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Anmeldungsdatum: 09.10.2006
Beiträge: 2

BeitragVerfasst am: 09. Okt 2006 10:53    Titel: Korrektur Antworten mit Zitat

Hallo! Ich hab hier ein paar Aufgaben und es wäre lieb wenn ihr mal drüber schauen könnt ob das so ok ist oder was ihr anders machen würdet:

Put the words in brackets in the correct form to complete the sentences.

1. The oceans are becoming less polluted these days (POLLUTION)
2. We should try to use environmentallyfriendly products in the home (ENVIRONMENT)
3. Many modern communications systems are produced in the Far East (PRODUCTION)
4. The major advantages are that it is expensive to install and needs batteries (ADVANTAGE)
5. My brother studied biology and then went to Nepal to work as a forest conservationist (CONSERVE)
6. Our telephone was disconnected because we didn´t pay the bill. (CONNECT)
7.There seems to be no solution to the problem of the motor car in our cities. (SOLVE)
8. Thornberg was busy altering the computer records when a bell rang. (ALTER)
9. I am able communicating with my office computer by telephone using a modem. (COMMUNICATION)

[/i]Put the verb in brackets in the correct form, either gerund (-ing form) or the "to"-infinitive.

1.The company has decided to invest in a new computer system.
2.The climbers risked to sleep on the mountain in the snow.
3.I hear that you enjoyed staying on the farm very much.
4.We are looking forward to going on holiday next week.
5.My brother has given up taking sugar in the tea.
6.Would you mind to help me? I can’t find my luggage.
7.Simon seems to be happy in his new job.
8.The driver stopped to fill up with petrol.
9.Please remember to buy milk on your way home tonight.
10.The group is planning to cycle along the Danube next summer.
11.Our neighbors can’t afford to buy much furniture at the moment.
12.I would suggest to drink a dry white wine with this meal.
13.My father can’t stand people talking while he is watching golf on TV.
14.The family has arranged to meet at the hotel for my mother’s birthday.
15.We don’t believe in sending cards at Christmas.

Add ´the´, ´a´, ´an´or nothing to the spaces in these sentences.

1. I’m reading an excellent book at the moment. It is a science fiction novel. The story is set in the future and it’s all about a man who becomesthe President of the United States.
2. We are going to Turkey for our holidays. We shall travel with a group from the local church.
3. My father left school at the age of 14 and went to work on a railway.
4. Where is the nearest post office? – Down the street and take thefirst on the left.
5. We should protect the environment for the sake of the future generations.
6. My sister is a biologist. She has been passionately interested in the nature since she was quite small.
7. If you ask the most people what they want from holiday they will say a good weather.
8. There was such a heavy traffic in the town that we were glad we had left the car at home in the garage.

Vielen lieben dank schonmal!

Anmeldungsdatum: 17.08.2006
Beiträge: 399

BeitragVerfasst am: 09. Okt 2006 14:07    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

I zu 9) Es heißt "to be able to do" also "I am able to communicate"
II zu 6) mind muss so weit ich weiß mit -ing gebildet werden "Would you mind helping me"
bei 8 ) kommt es auf den Sinn an, wenn man sagen möchte, der Fahrer hielt an, um zu tanken, dann ist es so richtig, wnen man sagen möchte, der Fahrer hörte auf zu tanken, sagt man "He stopped filling up with petrol".
III 1) Vor "president" würde ich gar nicht schreiben
5) Vor "future" ebenfalls nichts
bei 6) muss/kann das "the" vor "nature" evtl. auch weg
bei 7) vor "most" muss das "the" auf jeden Fall weg und das a" vor "good weather" denke ich auch.
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