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Anmeldungsdatum: 23.08.2006
Beiträge: 25

BeitragVerfasst am: 03. Jan 2007 20:35    Titel: Nochmal: Bitte korrigieren Antworten mit Zitat

Ich weiß leider nicht, wer mir hiermit sonst helfen könnte, alle die ich kenne, die gut Englisch können, gehen mit mir in die schule und haben demnach grad ebenfalls viel zu tun...Also poste ich hier nochmal was:

Alongside those outer events, a lot had to happen inside South Africa to make the huge leap from Apartheid to democracy possible.
It may be surprising to learn that many dialogues and negations had already taken place when everybody was expecting the outbreak of a civil war.
”The most hopeless moments often are exactly the right time to start a new initiative”, explains Nelson Mandela in his autobiography. Thus Mandela organised meetings with the prison warden, the minister of justice and later even with State President P.W. Botha himself. Referring to Botha’s reputation as irascible and bossy, Mandela is quoted: “He seemed to me to be the very model of the old-fashioned, stiff-necked, stubborn Afrikaner who did not so much discuss matters with black leaders as dictate to them. His recent stroke had apparently only exacerbated this tendency. I resolved that if he acted in that finger-wagging fashion to me, I would have to inform him that I found such behaviour unacceptable, and I would then stand up and adjourn the meeting.” (Long walk to freedom 2, 323)
Many interest groups had conversations with the exiled ANC to see if there is a possibility of finding compromises and limiting the damage. South Africa’s current President Thabo Mbeki once said that it was important for everybody to see that “nobody in the room had horns”. (Nach Mandelas Erben, 49) White people recognized that the black members of resistance were real human beings and not as dangerous as propaganda taught them. On the other hand, blacks learned about the fears of the white minority.
Under these circumstances F.W. de Klerk became the new State President of South Africa. In May 1990 the first official negotiations between the former enemies started. For the first time in South African history blacks and whites tried to build up a mutual future.

Anmeldungsdatum: 09.04.2006
Beiträge: 549

BeitragVerfasst am: 07. Jan 2007 16:56    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Bei "Alongside" im ersten Satz ist mir nicht ganz klar, was du damit sagen willst. Ich tendiere da eher zu "Apart from".

Statt "negation" (Verneinung) meinst du wohl eher "negotiation" (Verhandlung).

Den Satz "Many interest groups had conversations with the exiled ANC to see if there is a possibility of finding compromises and limiting the damage." würde ich folgendermaßen abändern: "Many interest groups had conversations with the exiled ANC to find out if there was a possibility of finding compromises and limiting the damage."

Ansonsten fehlen noch die Kommata nach "Under these circumstances" sowie "For the first time in South African history".

Ich hoffe, dass ich sonst nichts übersehen habe. Ansonsten bitte darauf hinweisen. smile

Anmeldungsdatum: 23.08.2006
Beiträge: 25

BeitragVerfasst am: 07. Jan 2007 20:39    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Vielen lieben Dank! Und da gehören echt Kommas hin? Vor allem das 2. gefällt mir gar nicht... Aber man lernt ja nie aus!

Also nochmals vielen Dank!
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