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BeitragVerfasst am: 27. Feb 2005 14:12    Titel: Kontrolle der Sätze Antworten mit Zitat


kann jemand von Euch Englischgenies diese Sätze mit dem einsetzen von mir kontrollieren.

Es sollen verb, noun, adjective, opposite, etc. in die korrekte Form eingesetzt werden.

broadcast - view - poem - advertise - violence

1. Ulrich Wickert is a very well-known (broadcaster).
2. The TV company receives many letters from angry (viewer)
3. Many people love to hear (poems) read out loud on the radio.
4. The (advertisement) are the best thing on TV.
5. The film is about a pacifist, that is a person who lives his life in a (violent) way.

danger - satire - regular - nature - perfect

6. Working with a computer all day can be very (dangerous).
7. I saw a very funny (satirical) film last week.
8. We go swimming (regular) - every weekend.
9. Monica likes programmes which show animals in their (natural) surroundings.
10. The scenery was (perfect), with a picturesque valley and attractive villages.

beauty - exist - fiction - photograph - success

11. The film about the forest flowers had extremely (beautiful) colours.
12. The people in remote villages lead a rather poor (existence).
13. Miss Cartland wrote (fiction) books about health, as well as romantic novels.
14. (Photography) was what made Karsh famous.
15. Arthur Miller is one of the most (successful) playwrights of the 20th century.

skill - treat - responsible - usual - person

16. The journalist conducted the interviews as (skillful) as he could.
17. I wish to complain about the (tretment) given to me as a patient here.
18. The producer of a TV-programme is (responsible) for the planning and coordination.
19. The nurses (usually) work together when they give drugs to the patients, because it is easy to make a mistake.
20. You need to have a strong (personality) in order to work in front of the TV camera.

origin - interest - influence - imagine - politics

21. (Original), we were planning a film about the people of the countryside.
22. The children in this school are (interested) in the history of our town.
23. Frightening films have a bad (influence) on young children.
24. Please use your (imagination) - what do you think this picture represents?
25. The (politicans) want the TV companies to be as objective as possible in their reports.



BeitragVerfasst am: 27. Feb 2005 16:55    Titel: Re: Kontrolle der Sätze Antworten mit Zitat

broadcast - view - poem - advertise - violence

1. Ulrich Wickert is a very well-known (broadcaster).
2. The TV company receives many letters from angry (viewerS)
3. Many people love to hear (poems) read out loud on the radio.
4. The (advertisementS) are the best thing on TV.
5. The film is about a pacifist, that is a person who lives his life in a PEACEFUL way.

danger - satire - regular - nature - perfect

6. Working with a computer all day can be very (dangerous).
7. I saw a very funny (satirical) film last week.
8. We REGULARLY go swimming (regular) - every weekend.
9. Monica likes programmes which show animals in their (natural) surroundings.
10. The scenery was (perfect), with a picturesque valley and attractive villages.

beauty - exist - fiction - photograph - success

11. The film about the forest flowers had extremely (beautiful) colours.
12. The people in remote villages lead a rather poor (existence).
13. Miss Cartland wrote (fictionAL) books about health, as well as romantic novels.
14. (Photography) was what made Karsh famous.
15. Arthur Miller is one of the most (successful) playwrights of the 20th century.

skill - treat - responsible - usual - person

16. The journalist conducted the interviews as (skillfulLY) as he could.
17. I wish to complain about the (treAtment) given to me as a patient here.
18. The producer of a TV-programme is (responsible) for the planning and coordination.
19. The nurses (usually) work together when they give drugs to the patients, because it is easy to make a mistake.
20. You need to have a strong (personality) in order to work in front of the TV camera.

origin - interest - influence - imagine - politics

21. (OriginalLY), we were planning a film about the people of the countryside.
22. The children in this school are (interested) in the history of our town.
23. Frightening films have a bad (influence) on young children.
24. Please use your (imagination) - what do you think this picture represents?
25. The (politicIans) want the TV companies to be as objective as possible in their reports.

lg kiki
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