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    Foren-Übersicht -> Landeskunde
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anne frank

BeitragVerfasst am: 01. März 2006 15:25    Titel: USA BATTLE AGAINST IRAK Antworten mit Zitat

Ich habe diesen folgenden Text zusammengefasst.kann mir einer sagen ob der Text grammatikalisch richtig ist und mir ggf. etwas berichtigen.
Wär super lieb, weil es eine übung für ene klausur ist.

George W. Bush wanted to antagonize the terror for example in Irak and Afganhistan.
However the terror become from day to day worse and one estimates that the number of
terrorists tripled instancing the new booby-trap in Samarra.
Since the march-in of the Allies on march 20 2006 nothing change.
It do not came better. The USA wanted to fight for peace but they deteriorated the situation but now the

Bush-governmnet is held responsible for disseminate of nuclear weapons and the terror
It is a reasonable doubt and debatable wether George W. Bush had a chance to win at all.
Even though the Terror would go on so that there is no reasonable reason to stay there
but the USA is concerned about loosing countenance.George W. Bush did not combat the terror but forward
the terror by using also terror.
The USA is purpose to leave the land till 2007.Instead of using the money for cambating against the terror,
the USA has to invest in her own land and to convince the population.

Anmeldungsdatum: 14.05.2006
Beiträge: 47

BeitragVerfasst am: 20. Mai 2006 13:39    Titel: Re: USA BATTLE AGAINST IRAK Antworten mit Zitat

George W. Bush wanted to antagonize the terror for example in Irak and Afganhistan.
antagonize wird eher auf Personen bezogen verwendet, antagonize ist meine ich auch richtig, nur American English
besser wäre wohl George W. Bush wanted to battle/fight against the terror
in Iraq and Afghan
Zudem ist Irak im Englischen "Iraq"
However the terror become from day to day worse and one estimates that the number of terrorists tripled instancing the new booby-trap in Samarra.
Wenn du im past schreibst, muss der satz:
"However, the terror became worse from day to day and one estimated
that the number of terrorist tripled instancing the new booby-trap in Samarra" heissen
Since the march-in of the Allies on march 20 2006 nothing change.
Since the invasion of the American and British troops on March 20th 2006 nothing has changed.
It do not came better.
Das ist doppel gemoppelt, wenn sich nichts geändert hat, hat sich auch nichts gebessert smile
The USA wanted to fight for peace but they deteriorated the situation but now the Bush-governmnet is held responsible for disseminate of nuclear weapons and the terror
The USA intended to fight for peace but instead they compounded the situation. Furthermore, the US administration is held responsible for the spread of nuclear weapons and terror

It is a reasonable doubt and debatable wether George W. Bush had a chance to win at all.

It is widely doubted and debated wheter George W. Bush even had
a chance to win.
Even though the Terror would go on so that there is no reasonable reason to stay there but the USA is concerned about loosing countenance.
Was moechtest du mit dem Satz ausdrücken?
auf jeden Fall solltest du reasonable weglassen, und terrorism/terror anstatt the Terror schreiben, aber den Rest kann ich erst verbessern, wenn ich weiß was du sagen willst smile

George W. Bush did not combat the terror but forward
the terror by using also terror.

George W. Bush has not contained the terror but supported it my using it, too.

The USA is purpose to leave the land till 2007.
pupose passt in diesem Satz auf jeden Fall nicht, und es muss country anstatt land heissen. Was willst du mit dem Satz ausdrücken?

Instead of using the money for cambating against the terror,
the USA has to invest in her own land and to convince the population.

Instead of spending money for the military, the U.S. should rather invest money in its own country and .....
convince the population, was willst du damit ausdrücken?

Ich hoffe ich hab dir geholfen Augenzwinkern

p.s. shit haette mal auf das Datum schauen sollen, war wohl alle Mühe umsonst traurig

a friend in need is a friend indeed
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