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English präsentation
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Anmeldungsdatum: 09.05.2011
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 11. Mai 2011 00:24    Titel: English präsentation Antworten mit Zitat

Meine Frage:
Ich habe eine Präsentation und meine sprache in english ist nicht so gut würde mich sehr freuen über die Verbesserungsvorschläge.
Der Anfang geht so

Hello every body today I want to tell you something about the most awesome football match in the year 2000.
The match took place between Galatasaray and FC Arsenal.

First I will say some words about Galatasaray. How the were founded, about their formation,their stadium and Honours.
Surely I will tell the same about FC Arsenal.
Accordingly you can build your own opinion to both of the clubs.
In addition to that I will say something about the fans of both clubs.
At last I will tell you as final of my presentation the Uefa Cup Final 2000.

Galatasaray is a Turkish Sport Club, but I tell you especially about the football club.
No doubt that galatasray founded as a pioneer of the Turkish sports history, they have special additon of the Galatasaray High School, which also had a leading position.

In 1903 two Englishmen founded the Kadiköy Football club.
This crew consisted only of Romanian and English players.
The locals were not desirable.
It was time that a Turkish crew is established.
1905 Ali Sami Yen and his classmates did it and created a crew.
The Purpose of Ali Samiyen was to be an owner of a colour and a name.
Moreover to play like the English football clubs in a team and win the clubs witch are not Turkish.
Their aim was clearly ?We are Turks? Ali sami yen said ?and are just as talented.
We are able to play like them. We are able to win them.?
But their biggest Problem was by what jerseys they should represent themselves.
At their first match the jerseys were like the türkish flag, red and white.
The play against catholic priest and win them with 2:0.
The Audience call them after this match Galatasaray Messrs.
But so many people were against them so they had to change the jerseys.
Ali Sami Yen and two other friends went to a mercer.

ps das ist nicht alles

Meine Ideen:

Anmeldungsdatum: 28.11.2010
Beiträge: 63
Wohnort: Tirol

BeitragVerfasst am: 11. Mai 2011 09:04    Titel: Re: English präsentation Antworten mit Zitat

gs1905 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Meine Frage:
Ich habe eine Präsentation und meine sprache in english ist nicht so gut würde mich sehr freuen über die Verbesserungsvorschläge.
Der Anfang geht so

Hello every body today I want to tell you something about the most awesome football match in the year 2000.
The match took place between Galatasaray and FC Arsenal.

First I will say some words about Galatasaray. How they were find (ist irregular), about their formation, their stadium and Honours.
Surely I will tell the same about FC Arsenal.
Accordingly you can build your own opinion to both of the clubs.
In addition to that I will say something about the fans of both clubs.
At last I will tell you as final of my presentation the Uefa Cup Final 2000.

Galatasaray is a Turkish Sport Club, but I tell you especially about the football club.
No doubt that galatasray founded as a pioneer of the Turkish sports history, they have special additon of the Galatasaray High School, which also had a leading position.

In 1903 two Englishmen founded the Kadiköy Football club.
This crew consisted only of Romanian and English players.
The locals were not desirable.
It was time that a Turkish crew is established.
1905 Ali Sami Yen and his classmates did it and created a crew.
The Purpose of Ali Samiyen was to be an owner of a colour and a name.
Moreover to play like the English football clubs in a team and win the clubs witch are not Turkish.
Their aim was clearly ?We are Turks? Ali sami yen said ?and are just as talented.(? das verstehe ich nicht...)We are able to play like them. We are able to win them.?
But their biggest Problem was by what jerseys they should represent themselves.
At their first match the jerseys were like the türkish flag, red and white.
They played against catholic priest and win them (I think it's "there" with 2:0.
The Audience call them after this match Galatasaray Messrs.
But so many people were against them so they had to change the jerseys.
Ali Sami Yen and two other friends went to a mercer.

ps das ist nicht alles

Meine Ideen:

Ich hab jetzt mal das was ich gefunden habe.
Aber ohne garantie smile Bin selber noch schüler und nicht so gut in Englisch.
Wäre also gut, wenn noch jemand anderes drüberschauen könnte.

Rot= Korrektur
Orange= Bin mir selber nicht sicher.

LG ruri

Anmeldungsdatum: 23.11.2010
Beiträge: 192

BeitragVerfasst am: 11. Mai 2011 13:25    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Warum korrigierst du es denn, wenn du selber des englisch nicht mächtig bist?

Anmeldungsdatum: 28.11.2010
Beiträge: 63
Wohnort: Tirol

BeitragVerfasst am: 11. Mai 2011 15:49    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Wie gesagt, das was ich wusste, das habe ich gemacht.
Immerhin eine kleine hilfe.
Und, es ist auch für mich gut zum Englischlernen wenn ich sowas mache.

Anmeldungsdatum: 22.01.2005
Beiträge: 1140
Wohnort: München

BeitragVerfasst am: 12. Mai 2011 16:17    Titel: Re: English präsentation Antworten mit Zitat

gs1905 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Meine Frage:
Hello everybody today I want to tell you something about the most awesome football match in the year 2000.
The match took place between Galatasaray and FC Arsenal.

First I will say some words about Galatasaray. How it was founded, about its formation, its stadium and honours. I'd prefer singular, because it is "the club" --> it; found, founded, founded ist korrekt
Surely I will tell the same about FC Arsenal.
Accordingly you can build your own opinion about both clubs.
In addition to that I will say something about the fans of both clubs.
At last I will tell you about the Uefa Cup Final 2000 as final part of my presentation. Satzstellung vermutlich nicht gut, so machst du auf jeden Fall alles richtig. "As a final" halte ich auch für nicht ganz geeignet.

Galatasaray is a Turkish Sport Club, but I tell you especially about the football club. There is no doubt that galatasaray was a pioneer of the Turkish sports history, they have special additon of the Galatasaray High School, which also had a leading position. Was möchtest du damit sagen?

In 1903 two Englishmen founded the Kadiköy Football club.
This crew consisted only of Romanian and English players.
The locals were not desired. "desirable" ist eher "wünschenswert", in diesem Zusammenhang muss "desired" benutzt werden.
It was time that a Turkish crew is established.
1905 Ali Sami Yen and his classmates did it and created a crew.
The purpose of Ali Samiyen was to be an owner of a colour and a name. Der Zweck?
Moreover to play like the English football clubs in a team and win the clubs witch are not Turkish.
Their aim was clearly ?We are Turks? Ali sami yen said ?and are just as talented. We are able to play like them. We are able to win against them.? Der Satzanfang ist komisch, was möchtest du aussagen?
But their biggest Problem was that they didn't know which jerseys to pick.
At their first match the jerseys were like the türkish flag, red and white.
They played against catholic priests and won against them with 2:0.
The audience called them Galatasaray Messrs after this match. Satzstellung: Ort/Zeitbestimmungen nicht in die Satzmitte, sondern ans Ende.
But so many people were against them so they had to change the jerseys.
Ali Sami Yen and two other friends went to a mercer.
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    Foren-Übersicht -> Grammatik

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