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Anmeldungsdatum: 06.09.2005
Beiträge: 19

BeitragVerfasst am: 20. Mai 2006 21:41    Titel: Text zum korrigieren Antworten mit Zitat


kann mir das jemand korrigieren? schreibe montag eine arbeit, und müsste mein styling noch ein bisschen verbessern!

wäre super!

Relationship between Jess and Jules

At the beginning the ambiance between the two girls is good. Jules is interested in how good Jess can play football because she is searching other girls, who are talented in playing football, for the team. Jess agrees on the offer of Jules coming and having a training section with her team and their trainer Joe. When the decision that Jess will get a member of the team is made the two girls are feeling very well. At this moment of time there isn’t any trouble between the two football enthusiastic girls. But by and by one of them gets jealous of the other one when she is closer to Joe then the person itself. They don´t know that the problem, which is that both of them are fallen in love with Joe, will cause trouble between them. Everything seams to be alright until they are driving to Germany for a game. In the evening the girls are arranging a party and they change Jess´ dress, so that she looks very beautiful. Joe is enthusiastic of her too. By dancing and music Jules tries to come closer to Joe but he also wants Jess seeing dancing. So he offers her and for a short time they have fun in a threesome. But then Jess goes out because she feels ill of the alcohol and the noise. Joe follows her and they start kissing in the same moment when Jules appears. If Jules sees them she gets angrily and this is the moment when the good relationship between the girls change. For a long time they don´t talk to each other. Though Jess wants to say “sorry” for that what happened Jules doesn´t want to be concerned with Jess. Later when Jules have calm herself they offers Jess coming and playing in the finale. A talent count is coming too. Jules has talked the things which happened out with Joe. The team win and both girls are feeling well and the end shows that they could manage their problems: They are going together to the USA. Jess and Joe want change the love affair to a real relationship and will talk to Jess´ parents as soon as Jess comes back in her holidays. So everything have turned to good

Relationship between Jess and her parents and my opinion to that

Jess´ purpose in life is playing football but her parents don’t want accept it. With the following reasons: At first it´s against their tradition ( they are Indian) and if you are an Indian you must act like one. Secondly they don´t want that Jess will make the same bad experiences her father made. A long time ago he started a career as a cricket-player but because of his nationality he was threaten and as a consequence he couldn´t play any longer.
As a third reason the parents mention that Jess isn´t any longer a girl, she will get a lady and so she should act like one. That means get to know boys and find one for a marriage, who have enough money and can give her a good standard of life.
At first I like to say that I can understand Jess´parents. They want what every parents want: To protect her daughter and make her happy. But that´s the point: If they want to see Jess feeling good they must give her the possibility to play. Surley, it is difficult for them, especially for the father, because he tried it but in the end he lost. He doesn’t want that his daughter make the same bad experiences like he. The parents want the best for Jess and so she should meet boys so that there needn’t be a forced marriage. Jess ´ parents only want to protect her daughter and they want to see her happy. But there is their culture , which Jess must accept. Even if I can understand the acting and the worries of Jess´ parents I think, finally it should be Jess decision whether playing or not. And the parents must to keep in mind: If Jess doesn’t use her chance, she maybe won´t be happy again in her whole life and then she will say: “It´s your fault, because you forbid it”. In my opinion the best way for both sides would be, if their parents tell her their doubts and long experiences of life and then Jess decide by herself. The parents must notice that they have an intelligent and responsible daughter.

Characteristic of Jess in comparison to her sister:

Jess is an intelligent girl, because she has done A-levels. Her purpose in life is playing football. She respects her culture but playing football means all for her and for doing it she takes a lot of troubles and dangers on her. In common she wants to be inconspicuously (except in football). Her clothes show, that she´s not ladylike. in comparison to her sister Pinky, who is always looking for the newest clothes, Jess is very modest. But the two sisters concur in one thing: Both of them have a big wish, which means their purpose of life. But this goal is not allowed in their culture. Pinky wants to marry a not-Indian boy and Jess wants to play football professionally. Therefore the two sisters can understand each other and support themselves. Sometimes they have trouble, but it´s not more then usual. Pinky can´t understand why Jess is so football enthusiastic and Jess can´t understand her sister too, because she wants more then wedding. But they know how the other one feels, if she isn’t allowed to practise that, what means all for her. That is why they team up together against their parents. Except of this, Jess and Pinky have only differences. All the time Pinky tries to look well and want to take centre of stage in contrast to Jess, who is modest. Pinky is easily to upset and if something doesn’t go how she wanted it she gets loudly, depressed and angry. Often she understands things wrong, for example, as she thought Jess wanted to destroy her wedding and then she got unfair to Jess. As a consequence Jess started to be careful with her words. But sometimes, when Jess is depressed, she becomes also jealously of Pinky, because she gets what she wanted. So it is a various relationship of the two sisters. Most of time Jess has a positive engagement and she is hard working but she doesn’t like it if her mother thinks to know what is good for her. But on the other hand Jess sees the difficulty of their nationality. She is prepared to do a lot for playing football and is always trying to be honestly with the persons around her, that became apparent in the scene when she talk to her parents and her whole family. In this situation her friend Tony (he want to help her) says that he and Jess are going to marry, but then Jess say that this is wrong and says the things honestly. That shows that she has a conscience and that she is self-confident.

ist jetzt einiges, ich weiß...

vll findet ja jemand die zeit.....wenn noch nen paar fehler drinne sind wärs auch nicht soo schlimm...

nur das gröbste müsste korrigiert werden!

CU Maxe
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