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Englische Paragrafen schreiben... Bitte Korrigieren
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Anmeldungsdatum: 28.11.2010
Beiträge: 63
Wohnort: Tirol

BeitragVerfasst am: 17. Mai 2011 12:10    Titel: Englische Paragrafen schreiben... Bitte Korrigieren Antworten mit Zitat

Meine Frage:
ich muss hier paragraphs schreiben... Dies müssen von den Eltern korrigiert werden.
Meine Mutter kann aber leider kein Englisch.
Wäre lieb wenn es jemand machen könnte! smile
Liebe Grüße

Tabelle zum Korigieren:

1. Is the first word of the paragraph indented?
2. Does each sentence begin with a capital letter?
3. Does each sentence have the correct end punctuation?
4. Are any words misspelled?
5. Reread the paragraph. Are any words left out?
6. Reread the topic sentence. Do all the other sentences tell about it?

With the topic sentence that is given, write a paragraph of least three sentences.

Opening my lunchbox one day, I found a pleasant surprise.
There was a little message from my dear mother inside.
It sais: Have a nice day! Love Mother.
It was a friendly gesture from her.

With the topic sentence that is given, write a paragraph of at least five sentences.

If I were a peacock, would I be proud?
I think God wants us not to be proud.
And if I were a peacock it would be a temptation
for me to be proud. But I tink a peacock isn't
proud. To be proud is a human problem.
God has to help me to be not proud.

With the topic sentece and ending sentence given, write an interesting paragraph of at least four sentences.

My office is not like any other office in the
Learning Center.
It is clean and tidy. On the right wall I have
a picture from my cat and on the left one
of my parents. On my desk are my
PACE's, my pencil and my rubber. There
also is a painting of my little brother.

You might say my office is just like home.

Complete the topic sentence given, and write an interesting paragraph of at least five sentences.
Restate the topic in the last sentence.

My favorite place to play is
in the garden.
I like to sit in the green gras, to run
over the race and to feel the cool
gras at my feet. To play under a tree
is also great. You can make a "house"
and can cook etc.
In the garden you very good can play
tag or someting else.
To play in the garden is very funny!

Using your best handwriting and what you have just learned about writing paragraphs, select one
of the topic sentences below and write an interesting paragraph of at least five sentences.

The most exciting day of my life was .

The most exciting day of my life was September 11, 2010.
Why? Because there was my baptice. It was such a wonderful
day for me. I gave my live to Jesus and I was submerged.
It is exciting to live with Christ and to follow him!

Meine Ideen:

Anmeldungsdatum: 22.01.2005
Beiträge: 1140
Wohnort: München

BeitragVerfasst am: 17. Mai 2011 21:49    Titel: Re: Englische Paragrafen schreiben... Bitte Korrigieren Antworten mit Zitat

ruri14 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Meine Frage:

Opening my lunchbox one day, I found a pleasant surprise.
There was a little message from my dear mother inside.
It said: Have a nice day! Love Mother.
It was a friendly gesture from her.

If I were a peacock, would I be proud?
I think God wants us not to be proud.
And if I were a peacock it would be a temptation
for me to be proud. But I think a peacock isn't
proud. Pride is a human problem.
God has to help me not to be proud. Ach ja, die katholische Schule Big Laugh

My office is not like any other office in the
Learning Center.
It is clean and tidy. On the right wall I have
a picture of my cat and on the left one
of my parents. "from" hieße hier wohl eher "bekommen von der Katze" On my desk are my
PACE's, my pencil and my rubber. There
also is a painting of my little brother.

You might say my office is just like home.

My favorite place to play is
in the garden.
I like to sit on the green grass, to run over the race and to feel the cool grass at my feet. "race" ist nicht "Rasen", falls du das meinst... Da wohl eher "lawn" Playing under a tree is also great. You can make a "house" and you can cook, etc. In the garden you can play tag or someting else very well.
To play in the garden is very funny!

The most exciting day of my life was September 11, 2010.
Why? Because I was baptised on this day. It was such a wonderful day for me. I gave my live to Jesus and I was submerged.
It is exciting to live with Christ and to follow him!

So, habe das markiert, was mir aufgefallen ist. Vielleicht hilft's.

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