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    Foren-Übersicht -> Grammatik
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BeitragVerfasst am: 01. März 2005 18:50    Titel: Kontrolle Antworten mit Zitat


kann jemand mal das überprüfen was ich geschrieben habe.

TV is a bad thing for kids and children, because they could incorporate many things of the bad things. Small children should only look cartoons, because this is the best for them and particularly it comes no power before. If they are a little older their parents can allow them also something other to look in the TV. It is also bad for the children, if they will too long watch television their eyes are worse and they must go to the ophthalmologist. And then the ophthalmologist will prescribe the children some eyeglasses. Where the TV is especially bad, this was the very bad talk shows with very bad actors. Nevertheless the bad one is that the producers look only at the rate instead of producing something qualitative once. That the television makes stupid, we see it at the newest Pisa-study where the schoolboys and schoolgirls from Germany came off again badly. In Germany the people look simply too much television. What is good, however, is that many sport events are trans-ferred. This is rather a personal opinion from me. It must give more televi-sion broadcast stations like Discovery Channel on Premiere. Because this channel shows a lot historical one. To my opinion the many bad pro-grammes like Big Brother must disappear. These reality shows make the humans very stupid. The good one at the TV is that now almost everything is changed on digital. Here in Stuttgart this is supposed to happen in the next year. In addition one should put down also these court shows. One should bring again more evening shows; this would improve the quality clearly in the German television. However, all of them the TV is a good thing, because we have with them more conversation. But one must arrive again, that the fami-lies sit again together before the TV. But one should not too much television, otherwise one makes only his eyes bust.


Indy geschockt

BeitragVerfasst am: 01. März 2005 20:01    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Sorry, aber da sind so derartig viele Fehler drin und noch dazu so krasse, dass ich gar nicht weiß, wo ich anfangen soll zu verbessern.
Hast du das durch eine Übersetzungsmaschine gejagt?

Nur mal so nebenbei:

es gibt = there is/are und nicht: it gives

Versuch das doch bitte noch einmal zu schreiben und vermeide, alles wortwörtlich vom Deutschen ins Englische zu übersetzen.
Da sind zum Teil so krasse Satzstellungsfehler drin, auch Ausdrucksfehler...

If they are a little older their parents can allow them also something other to look in the TV.

their parents could also allow them to watch something different on TV.

und so weiter...
wenn ich das verbessern soll, so könnt ich gleich alles neu schreiben.
Versuch, die englische Satzstellung einzuhalten.

kids = children

Du schreibst: kids and children
das heißt soviel wie: Kinder und Kinder....

lg kiki
fat albert

Anmeldungsdatum: 23.02.2005
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 03. März 2005 13:56    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

puh, ich stell mir grad die reaktion meiner lehrerin vor, wenn ich ihr sowas abliefer (13. Jahrgang, Englisch LK). smile

am besten macsht du dich nochma mit den grundregeln der englischen grammatik vertraut. ich hoffe, diese links können dir helfen:

fat albert

My nipples explode with delight.
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