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Motivational Letter für Freiwilligendienst in Südafrika
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Anmeldungsdatum: 15.11.2014
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 15. Nov 2014 19:34    Titel: Motivational Letter für Freiwilligendienst in Südafrika Antworten mit Zitat

Meine Frage:
Ich plane mich bei der Südafrikanischen Organisation SASTS für einen Freiwilligendienst in einer Grundschule zu bewerben. Dafür muss ich einen Motivational Letter schreiben, doch da ich sowas noch nie gemacht hab würde ich mich freuen, wenn mal jemand, der schon Erfahrung damit hat, meinen Entwurf durchlesen und sprachlich sowie inhaltlich überprüfen könnte. Jetzt schon mal Danke! :D

Meine Ideen:
Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a seventeen-year-old student at the XXXXXXXX-School, a grammar school in Hamburg, Germany. Next year I will receive my Abitur, which is similar to the British A-Levels. After that I am planning to attend university in order to afterwards get a job, where I can deal with and help people. Currently my first choice would be to study psychology, a subject which on the one hand requests a concern for people, but on the other hand very good English skills.
To satisfy the first and develop the second (even if I already fluently speak English) I want to spend time in an English speaking country right after school, and do volunteer work.
Since I also want to get to know a different culture and countries like England and the United States have basically the same as Germany, I quickly chose South Africa. But because not only a diverse culture, but also a struggling society has developed from its turbulent past, I feel like this is a place where my help is really needed.
I am firmly convinced that education is the key to overcome poverty, but when I read first about the South African education system I was shocked. From my experience as a student I know that it can already be difficult to learn in a class of thirty pupils, especially with a demotivated teacher. It has to be almost impossible with over forty children. Since I have now reached an age at which it is possible for me to help people personally and not only with donations, I would love to help remedying these grave shortcomings.
In Germany most teachers always give their students the possibility to improve lessons with their ideas. Therefore I am used to being creative and enhancing classes with my suggestions. Furthermore I sometimes give private tuition to younger students at my school, so I also have experience with that.
I also voluntarily helped my mother who works for a foundation, which helps mentally and physically disabled people, at special events. For that I took on tasks like selling lottery tickets at a charitable Christmas Market, but also looking after disabled and not disabled children at a football event.
In eight years of studying Latin and four years of studying ancient Greek I have learned a lot about the basic concept of a language and especially its grammatical structure. My grades in advanced English have always been between good and very good in the Oberstufe (comparable to Senior High School) so far. What always has helped me in school is a great general knowledge. While other children watched cartoons and suchlike, I was mostly interested in science programmes. Even now I still have the ability to easily develop interest in new topics.
My family, teachers and friends describe me as a friendly and cooperative and reliable person. I am always open to new things especially when I or other ones can benefit of it by learning something. Therefore I would be comfortable with any accommodation, no matter if it is a host family or a place where I would live with other volunteers.
I would be grateful if I could support your organization as a creative, skilled and motivated volunteer.

Sincerely, XXXXXXXXX
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