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Letter of motivation - 3D Visual Art
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Anmeldungsdatum: 27.02.2012
Beiträge: 2

BeitragVerfasst am: 27. Feb 2012 12:49    Titel: Letter of motivation - 3D Visual Art Antworten mit Zitat

Meine Frage:

Ich möchte mich gerne für ein Studium in den Niederlanden bewerben, und zwar für "Game Archtitecture and Design" mit der Spezialisierung 3D Visual Art. Dazu benötige ich einen Letter of Motivation, der mir sehr viel Kopfzerbrechen bereitet hat.

Erstmal ein paar Worte zum Studiengang, da das ja jetzt nicht der konverntionellste ist. Es geht um das erstellen einer virtuellen welt, quasi das Aussehen eines Spieles gestalten. Zum Beispiel Landschaften, Charaktere und Gebäude. Dabei ist auf der NHTV ein künstlerischer Schwerpunkt, wobei natü+rlich hauptsächlich am computer gearbeitet wird.

Ich fände es schön, wenn jemand die zeit fände da mal drüber zu lesen. Auch wenn es in diesem Forum eher um die Sprache geht. fände ich auch inhaltliche Kritik nicht unangebracht. Vielen lieben Dank!

Meine Ideen:
Letter of Motivation

Hereby I am expressing my motivation for the study programm ?International Game Architecture and Design? at the NHTV Breda with the spezalication ?3D Visual Art?.

About my wish becoming a Gameartist

As I started thinking about my future profession, I already knew from an early age that it has to include three major aspects: working in a team, creating something artistic and inspiring the people with the result.
Since I was a child I have been deeply engaged in all sorts of games, including also board games but even more Video games. I am fascinated by the way they are leading the consumer into another world which has its own rules and its own characters.
As I finally came across the profession ?Game Artist? it turned out that ?3D Visual Art? would be the ideal course for me.
I always had a huge imagination and tried to express it by drawing comicstrips or writing shortnovels. What I like most about this is inventing new characters and unique, sometimes seemingly even impossible, worlds. Being able to visualize this in a 3th dimensional room is fascinating me.
In my opinion, Games are a special form of telling a story, because the player has the possibility to interact with the surroundings. My goal is it to be the person who forms this unique experience and let a player dive into another world.

About my skills

At the moment, I am doing a voluntary social cultural year at the theatre in Nordhausen.
Here, I have the opportunity to assist in all the major projects of stage and costume design and additionaly work on my own little projects.
In this connection I am not only learning much about spatial compositions and figurative forms, but alsoly about the relationship between figure and space.
To extend my gained knowledge more extensively, I am visting two diffrent courses at the Youth Art School in Nordhausen. On the one hand we are taught diffrent painting techniques and on the other hand we are learning a lot about figurative drawing. What is fascinating me most is the anatomy of all diffrent sorts of creatures and I am eager to learn more about this at the NHTV.
To be best prepared for the study, I started to work with the 3D Programm Blender and I have a good knowledge about Adobe Photoshop.

About my desire to study at the NHTV Breda.

As I came across the website of the NHTV Breda, I immediately got enthusiastic about the high quality of the programm. Not only the report of the "Choice Guide" of 2012, but also the very good references of the students have convinced me that this university is the one I want to study at.
The step to study abroad, though big, is definetly the right decision for me.
I would like to benefit from the excellent educational system of the Netherlands.
As I want to gain a lot of practical experiences, inventions (?) just as the ?Game Lap? are the perfect possibility to use what I have learned in the courses.
Apart from that, getting foreign competencies is very important in the gaming industry. Therefore, studying in english is the best preperation for my future career.

Anmeldungsdatum: 22.01.2005
Beiträge: 1140
Wohnort: München

BeitragVerfasst am: 04. März 2012 19:06    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Ist das noch relevant? Wenn ja, dann kann ich morgen im Laufe des Tages noch einmal drüberschauen!

Anmeldungsdatum: 27.02.2012
Beiträge: 2

BeitragVerfasst am: 04. März 2012 21:12    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Ich würde mich super freuen, wenn du drüber lesen könntest. Bis jetz habe ich es noch nicht abgeschickt, werde das aber so in 1 bis 2 Wochen machen. Ich freue mich über jede Art von Kritik!

Anmeldungsdatum: 22.01.2005
Beiträge: 1140
Wohnort: München

BeitragVerfasst am: 05. März 2012 18:06    Titel: Re: Letter of motivation - 3D Visual Art Antworten mit Zitat

Gut, dann schaue ich wie versprochen mal drüber. Ich habe nur nachgefragt, weil so etwas ja nicht mal eben in zwei, drei Minuten passiert (so lange braucht ja alleine das lesen Augenzwinkern ) und ein Gutteil der Leute hier so kurzfristig ist, dass es nach zwei drei Tagen keine Rolle mehr spielt.

Ich habe ein paar Fragen zur Form: Hast du ein weiteres formelles Anschreiben mit Anrede, etc.? Weil die meisten Letters of Motivation, die ich bisher gesehen habe, zugleich das Anschreiben der Mappe bedeuten (und demnach eben auch in Briefform gehalten sind, d.h. ohne Zwischenüberschriften, etc.).
Die Fragezeichen anstatt Anführungszeichen halte ich für ein C&P-Artefakt und korrigiere ich entsprechend nicht.


josbo hat Folgendes geschrieben:

Hereby I am expressing my motivation for the study programm ?International Game Architecture and Design? at the NHTV Breda with the specialization ?3D Visual Art?.

About my wish of becoming a Gameartist hört sich so irgendwie besser an und die Konstruktion "my wish of -ing" gibt auch mehr Treffer.

Der kommende Satz gefällt mir irgendwie nicht. Es ist zwar klar, was du sagen willst, aber ich bin mir da bei der Grammatik nicht ganz sicher. As I started thinking about my future profession, I already knew from an early age that it has to include three major aspects: working in a team, creating something artistic and inspiring the people with the result.
Since I was a child I have been deeply engaged in all sorts of games, including also board games but even more video games. I am fascinated by the way they are leading the consumer into another world which has its own rules and its own characters.
As I finally came across the profession ?Game Artist? it turned out that ?3D Visual Art? would be the ideal course for me.
I always had a huge imagination and tried to express it by drawing comicstrips or writing short novels. What I like most about this is inventing new characters and unique, sometimes seemingly even impossible, worlds. Being able to visualize this in a three dimensional room is fascinating me. (3th gibt's nicht, aber hier braucht's auch nicht die richtige Ordinalzahl 3rd, sondern einfach nur die Zahl - und dann natürlich ausgeschrieben)
In my opinion, games are a special form of telling a story, because the player has the possibility to interact with the surroundings. My goal is it to be the person who forms this unique experience and lets a player dive into another world. Nicht vergessen, "who" ist dritte Person singular.

About my skills

At the moment, I am doing a voluntary social cultural year at the theatre in Nordhausen. Was ist das für ein Jahr? Aber vermutlich gibt's sowieso keine offizielle Übersetzung.
Here, I have the opportunity to assist in all the major projects of stage and costume design and additionally work on my own little projects.
In this connection I am not only learning much about spatial compositions and figurative forms, but also about the relationship between figure and space.
To extend my gained knowledge more extensively, I am visting two different courses at the Youth Art School in Nordhausen. "extend ... more extensively" hört sich natürlich irgendwie doppelt an. Alternative? On the one hand we are taught different painting techniques and on the other hand we are learning a lot about figurative drawing. Ich persönlich finde die "on the one hand... on the other hand..." Konstruktion wenig gelungen, wenn es sich um zwei verschiedene Dinge handelt. Vielleicht "While in the first course we focus on... the second course is about..." oder ähnliches? What is fascinating me most is the anatomy of all different sorts of creatures and I am eager to learn more about this at the NHTV.
To be best prepared for my studies, I started to work with the 3d program Blender and I have a good knowledge about Adobe Photoshop. Enweder "program" (AE) oder "programme" (BE) aber nicht in der Mitte Augenzwinkern

About my desire to study at the NHTV Breda.

As I came across the website of the NHTV Breda, I immediately got enthusiastic about the high quality of the program. Not only the report of the "Choice Guide" of 2012, but also the very good references of the students have convinced me that this university is the one I want to study at.
The step to study abroad, though big, is definetly the right decision for me.
I would like to benefit from the excellent educational system of the Netherlands.
As I want to gain a lot of practical experiences, inventions (?) like the ?Game Lap? are the perfect possibility to use what I have learned in the courses. Vielleicht eher "innovations" oder "innovative pedagogical ideas", je nachdem, was dieses Game Lab ist.
Apart from that, getting foreign competencies is very important in the gaming industry. Therefore, studying in English is the best preperation for my future career.
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