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Könnte bitte jemand Korrektur lesen!?
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Anmeldungsdatum: 03.11.2005
Beiträge: 20

BeitragVerfasst am: 03. Nov 2005 11:35    Titel: Könnte bitte jemand Korrektur lesen!? Antworten mit Zitat

Hi ihr!
Ich habe gerade meinen Text für die Eurocom-Präsentation geschrieben...naja, irgendwie kann ich das nicht. Naja. Würde mich deswegen freuen, wenn jemand oder auch ein paar mal Korrektur-Lesen würden!? Ist wirklich, wirklich wichtig!!
Auf die Kommaregelung braucht ihr keine Rücksicht nehmen.
Danke schonmal.

The Age of Enlightenment

At the beginning of the 18th century a new kind of thinking come into existence in Europe. This kind of thinking went out from England, France, Germany and Poland and was called the enlightenment. The most important principle of the age of enlightenment said that the rationality can bring the truth to the light.

Philosophy in the age of enlightenment
Now the rationality should be more important than the belief and one went away from the Bible to experience the life with the senses and critical thinking. The people saw the progress of other cultures and were not sure any more if the Christianity is really the only true religion. One became more tolerant and that was good for the freedom of religion. Now the value of the people hadn’t to do with the religion or the social background any more.
Also the education became much more important.

Literature and art
One thought that the art is the best way to explain the people the thoughts of the enlightenment. It’s for everybody something beautiful and so it also should make it easier for the people to work up the ideas of the enlightenment.
Also the literature should help to form the people, to educate and also to entertain. The people had enough of courtly literature and so literary societies were etablished. But only a small part of the population could read and the people who could read read only the Bible and other religious scripts. So the writers had to bring the people to read the “beautiful literature”. The weekly newspapers were very important for that because they opened the people for new forms and contents.
The age of the enlightenment consequently was also the beginning of the current literary market.

The developments during the enlightenment in Europe also had effects on the epochs afterwards. Now the people wanted to be able to express their opinion freely and wanted to take part in politics. Discussions went over in revolts and wars and smoothed the way into French and English revolution as well as the fight for independence of the United States of America.

BeitragVerfasst am: 06. Nov 2005 15:53    Titel: Re: Könnte bitte jemand Korrektur lesen!? Antworten mit Zitat

Ich schreib einfach mal dazu was ich verbessern würde! Hoffe dir bringts was!

At the beginning of the 18th century a new kind of thinking come into existence in Europe. This kind of thinking went out from England, France, Germany and Poland and was called the enlightenment. The most important principle of the age of enlightenment said that the rationality can bring the truth to the light. way of thinking developed/arose....This way of thinking came from/proceeded from...

Philosophy in the age of enlightenment
Now the rationality should be more important than the belief and one went away from the Bible to experience the life with the senses and critical thinking. The people saw the progress of other cultures and were not sure any more if the Christianity is really the only true religion. One became more tolerant and that was good for the freedom of religion. Now the value of the people hadn’t to do with the religion or the social background any more.
Also the education became much more important.

Ich weiß nicht, ob das Wort rationality überhaupt existiert, aber wenn du hier Vernunft meinst, dann hätte ich "reason" oder "common sense" genommen. Ansonsten, glaube ich, ist sowohl "rationality" als auch "belief", "life", "people", "Christianity" und "education" hier ein abstrakter Ausdruck und wird, weil es nicht näher bestimmt ist, ohne Artikel geschrieben.
Now common sense was to be more important than belief and more and more people dissociated themselves from the Bible to experience life with reason and critical thinking. Seeing the progress of other cultures, they were not sure anymore wheter Christianity really was the only true religion. Everyone became more tolerant and that was an improvement for the freedom of religion. At that point, the value of human beings hadn't got anything to do with/didn't depend on their religion or their social background anymore. Education also became more important.

Literature and art
One thought that the art is the best way to explain the people the thoughts of the enlightenment. It’s for everybody something beautiful and so it also should make it easier for the people to work up the ideas of the enlightenment.
Also the literature should help to form the people, to educate and also to entertain. The people had enough of courtly literature and so literary societies were etablished. But only a small part of the population could read and the people who could read read only the Bible and other religious scripts. So the writers had to bring the people to read the “beautiful literature”. The weekly newspapers were very important for that because they opened the people for new forms and contents.
The age of the enlightenment consequently was also the beginning of the current literary market.

"art", "people", "literature", "enlightenment" ist hier wiederum ein abstrakter Begriff.
Some/Most/Many thought that art was the best way to explain to people the thoughts of enlightenment/ to make the thoughts of enlightenment accessible to people as it is something beautiful for everybody. Thus it was supposed to make it easier for them to work out those new thoughts themselves. The literature, too, should help to form people by educating and entertaining them.(den nächsten satz verstehe ich nicht so ganz aber ich interpretiere ihn einfach mal...)People were fed up with courtly literature and thus literary societies were established. But only......and those who could were only interested in the Bible and other religious scripts. Because of that, writers had to persuade/animate people to read the "beautiful literature". In this effort, weekly newspapers were very supportive, because they made people open for new forms and contents(was du mit new forms and contents meinst ist mir nicht so ganz klar, vielleicht solltest du das noch irgendwie anders schreiben...).Consequently, the

The developments during the enlightenment in Europe also had effects on the epochs afterwards. Now the people wanted to be able to express their opinion freely and wanted to take part in politics. Discussions went over in revolts and wars and smoothed the way into French and English revolution as well as the fight for independence of the United States of America.

"people"...glaub ich brauchs nicht mehr zu sagen Augenzwinkern
Discussions ended up well as into the fight for independence..

Soo...das wärs dann...hoffe ich konnte dir helfen und es ist nicht alles falsch was ich geschrieben hab...

greets Yellow


Anmeldungsdatum: 05.10.2005
Beiträge: 27

BeitragVerfasst am: 06. Nov 2005 15:55    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Ach nöö ich war nicht eingeloggt...sorry
Also das war von mir...

Greets Yellow

Anmeldungsdatum: 03.11.2005
Beiträge: 20

BeitragVerfasst am: 06. Nov 2005 18:37    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Wirklich vielen, vielen Dank für die Hilfe...! Hat mir echt was gebracht, thx!!

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