again after 20 years. Unbelievable how time worked on his face.
It is 2 p.m. and we had dinner at my place a short while ago. We have not slept for straight 40 hours and now there is a project we made up. Therefore we will visit you next week but I will call you in this respect.
But for now I will catch some sleep. Goodnight!

With best regards,
Your Daughter
It was Friday evening and my dad was about to get home from work. It was his 58th birthday. I am living approximately 600 km away from Home at the moment so we had planed to celebrate on iChat at 7pm. He was really pleased to see my boyfriend and me and enjoyed his birthday present. Then my Mother asked us suddenly what we had decided to give Julia as birthday present this evening later on. Now it ran all through my mind. We had tried to figure out the perfect gift for her and forget that her birthday party is set on the same day as my Dads. We had to stop the chat to use the 3 hours left. Ben, my boyfriend, asked me whether I could remember what she had liked most of her presents last year. Not a tough question when you know Julia. She likes food and the last thing you are not able to have enough of are birthday cakes on a birthday party.
We had better checked the watch because it was already 8.30 pm and we stand in front of the stores closed doors. But it turned out that the failure with the store was not worthless at all. Already on the way home I heard a familiar sound of a starting engine. It was the sound of mike’s Smart who is a cook and also a friend of mine. We were really glad to run into him and to cut a long story short he got all we needed for the cake, especially time to help us.
We managed to get to the party in time with a professional, perfect, still warm cake. After telling the story she declared it as the perfect gift with the words: “I am really looking forward for the perfect gift next year but you would better be quick!”.

Anmeldungsdatum: 04.06.2008
Beiträge: 34

BeitragVerfasst am: 06. Jul 2008 18:12    Titel: Re: Nur kurz mal drüber schauen!? Antworten mit Zitat

Aly hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Dear Mother,
I know it has been a while since we spoke to each otherthus I have decided to write some lines about my recent life.warum denn "our" du wolltest doch über dein leben schreiben Life is going on quite nice for Ben and me at the moment. Ben is doing well with his carrier and I do not see an end of the ladder he is climbing up. I am very productive on my own work, too. Right now I just finished my second book and with some luck it will have a bigger impact on the market than the first one. I can not wait for your feedback.
Do you remember this: “Hi Mrs. Beautiful!” ? It is really funny imagining your face right now. I know how much you hated him for this. However, I met Charlie at the annual Thin-k-Conference, can you believe it? He became a writer too. I was watching the people there when he asked me from behind: “How is Mrs. Beautiful?” It was really nice (fun war schon ein bissal oft) to meet him again after 20 years. It's unbelievable how time worked on his face.
It is 2 p.m. and we had dinner at my place a short while ago. We have not slept for 40 hours and now there is a project we made up because of which we will visit you next week. I will also call you about it before we meet!
But for now I will catch some sleep. Goodnight!

Your Daughter

Generell ein sehr gut geschriebener Brief, achte nur ein bisschen mehr auf Kleinigkeiten! z.b. mit "best regards" verabschiedet man sich net von seiner Mutter in einem Brief...
It was Friday evening and my dad was about to get home from work. It was his 58th birthday. At the moment (place before time)I am living approximately 600 km away from home so we had planed to celebrate on iChat at 7pm. He was really pleased to see my boyfriend and me and enjoyed his birthday present. Then my Mother asked us suddenly what we had decided to give Julia as a birthday present later this evening. Now it all came to my mind. We had tried to figure out the perfect gift for her and forgot that her birthday party is set on the same day as my Dads. We had to stop the chat to use the 3 hours we had left. Ben, my boyfriend, asked me if I could remember which she liked most of her presents last year. Not a tough question when you know Julia. She likes food and for herthe only thing you just can not have enough of are birthday cakes on a birthday party.
We had better checked the watch because it was already 8.30 pm thus the store we went to was already closed. But it turned out that the incident with the store was not worthless at all. Already on the way home I heard the familiar sound of a starting engine. It was the sound of Mike’s Smart who is a cook and also a friend of mine. We were really glad to run into him and to cut a long story short he had all we needed for the cake, especially time to help us.
We managed to get to the party in time with a professionally made, perfect, still warm cake. After telling the story she declared it as the perfect gift by saying: “I am really looking forward to the perfect gift next year! But better be quicker the next time, guys!”.

Dein Englisch ist an sich sehr gut. Du solltest allerdings nochmal sehr gründlich über deine Zeiten und Formen gehen, da die einfach essentiell im Englischen sind. Wenn die nicht stimmen, macht ein ganzer Satz plötzlich keinen Sinn mehr. Ebenso gib acht, wenn du Wörter aus nem Wörterbuch rausschreibst, dass sie den gewünschten Effekt haben!

Anmeldungsdatum: 06.07.2008
Beiträge: 10

BeitragVerfasst am: 06. Jul 2008 21:49    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Hi Native,
danke für die nette Kritik. Da ich schon immer ne Niete in Englisch war, tat das richtig gut Tanzen

Ich muss noch einen größeren Text verfassen, morgen. Den will ich auch mal "drüber geschaut haben"; dieses mal mit Fokus auf die Zeiten!
Mit Formen meintest du Wort-Kontext-Konstellationen?


Anmeldungsdatum: 04.06.2008
Beiträge: 34

BeitragVerfasst am: 13. Jul 2008 16:15    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

immer gerne smile

mit formen meinte ich das konjugieren von verben!
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