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Anmeldungsdatum: 17.06.2006
Beiträge: 17

BeitragVerfasst am: 17. Jun 2006 14:51    Titel: Referat durchlesen Antworten mit Zitat


Habe gerade mein Referat fertiggeschrieben...
ich denke, dass es ganz genug ist, aber um es noch besser hinzubekommen, brauche ich eure Hilfe!
Es wäre seeeehr nett, wenn sich jemand bereiterklären würde sich mein Referat mal durchlesen!
Es ist wirklich sehr interessant (hoffe ich zumindest:-) ) und lässt sich auch schnell durchlesen (obwohl 2 Seiten!)!

Anmeldungsdatum: 26.01.2006
Beiträge: 117

BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Jun 2006 01:12    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat


wie waere es denn, wenn du es mal in dieses Forum postest, so dass gleich mehrere dir helfen koennen ? Prinzipiell sind die Leute zu so etwas durchaus bereit.



A Stór Mo Chroí, when you're far away//Far from the land you'll be leaving, // It's many a time by night and by day// That your heart will be sorely grieving.
---Irish patriotic song (Brian O'Higgins)

Anmeldungsdatum: 17.06.2006
Beiträge: 17

BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Jun 2006 10:19    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Ich hab das aber mit Bildern gemacht...könnte schwer zu verstehen sein ohne:-(

Anmeldungsdatum: 17.06.2006
Beiträge: 17

BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Jun 2006 10:54    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

okay, ich versuch es mal trotzdem!

Könnte euch n bisschen seltsam vorkommen, da ich es genauso geschrieben habe, wie ich es vortragen möchte...also bitte nicht lachen!

Mein Thema ist über das Erschaffen von Intelligenz (a.i.) mit einer anfangs kleinen Verbindung zu dem Film von Steven Spielberg...naja..inhaltlich wird es schon korrekt sein:-)

Maybe you expect a definition of a.i. as an introduction…but I would like to start with a fairy tale.

Once upon a time there was a puppet made of nobly wood…but this was no normal puppet, this puppet had a name: Pinocchio!
Pinocchio had only one desire…becoming a real boy…
and one day when Pinocchio proved himself brave, truthful and unselfish, the blue fairy made his whish become true…and boom he was a real boy.

why I tell u this fairy tale?! Well, this is exactly the story which Monica told David…u can say that this lady is the mother of this boy(picture)…she never gave birth to him, but she gave life to him by pronouncing exactly seven words…U don’t believe me? I’m gonna show u-Video

In this movie by Steven Spielberg, David is a prototype robot designed to bring love to parents who have lost their child. This boy is a masterpiece, he is the goal…even better than this…he is the perfection of what the a.i.-research strives for since its development. David is able to execute the most complicated and complex characteristic of the human being. He is able to express feelings, he is able to love…love his parents and giving them the impression that he is a real boy…at first…because there is one thing that bothers…one aspect that prevents his parents to accept David as a real son:
David is perfect…he needs no sleep, no drinking, no food, he senses no hate, no anger..creepy!
The consequence is that David is abandoned by his discouraged parents. This boy, who never made any mistakes, meanly had now lost the one and only thing he was made for: love. Reflecting back to the story of the wooden puppet, he decides to find the blue fairy who changed Pinocchio into a real boy. If she does the same for him, maybe his mother will love him then.

But let us go from the end back to the beginnings of the a.i. research.

At the beginning there was the question: what has to be fullfilled, so that you can say that a robot possesses artificial intelligence?
Alan Turing's 1950 published article Computing Machinery and Intelligence discussed conditions for considering a machine to be intelligent. He argued that if the machine could successfully pretend to be human to a knowledgeable observer then you certainly should consider it intelligent.
the test: a human judge engages in a natural language conversation with two other parties, one a human and the other a machine; the three of them are connected by an instant messenger…if the judge cannot reliably tell which is which, then the machine is said to pass the test. It is assumed that both the human and the machine try to appear human

There are a lot of convincing arguments, making this test seem worthless. One argument is that children would also fail in this test as well as persons with psychological problems…or do you think this gentleman would pass the test?! (Bild von Homer Simpson)

Turing prognosed that from the year 2000 it would be possible for computers to pass this test. In fact, there still exists no positive turing-test…and it will took the scientists probably some decades longer until they reach this goal.

In order to be not that frustrated, a.i.-research concentraded on what the computer was originally made for: computing!

(Question…) A human brain manages 20 quadrillion steps per second…this is a two with 17 zeros. In comparison an average laptop correlates to the brain of an ant.

hmm…again frustrating….a.i.-research has to focus on more smaller things…so let us dwell to our friend the ant.
With his help we will understand that there are other forms of intelligence in which a.i.-research already succeeded.

We interpret behaviour as intelligent, as it seems complicated to us.
But most times very simple processes lead the organism to a complicated behaviour.
A.i.-research recognized that the more complex the environment is, the more intelligent the behaviour of an organism in this environment seems to us.

Now imagine the ant crawling across a beach. This beach is formed by wind and water. The ant starts running, toes (ausweichen? anderes wort dafür?) to the left, toes to the right, stops briefly when it sees another attractive female, and continues crawling. The ant does not go a straight way to its destine but a complicated one without any system…this means without any thinking.
It knows approximately where it has to go, but has to change its way permanent because of the hindrances.
So not the behaviour of the ant is complex but the beach in which it is crawling around.
If we replace now the word “ant” through the word “human being” in this context, we can say that there is another form of intelligence.
In the eighties there is nobody who has the idea that the body is not just a useless mass being controlled by the brain but that this body also contains its own form of intelligence: the so called “physical intelligence”.
In this field the a.i. research is making the most progresses and is reaching more and more perfection.

This is confusing…the intelligence is not just located in the brain…but also in the body…
Now lean back and relax first, cause it will become more confusing.
Intelligence is devided in more forms than just these two!
There also exists linguistic intelligence, logical mathematical intelligence, spacial (räumliche) intelligence, musical intelligence, social intelligence, body containment…and the list is growing with each new recognition of the research.
Well, it’s no big surprise that there is no exact and accepted description of intelligence. If you ask 100 scientist for a definition, you get 100 different answers.
Taking this under consideration, another question develops: How shall the human being, who does not know what intelligence is, build a machine wich shall have something its creator is not able to understand?


Anmeldungsdatum: 26.01.2006
Beiträge: 117

BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Jun 2006 12:24    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Erstens einmal: Ich wuerde auf jeden Fall A.I. gross schreiben, denn so scheint es von den meisten Englaendern auch geschrieben zu werden - so auch der Film (siehe ) . Natuerlich ist dies fuer einen muendlichen Vortrag egal... .

Weiteres Kommentar: Warum benutzt du so viele Ellipsen (...) ? Sind dass rhetorische Pausen waehrend des Vortrags ? Das ist natuerlich kein Problem, wenn du nur muendlich vortragen musst, aber sonst musst du diese selbstverstaendlich veraendern.

"...made of nobly wood... " nobly ist kein Adjektiv. Vielleicht meintest du "noble" ? Ich verstehe dann aber nicht was mit "noblem" Holz gemeint ist.

" one desire…becoming a real boy… " ich denke "... to become a real boy" fliesst besser.

"...whish become true...."
wish come true. (Im Englischen sagt man "to make a wish come true" und nicht "become true") .

"why I tell u this fairy tale... etc. "
- Warum benutzt du hier die (im Englischen eigentlich nicht existente) Kurzform "U" anstatt "you" ? Vorher hast du "you" verwendet - ist dies also eine stilistische Entscheidung ?

"...complex characteristic of the..."
characteristics (Plural)

" He is able to express feelings, he is able to love…love his parents and giving them the impression that he is "

Um mit dem Rest des Satzes konsistent zu sein, muss es "give" anstatt "giving" heissen.

" thing that bothers…"
einfach nur "bothers" fuehlt sich etwas unvollendet an, besser ist es dem Verb ein Objekt zu geben ("bothers them") . Solltest du unbedingt das Objekt weglassen wollen, ist es wohl besser dies zu umschreiben, z.b. "...but there is one disquieting thing about him...."

" sleep, no drinking, no food,..."
no drink, denn "no drinking" alleine ist fast immer auf dass Alkohol trinken bezogen.

"... meanly had now lost the one and only thing he was made for: love..."
meanly ist nicht falsch, aber meiner persoenlichen Meinung nach drueckt es nicht dass aus, was es soll ( ich nehme an, es soll so etwas wie "gemeinerweise" bedeuten).
Es ist mir nicht moeglich, ein einzelnes Wort zu finden, dass dies ausdrueckt, aber man koennte den Satz etwa so umschreiben:

"... had now, by a cruel twist of fate, lost the one and only thing he was made for: love..."

"Reflecting back to the story of the wooden puppet, he decides to find the blue fairy who ..."

Ich denke, dass man "reflecting back" hier so nicht verwenden kann. Je nachdem, was du hier ausdruecken moechtest, koennten

I) "...recalling the story of the wooden puppet, one might say that...."


II)"Let's think again about the wooden puppet I told you about earlier: we can see that the boy is in the same situation as..."

besser sein.
Ausserdem wuerde ich "fairy, that" verwenden, obwohl die Fee eine "Person" ist. Der Zweifel im Leser (oder Zuhoerer) lenkt von dem Referat ab und sollte deshalb vermieden werden. Ist aber Geschmackssache.

So, mehr schaff' ich im Moment nicht.



A Stór Mo Chroí, when you're far away//Far from the land you'll be leaving, // It's many a time by night and by day// That your heart will be sorely grieving.
---Irish patriotic song (Brian O'Higgins)

Anmeldungsdatum: 17.06.2006
Beiträge: 17

BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Jun 2006 13:07    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Vielen Dank erstmal ACH für deine Mühe:-)

das mit dem "u" statt "you" beispielsweise hat nichts zu sagen, denn das Geschriebene wird eh keiner zu Sehen bekommen...
ich hab das nur schnell hintereinander weggeschrieben!
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