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Anmeldungsdatum: 25.09.2007
Beiträge: 6

BeitragVerfasst am: 25. Sep 2007 14:01    Titel: Korrektur bitte Antworten mit Zitat


bin eher durch Zufall auf dieses Forum gestoßen und hoffe, hier Hilfe für meine Fragen zu finden. Ich habe ein paar Aufgaben zu machen und wäre sehr dankbar, wenn mal jemand drüberschauen könnte und meine Fehler korrigieren könnte. Vielen Dank!

Aufgabe 2: "will" oder "going to"?
a) - Why are you wearing your oldest clothes?
- I'm going to paint the garden fence.

b) - Did you phone your mother?
- Goodness, I forgot! I would do it at once.

c) - Have you decided, Sir?
- Yes, I'm going to have the chicken.
- Sorry,Sir. The chicken is off.
- Well, I'll have the steak pie, in that case.

d) - I've just bought a video recorder, but I don't know how to use it.
- It's easy really. I would show you.

e) Sorry. I can't come tonight. Jane is having problems with her new video recorder, so I'm going to show her how to use it.

f) - Bother! We've run out of tea!
- I'll go and buy some, shall I?

g) - Have you decided what to do when you retire?
- Well, first of all I'm going to have a long holiday.

h) - What you like to drink with your meal - wine or beer?
- I'm going to have wine, please.

Aufgabe 3: Eine Freundin will sich mit Ihnen treffen, ein Blick in Ihren Kalender zeigt: Es geht erst am Samstag. Schreiben Sie auf, was Sie Ihr sagen!

Well, I'd love to see you,too, but I can't make it on Monday because I'm going to the dentist.
And Tuesday is impossible because i'm going to do my English homework. On Wednesday I have no time
because I'm going to go to the theatre.
And Thursday I'm going to visit my grandmother. On Friday I'm going to go to a football match.

Aufgabe 4: Übersetzung

a) Nächstes Jahr wird er 30 Jahre alt sein. - Next year he'll be 30 years old.

b) Wollen wir heute Abend ins Kino gehen? - Do we want to go into the cinema this evening?

c) - Ich werde vor meinem Aufenthalt in London Englisch lernen. - I will learn English before my stay in London.
- Das ist ein sehr vernünftiger Entschluss. - That is a very reasonable resolution.

d) - Hallo? Ist das die Polizei? - Hello? Is that the police?
- Nein, Sie haben die falsche Nummer gewählt. - No, you selected the wrong number.

e) Letzte Woche war es furchtbar. Wir erkrankten alle an Grippe. Keiner war in der Lage, irgendetwas zu tun.
- Last week was terrible. We got sick all with flu. None was able to do something.

f) - Waren Sie als Kind oft krank? - Were you often ill as a child?
- Nein. Ich hatte nur mal Röteln und Keuchhusten. - No, I had only times German measles and whooping cough.

g) Wenn du immer so viel isst, wirst du bald zunehmen! - If you always eat so much, you will soon increase!

Aufgabe 5: Describe an accident you once saw

Yesterday I was driving home when I saw a car crash. I slowed down and was able to stop at the seperate crossing.
I got out of my car in order to see if somebody was injured. Suddenly another car came around the corner
with great speed. I was afraid, I thought it would hit me but it only hit another car which was parked
near the crossing. The driver of the car didn't stop and drove on.
I hadn't taking down his number so I couldn't phone the police.

Aufgabe 6: How to keep fit - what do you do?

To keep fit I go for long walks in the country. I think I like this form of exercises best. In the summer I also
go swimming and in the winter I go ice-skating. I once join a fitness centre.
I like best out in the open air and I intend to take up jogging next spring.

Danke,für eure Hilfe.

Anmeldungsdatum: 17.08.2006
Beiträge: 399

BeitragVerfasst am: 25. Sep 2007 16:01    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Ich verstehe nicht, warum du bei 2b) und d) "would" benutzt. Wie die Aufgabenstellung verrät, geht es ja um "will" oder "going to" und in diesen beiden Fällen macht wohl nur "will " Sinn.

Bei 4b) hast du zu wörtlich übersetzt, das würde man so als Engländer nicht sagen. Stattdessen: "Are we going to the cinema this evening?"
4c) Hier würde ich eher "going to" future benutzen, es handelt sich ja um einen festen Plan.
"Entschluss" würde ich mit "decision" übersetzen.
4d) "No, you have called..."
4e) "We all got sick"; "anything" statt "something.
4f) "No, I only had measles and whooping cough once."
4g) "you will soon gain weight."
5) "I hadn't taken"
6) besser "countryside" statt "country.
"I once join" macht keinen Sinn. Wenn du das bereits getan hast, sage einfach "I have joined"
nach "I like best" würde ich "to be" ergänzen.

Anmeldungsdatum: 25.09.2007
Beiträge: 6

BeitragVerfasst am: 26. Sep 2007 15:11    Titel: Nochmals Korrektur Antworten mit Zitat


erstmal vielen Dank für deine Korrektur.

Habe bereits neue Aufgaben und wäre dankbar, wenn wieder jemand drüberschauen könnte. Vielen Dank.

Aufgabe 1: Welches Wort passt hier?
g) - Goodness! There's something black floating in my wine!
- Nothing to worry about! It's ony c....! --> ein Wort mit 5 Buchstaben?

Aufgabe 2: 'if'-'unless'-'in case' einsetzen

a) I can't concentrate if you keep talking to me.

b) It won't work unless you switch it on!

c) Let's buy some more cheese in case we have some visitors.

d) We'll take a taxi unless you prefer to walk.

e) The dentist gave me some pills in case my tooth hurt over the weekend.

f) If you are not sure how to do it, ask the teacher.

Aufgabe 3: Sätze nach dem angegebenen Muster bilden, das Beispiel sieht wie folgt aus.

party - enough people
I might throw a party if enough people can come.
And what if they can't?
I won't throw a party unless enough people can come.

nun meine Sätze

b) cinema - good film
I might go to the cinema if a good film come on.
And what if it doesn't come?
I won't go to the cinema unless a good film doesn't come.

c) TV - interesting programme on
I might watch TV if a interesting programme come on.
And what if it doesn't come?
I won't watch TV unless a interesting programme doesn't come.

Aufgabe 4: Schreiben Sie folgende Sätze zu Ende

wie im Beispiel: If he invites me to his party,......
If he invites me to his party, I'll buy a new dress.

b) If you had asked me in time, I would have come.

c) I'm not going to write to her unless she come.

d) Will you speak to her if you see her?

e) Unless you work harder, you will earn more money.

f) They would have told us if something had happened.

g) They wouldn't have told us unless something had happened.

h) If you went now, you would reach your train.

Aufgabe 5: Wie kann man diese Sätze anders formulieren?
siehe Beispiel:

She didn't learn her vocabulary and so she failed the exam.
If she had learned her vocabulary she wouldn't have failed the exam.

b) He didn't know it was a bottle party and so he brought a box of chocolates.
--> If he had known about the bottle party he wouldn't have brought a box of chocolates.
c) They didn't go to America because it was so expensive.
--> wie kann man diesen Satz hier anders formulieren?

d) I didn't write the letter because I was so busy.
--> If I had written the letter I wouldn't have been so busy.

e) They didn't know John was in London and so they didn't invite him to lunch.
--> If they had known about John they would have invited him to lunch.

Aufgabe 6: Übersetzung
a) Dieser Bus verkehrt, samstags nicht. - This bus doesn't operate Saturday.

b) Wenn Sie eine Fete steigen lassen, sollten Sie auch für nicht alkoholische Getränke sorgen.

- If you let rise a party, you should provide also soft-drinks.

c) Normalerweise schließt diese Kneipe um 23 Uhr, aber der Gastwirt kann manchmal um eine Verlängerung nachsuchen.
- Normally this tavern closes at 23 o'clock, but sometimes the restaurant operator can seek an extension.

d) Ich mag dieses Restaurant, es ist nett eingerichtet. - I like this restaurant, it is nicely furnished.

e) - Was brauche ich für Glühwein? - What do I need for glow wine?
- Das Wichtigste ist Rotwein. Du brauchst aber auch Zucker,Nelken und Zimt.
- The most important is red wine. In addition you need sugar, carnations and cinnamon.

Aufgabe 7: The worst party I have ever been to

A few weeks ago I went to a party but I didn't enjoy it because everything went wrong.
On the way to the party we proceeded ourselves. When we arrived finite the party, there was hardly anybody there.
A few people were standing around with glasses in theit hands making converstion, it was very boring.
More and more people turned up with the time, wine was served but it was much too watery and there wasn't
enough sugar in it.
The food wasn't very good either, vegetarian meal for a party, very strange. The music was too loud and the host
was playing folk music. It was a really terrible party.

Danke,für die Hilfe.
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