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Richtig gelöst?
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Anmeldungsdatum: 25.11.2012
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 25. Nov 2012 12:16    Titel: Richtig gelöst? Antworten mit Zitat

Meine Frage:
1. Put in the correct prepositions.

in, into, of, to

May I introduce Mr. Summers ... you?
I'm ... deep sea diving.
What industry are you ...?
There are no prospects ... promotion.

2. Cross out the incorrect alternative.

What/Which are you doing job-wise?

I visit/attend vocational school two days a week.

Have you met/ Did you meet Mr. Cole yesterday?

I am training as an insurance clerk/ insurance clerk.

I am in the catering branch/industry.

He works as programmer/ a programmer.

I do much/ a lot of swimming.

I am/ was born on 23 March 1984.

3. Translate the questions into English.

Machst du eine Ausbildung als Industriekaufmann?

Wer möchte gern Kauffrau für Bürokommunikation werden?

Interessieren Sie sich nicht für Computerspiele?

Hast du dich schon um eine Stelle beworben?

Müssen Sie an diesem Ausbildungsprogramm teilnehmen?

Wofür interessierst du dich besonders?

Ich habe mich mit diesen Aufgaben beschäftigt, dennoch bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher. Vielleicht könnten Sie mir helfen?
Vielen Dank im Voraus.

Meine Ideen:

May I introduce Mr. Summers to you?
I'm in deep sea diving.
What industry are you into?
There are no prospects of promotion.


What are you doing job-wise?
I attend vocational school two days a week.
Have you met Mr. Cole yesterday?
I am training as an insurance clerk.
I am in the catering industry.
He works as a programmer.
I do much swimming.
I was born on 23 March 1984.


Do you do an apprenticeship as an industrial clerk?
Who wants to become a management assistant in office communication?
Are you not interested in computer games?
Have you ever applied for a job?
Must you take part in this training program?
What are you interested particularly in?

Anmeldungsdatum: 07.05.2012
Beiträge: 31

BeitragVerfasst am: 27. Nov 2012 08:34    Titel: Re: Richtig gelöst? Antworten mit Zitat


May I introduce Mr. Summers to you?
I'm [color=red]into[/color] deep sea diving.
What industry are you [color=red]in?[/color]
There are no prospects of promotion.


What [color=darkred]do you do[/color] job-wise?
I attend vocational school two days a week.
[color=darkred]Did you meet [/color]Mr. Cole yesterday?
I am training as an insurance clerk.
I am in the catering industry.
He works as a programmer.
I [color=red]do a lot of[/color] swimming.
I was born on 23 March 1984.


Do you do an apprenticeship as an industrial clerk?
Who wants to become a management assistant in office communication?
Are you not interested in computer games?
Have you [color=red]already[/color] applied for a job?
Do you have to take part in this training program?
What are [color=red]you particularly interested[/color] in?[/quote]

Anmeldungsdatum: 07.05.2012
Beiträge: 31

BeitragVerfasst am: 27. Nov 2012 08:37    Titel: Re: Richtig gelöst? Antworten mit Zitat


May I introduce Mr. Summers to you?
I'm [color=red]into[/color] deep sea diving.
What industry are you [color=red]in?[/color]
There are no prospects of promotion.


What [color=darkred]do you do[/color] job-wise?
I attend vocational school two days a week.
[color=darkred]Did you meet [/color]Mr. Cole yesterday?
I am training as an insurance clerk.
I am in the catering industry.
He works as a programmer.
I [color=red]do a lot of[/color] swimming.
I was born on 23 March 1984.


Are you doing an apprenticeship as an industrial clerk?
Who wants to become a management assistant in office communication?
Are you not interested in computer games?
Have you [color=red]already[/color] applied for a job?
Do you have to take part in this training program?
What are [color=red]you particularly interested[/color] in?[/quote]
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