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Anmeldungsdatum: 17.09.2010
Beiträge: 3

BeitragVerfasst am: 21. Sep 2010 16:44    Titel: Könnten sie mein Kommentar korriegieren auf English Antworten mit Zitat

Today we are often confronted with the porblem on suicides and Fiona's letter to Marcus.
The fare-well letter was the decision from the mother Fiona to Marcus. This assertion raises a fundamental issue: Why Fiona write to her son, Marcus a farewell letter? How can I comment on suicdes general and from Fiona.
Firstly, I would like to say Fiona has a problem on herself, she cannot to appreciate herself to illustrate this, she has affliction. I doubt in the past she split up with her boyfriend Roger. It is quite possible that she has from the moment only bad situation. Fiona hide from her son, Marcus the affliction, but she describs the affliction as illness.
Secoundly, Marcus does not understand the problem from her mother, because he saw her mother in bad position, where she suicde herself and that shocked him. At the moment, Marcus think only about her mum. Furthermore, Fiona love her son and Marcus loves her mum.
The quote " I have loved being your mum" you can see it, that the mum loves her son.
Thirdly the most important thing about the farewell letter is the leaving her son Marcus. In addition to this, Fiona cannot to hold on the preassure.
Although he loves her son and like him, but the father or Suzie look after him. On the one hand Marcus is in the save home and on the other hand Marcus cannot see your mum.
If I talk about on suicides, I can say, the suicides is a bad thing. It must also be said that the suicdes attempt wasnt good from Fiona.
We can see her two different about Sucides. All the indications are that the human has a weak soul, they cannot believe about herself.
It is difficult to believe about the soul, but if you alone at home you can better think as if you together with your friend.
All of these facts lead me to the conclusion that Fiona is unhappy about her life and she imagine all of things, for example she is illnessm but in fact she isnt ill. I doubt it is affliction.
In my opinion it isnt a good decision from Fiona, because she can wait a month, although she does not hold on. The suicdie is not a solution, the attempt to escape is not the good way.
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    Foren-Übersicht -> Grammatik

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