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Anmeldungsdatum: 23.08.2006
Beiträge: 25

BeitragVerfasst am: 24. Sep 2006 13:47    Titel: Bitte korrigieren! (Auf ein Neues...) Antworten mit Zitat


Ich hab wieder ein bisschen was geschrieben und würd mich sehr freuen, wenn ihr mir helfen würde. Sagt Bescheid, wenn ihr Fehler entdeckt!

Vielen, vielen Dank!

But South Africa’s historical background itself is insufficient to explain how racial discrimination could become so deep-rooted in its society. Another important factor is the Europeans’ idea to be obliged to “civilize inferior natives”, based on Darwins theory of evolution. While the whites, due to their technological superiority and their successful expansion, saw themselves at the top of the evolutonary scale, black people were considered to be primitive, ignorant and lazy and therefore regarded as the scale’s bottom. This “Social Darwinism”, which lacks any scientific foundation, definitily went well with the settlers’ world-view.
This kind of white supremacism did not only emerge in South Africa but also in other British colonies in Africa and Asia and in the United States. However, in South Africa this notion turned into a methodical and legitimized policy of discrimination beyond comparison.

Early signs of white suprimacy

The misconseption of white superiority already began to show when Dutch settlers firstly encountered South African natives and gained a firm structure in the early society at the Cape. While the first two categories of legal status, Dutch East India Company officials and free burghers, were made up by whites, slaves, “Hottentots” and free blacks (manumitted slaves) were sorted into lower classes. All slaves and most labourers were black, landowners and employers usually were white. “By the 18th century race and class had overleaped for so long that to many Europeans this social structure appaered to be natural or God-given.”(Elphick and Gilmore 1989: 544)
As a result, many racially dicriminatory laws were established in this time. Khoikhoi and slaves were discriminated against in the church and the courts, for example.Free Blacks could be arrestes if they were found in the streets of Cape Town without lanterns. Slaves and Khoikhoi had to carry passes signed by their employers to make sure that they were no runaways.
However, other key laws did not refer to race. The franchise for the Cape Town municipality from 1839 and that for representative government from 1853 were “colour blind”. Because it was based on income and possession at a quite low level, some coloureds and Africans were granted a voting right. But when this system started to menace the “balance of power” by permitting a larger number of blacks to vote, franchise qualifications were raised. Later all adult white men were allowed to vote while black franchise remained restricted.
In Cape Town the degree of inter-racial social interaction was high, at least among the lower classes. But from the 1880s, social segregation distinctly soared. This was the result of the English elite’s idea to have to protect the white “deserving poor”. In 1902, they introduced a segregated location for all Africans in Cape Town and in 1905 the School Board Act established educational segregation in order to seperate white and coloured pupils in goverment schools.
In the constitutions of the trekker republics, liberal franchise was rejected. The Transvaal grondwet (constitution) of 1858 declares expressly that “the peaople desire to permit no equality between coloured people and the white inhabitants of the country, either in church or state.”But in Transvaal not only blacks were excluded but also white outsiders.

Anmeldungsdatum: 09.04.2006
Beiträge: 549

BeitragVerfasst am: 25. Sep 2006 17:36    Titel: Re: Bitte korrigieren! (Auf ein Neues...) Antworten mit Zitat

Waschbaer3108 hat Folgendes geschrieben:

Ich hab wieder ein bisschen was geschrieben und würd mich sehr freuen, wenn ihr mir helfen würde. Sagt Bescheid, wenn ihr Fehler entdeckt!

Vielen, vielen Dank!

But South Africa’s historical background itself is insufficient to explain how racial discrimination could become so deep-rooted in its society. Another important factor is the Europeans’ idea to be obliged to “civilize inferior natives”, based on Darwins theory of evolution. While the whites, due to their technological superiority and their successful expansion, saw themselves at the top of the evolutonary scale, black people were considered to be primitive, ignorant and lazy and therefore regarded as the scale’s bottom. This “Social Darwinism”, which lacks any scientific foundation, definitely went well with the settlers’ world-view.
This kind of white supremacism did not only emerge in South Africa but also in other British colonies in Africa and Asia and in the United States. However, in South Africa this notion turned into a methodical and legitimized policy of discrimination beyond comparison.

Early signs of white suprimacy

The misconception of white superiority already began to show when Dutch settlers first encountered South African natives and gained a firm structure in the early society at the Cape. While the first two categories of legal status, Dutch East India Company officials and free burghers, were made up by whites, slaves, “Hottentots” and free blacks (manumitted slaves) were sorted into lower classes. All slaves and most labourers were black, landowners and employers were usually white. “By the 18th century, race and class had overleaped for so long that to many Europeans this social structure appeared to be natural or God-given.”(Elphick and Gilmore 1989: 544)
As a result, many racially discriminatory laws were established in this time. Khoikhoi and slaves were discriminated against in the church and the courts for example. Free Blacks could be arrestes if they were found in the streets of Cape Town without lanterns. Slaves and Khoikhoi had to carry passes signed by their employers to make sure that they were no runaways.
However, other key laws did not refer to race. The franchise for the Cape Town municipality from 1839 and that for representative government from 1853 were “colour-blind”. Because it was based on income and possession at a quite low level, some coloureds and Africans were granted a voting right. But when this system started to menace the “balance of power” by permitting a larger number of blacks to vote, franchise qualifications were raised. Later, all adult white men were allowed to vote while black franchise remained restricted.
In Cape Town, the degree of inter-racial social interaction was high, at least among the lower classes. But from the 1880s, social segregation distinctly soared. This was the result of the English elite’s idea to have to protect the white “deserving poor”. In 1902, they introduced a segregated location for all Africans in Cape Town and in 1905, the School Board Act established educational segregation in order to seperate white and coloured pupils in goverment schools.
In the constitutions of the trekker republics, liberal franchise was rejected. The Transvaal grondwet (constitution) of 1858 declares expressly that “the people desire to permit no equality between coloured people and the white inhabitants of the country, either in church or state. ”But in Transvaal not only blacks were excluded but also white outsiders.

So, ich hoffe dass ich da auch nichts übersehen habe. Ein(e) weitere(r) Korrekturleser(in) kann aber nie schaden. smile

Anmeldungsdatum: 23.08.2006
Beiträge: 25

BeitragVerfasst am: 28. Sep 2006 08:37    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Wenn ihr weitere Fehler findet oder verbesserungsvorschläge habt, immer her damit, bin für jeden Kommentar dankbar!
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