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Umwelttext. BITTE korrigieren
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Anmeldungsdatum: 01.02.2007
Beiträge: 38

BeitragVerfasst am: 14. Feb 2007 15:12    Titel: Umwelttext. BITTE korrigieren Antworten mit Zitat


könnte bitte jemand meinen text korrektur lesen und mir bei fehlern helfen.


die überschriften über meinen äußerungen waren die "fragen".

The Kyoto Protocol and the UK

Britain has agreed to reduce its greenhouse gases by 12.5 per cent. The Kyoto is one catalyst for the UK interest in renewable energy.

The UK’s increasing interest in renewable energy.

The catalysts are the Kyoto and UK’s own national targets for electricity generation from renewable sources. They want to gain 10 per cent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2010 and 20 per cent by 2020.
Another very important part for them is to get independent from oil and gas. Currently the UK gets them from the North Sea. However the reserves are exhausted and in 15 years they have to import big amounts of natural gas.

Cost-efficiency and renewables

It is expected that costs for generating electricity from wind, research and development in wave and tidal energy are lower than the rising price of gas.
In the near future you can accept that the prices of wind, wave and tidal energy have a sudden increase because they aren’t finite.

Reliability and renewables

Electricity from wind, wave, tidal and solar energy varies over time. So wind speed increases and decreases. It is the same with wave height and the electricity that is being produced. So there is one “power mix” to produce the most reliable electricity supply with the lowest variability. This is the so called fifty-fifty mix. of wind power and wave power.
However there exist also some other types of renewable energy like biomass or landfill gas. The pros are that they are renewable and not variable.

“Site-specific” resources

Wind, wave and tidal energy are site-specific, not every country have the same amounts of these resources and there are also different electricity demand patterns.
For instance, in the UK is a big demand of electricity in winter. Because of the ideal geographic position of this country wave and wind power provide more electricity. So there is a natural relationship between when electricity is need and when these resources are most available.
Another example is in Sydney. There the electricity demand is high during daylight hours in summer caused by air conditioners. The people there use air conditioners when it is hot and sunny and so wave power isn’t as suitable as solar photovoltaic.

Danke für eure Hilfe!

Anmeldungsdatum: 17.08.2006
Beiträge: 399

BeitragVerfasst am: 14. Feb 2007 18:55    Titel: Re: Umwelttext. BITTE korrigieren Antworten mit Zitat

Luethien hat Folgendes geschrieben:
However the reserves are exhausted and in 15 years they have to import big amounts of natural gas.

ich würde sagen "will be exhausted", die Briten nehmen es mit dem tempus etwas genauer als wir Deutschen.
In the near future you can accept that the prices of wind, wave and tidal energy have a sudden increase because they aren’t finite.

Besser "one can accept", "you" für "man" ist umganssprachlich. Kurzfformen wie "aren't" soll man in geschriebenen Texten ebenfalls nicht verwenden (außer natürlich bei kreativem Schreiben).

Wind, wave and tidal energy are site-specific, not every country have the same amounts of these resources and there are also different electricity demand patterns.

Nach "country" würde ichs chon "has" benutzen, weil man hier eigentlich nicht von einem kollektiven Plural ausgehen kann.
For instance, in the UK is a big demand of electricity in winter.
nach Uk würde ich ein "there" setzen oder den Satz gleich umformulieren.
Because of the ideal geographic position of this country wave and wind power provide more electricity. So there is a natural relationship between when electricity is need and when these resources are most available.
"is needed" "mostly"
Another example is in Sydney
ohne "in".
The people there use air conditioners when it is hot and sunny and so wave power isn’t as suitable as solar photovoltaic.
"Solar photovoltaic" ist doppelt gemoppelt, oder täusche ich mich? Außerdem finde ich "suitable" nicht 100%ig passend.

MfG Goldenhind

Anmeldungsdatum: 01.02.2007
Beiträge: 38

BeitragVerfasst am: 14. Feb 2007 19:29    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

@ Goldenhind: danke für die Korrektur, du hast mir sehr geholfen.
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