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Bitte um Textkorrektur, Characterisation
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Anmeldungsdatum: 09.12.2012
Beiträge: 2

BeitragVerfasst am: 30. Dez 2012 14:44    Titel: Bitte um Textkorrektur, Characterisation Antworten mit Zitat

Meine Frage:
Hallo! Wäre super wenn ihr mir diesen Text kontrollieren würdet, hab ihn nicht ganz selbst geschrieben sondern nur einiges hinzugefügt und umgeändert und einige Stellen kommen mir ziemlich falsch vor.

Through the novel Will experiences a change from a carefree, selfish and superficial single guy behaving like a teenager to a sensitive, understanding and loving man in a relationship. At the beginning of the novel Will's original philosophy is: One (=me) is plenty; two (me+partner ) is risky and can lead to pain; three ( couple + child) leads to disaster.
His life is empty, superficial and useless. He has no job, no family, no real friends and therefore no real life. Besides that Will uses to have a various short-term girlfriends and he thinks that there is no real sense in building up a family and settle down. The famous song "Santa Super Sleigh" is written by his father. Therefore he never had to worry about money. But actually Will hates this song and blames it for his fahter's misery because he couldn't handle the success. Nevertheless Will is proud of the way he has divided the time when other people are normally ar work. He spends his days watching TV, listening music, shopping and dating women.. Will thinks about ideals when it comes to women and lifestyle. He suspects that lifestyles that are different from his end up in chaos and unhapiness. However he does not be seen as a loser because he has not really achieved anything in life yet. Sometimes Will is really bothered when he thinks of his uninteresting and more or less boring life.

Will's attitude towards life lets him keep any sorts of emotions, commitment and problems out of his everyday life and he thinks that you could shut life out.
At a SPAT meeting Will meets Marcus and with the development of a friendship between them Will starts changing more and more. The more efforts he puts in the friendship with Marcus the more Will become honest, compossionate and humane.
Marcus brings a reason and a goal to his life.
When he meets Rachel he starts to betray his ideals. Realizing that he starts to fall in love with her he begins to imagine how it would be to settle down and have a family.
In the end Will is finally aware of the fact that you cannot shut life out. The friendship with Marcus and the relationship with Rachel have changed Will's life forever. Now, he caers about other people and for the first time he lakes responsibility for his actions. His life is not uninteresting and useless anymore and he feels that he acutally serves some purpose in people's life.

Und könnte ihr mir bitte auch sagen wo ich noch linking words einbauen könnte?

Meine Ideen:
Der erste Satz wirkt für mich nicht korrekt:
Through the novel Will experiences a change from a carefree, selfish and superficial single guy behaving like a teenager to a sensitive, understanding and loving man in a relationship.

Kann man hier "experiences" sagen? und heißt es nicht "single guy who behaving like a teenager"?

Nevertheless Will is proud of the way he has divided the time when other people are normally ar work. He spends his days watching TV, listening music, shopping and dating women.

bei diesem Satz... glaub ich gehört "listening to music" oder?

However he does not be seen as a loser because he has not really achieved anything in life yet

"does not be seen"... hört sich für mich irgendwie komisch an?

Danke für eure Hilfe!

BeitragVerfasst am: 31. Dez 2012 10:22    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Der erste Satz wirkt für mich nicht korrekt:

In the course of the novel Will experiences a change from a carefree, selfish and superficial single guy behaving like a teenager to a sensitive, understanding and loving man in a relationship.

Kann man hier "experiences" sagen? und heißt es nicht "single guy who behaving like a teenager"?

Nevertheless Will is proud of the way he divides time while other people are normally at work. He spends his days watching TV, listening to music, shopping and dating women.

bei diesem Satz... glaub ich gehört "listening to music" oder? Richtig.

However he is not considered a loser although he has not really achieved anything in life yet

"does not be seen"... hört sich für mich irgendwie komisch an?


Anmeldungsdatum: 21.01.2013
Beiträge: 9

BeitragVerfasst am: 22. Jan 2013 14:30    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Also den ersten Satz kann man genau so stehen lassen. der wirkt zwar sehr verschachtelt,aber er ist stimmig. Und ja genau, es heißt listening to music! Und das "not be seen" ist auch definitv an der richtigen Stelle. Das hört sich etwas hocgestochen an,ist aber rchtige englische Grammatik :-) Im nächsten Fall schreibst du vielleicht einfach deinen eigenen Text :-
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