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BeitragVerfasst am: 02. Jan 2006 14:57    Titel: Korrektur Antworten mit Zitat

Könnte bitte jjemand meine 1000 Fehler im Text berichtigen^^"... ich will nicht immer meine Eltern damit belästigen, also belästige ich euch^^.


Halloween is a weird festival of witches, ghosts, bogeys and black cats. But it’s also a time for candies and pumpkins. In particular children look towards to Halloween. On this day they dress funny or weird costumes, go down the streets and ring the bells of many houses. If somebody open the door they shout “Trick or Treat” for earning candies which they collect in their bags. There’s no limit to the children’s costumes. Pirates and princess, witches and monsters, ghosts and zombies, all are knocking on the neighbours doors.
But also many grown ups celebrate Halloween. They masquerade as important personalities and visit masked-balls. Teenagers have fun at fancy-dress parties in school where is important to wear a fancy costume. So Halloween is an event for young and old.
But the Americans have also to count with some tricks like bowled over bins or soaped cars if they refuse to open their doors when the children ring. So it’s a bad idea to give them no candies. But a few people use Halloween also to collect money for a good aim.
Another tradition is to decorate houses and gardens a few weeks before the 31. October. The decoration consist often of garlands of weird beings and pumpkin lanterns.
The convention to carve faces into pumpkins came from a legend of Ireland. The legend tells us of a man who is called Jack. Jack was so avaricious that it wasn’t possible that he would come after his death in heaven but it was also impossible that he would come into hell. He would even play tricks on the devil. So he had to straggle forever and for always with his lantern through the world.
The Irishmen carved wicked faces into potatoes which should remember at Jack. When Irish immigrants brought this tradition to the U.S.A. the Americans carved the faces instead in potatoes in pumpkins. Today the orange vegetable in a window of a house means that the children would get candies if they knock on the door. The orange colour have also become a symbol of Halloween. Another colour of this day is black. Probably because the festival is celebrate in the afternoon. But they are anymore symbols. For example witches, black cats, ghosts, and skeletons because the festival has to do with the expulsion of wicked ghosts. So you can see this symbols as decoration in American houses and gardens, at postcards and as Halloween costumes.

BeitragVerfasst am: 03. Jan 2006 16:34    Titel: Korrigierung Antworten mit Zitat

Also zuerst muss ich mal zugeben, dass Dir der Text sehr gut gelungen ist...

Aber dennoch habe ich zwei Fehler entdeckt, also

erstens: Du hast ,,Another tradition is to decorate houses and gardens a few weeks before the 31. October." geschrieben, wobei ich meine, dass ,,October" klein geschrieben wird.

Zweitens (das ist kein Fehler in dem Sinne, aber man könnte es besser schreiben) : Du hast ,,But they are anymore symbols. For example witches, black cats, ghosts, and skeletons because the ..." geschrieben und anstatt ,,anymore" könntest Du auch ,,muchmore" hinschreiben, denn es hört sich einfach viel besser an.

Ach und das Du Deine Eltern damit nicht belästigen willst....

Ich kan es mir sehr gut vorstellen, dass du dann immre ein schlechtes Gewissen hast, aber das sind nun mal Deine Eltern und ich glaube nicht, dass sie sich belästigt fühlen Big Laugh

Dann noch viel Spaß mit Deinem Text Wink

BeitragVerfasst am: 05. Jan 2006 15:13    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Ich melde mich ein bisschen spät^^"... naja, egal. Ich wollte mich nur noch mal bei dir bedanken Big Laugh !!! Und das mit meinem Eltern hat nur mit meiner unglaublich guten Erziehung und meiner riesigen Portion Höflichkeit zu tun Big Laugh !!! Nochmal Danke,


BeitragVerfasst am: 10. Jan 2006 19:19    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

hey, ich weiß nicht ob dus noch bruachst, aber ich hab noch ein paar kleine sachen:
if somebody opens the door they shout "trick or treat"...
(3. person singular)

teenagers have fun at fancy-dress parties in school where it is important... (it fehlt Augenzwinkern )

jack was so avaricous that it wasn't possivle to come in heaven after his death but it was...
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