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BeitragVerfasst am: 06. März 2006 19:45    Titel: Comment - Australia Antworten mit Zitat

Hallo, benötige dringend Hilfe was meine Ausdrucksweise im Englischen betrifft.

Hatte letztens nen Comment geschrieben der schon recht lang geworden ist Rolling Eyes
Nunja wäre net ma was dann zu hören Smile


In the article: „Noble savages“ written by an unknown author and published The Sunday Telegraph, London, 17 September 2000 deals with the discrimination of the minority of Australia. The Aboriginals. They only serve the government to make Australia popular in all the world. For example to lure tourists and promote the economy.

Some people say that while Aborigines were used to sell Australia to foreigners, they were never used in domestic advertisements.
I agree with those people, because it is not the right to use the Aboriginals only for commercial tacks. So it’s discriminatory.

However there are a lot of arguments that do not support my point of view. The Aborigines have no work and also they don’t get decent jobs because they haven’t the same skin colour like the other Australians and they have another religion and rituals. For example the government don’t accept these things and through it the Aborigines are discriminated and become minority.
The Aboriginals are equally abuse by white Australians when they fulfil their economic interests by help of the Aborigines because in certain wisely the white Australians are depend on the help of Aborigines for example they make Australia popular in all the world and increase the economy and the pay down of tourists.
One of the biggest differences between Aborigines and white Australians is that there are 17 times more likely to be arrested as an Aborigine because to the one there is the Poverty which forces the Aborigines to steal food. So the reason for this is to be connected with the argument that there are no jobs and through it no money to buy food for example for the family and for himself.
The life expectancy is 12 years less than other Australians because that comes through the poverty in the families an the starve of the Aboriginals is very big. For example they are just sitting around and are completely dependent on government handouts.
1 % of Qantas’s work force is Aborigine because the most employers object at the skin colour and therefore they can never get a job like the most employers which can’t trust in the Aborigines and their foreign rituals.
So the 52 million Euro is spent by tourists in Australia, but the Aborigines don’t profit from this money, because Taiwan, Korea and English backpackers produce the traditional items like didgeridoo etc. Because the people wants to save her money than to buy original items.
For example the Aborigines have to demand more money to finance their work.

On the other hand there are a lot of arguments that support my point of view.
The Aborigines plays a central role in “selling Australia”. For example they help to make Australia popular in all the world to promote the tourism and economy.
There are also some employers which respect the skin colour of the Aborigines and see just a human being.

To sum up and make the point I come to the conclusion that the statement is right because it seems to me that the white Australians the Aborigines just see as a minority which has no rights earned. But that shouldn’t be right way. If the government and the white Australians not finally change their attitude opposite the minority there won’t be any more Aborigines someday in Australia.

BeitragVerfasst am: 07. März 2006 16:20    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Hallo noche einer da ?
könnt ihr nicht wenigstens bei den ersten paar sätzen mal nach fehlern schauen ? würde mir sehr helfen smile
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