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Anmeldungsdatum: 14.11.2010
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 14. Nov 2010 21:07    Titel: Zusammenfassung schreiben Antworten mit Zitat

Meine Frage:
Hi, ich habe einen Text erhalten das ich Zusammenfassen soll, jedoch weiß ich einfach nicht wie das geht, und ich weiß auch nicht was das wichtigste aus diesem Text ist. Hier der Text:

Cyril Radcliffe, a London barrister, was flown to Delhi and given forty days to define precisely the strange political geography of an India flanked by an eastern
and a western wing called Pakistan. He did not visit the villages, communities, rivers, or forests divided by the lines he drew on paper. Ill-inforrned about the relation between agricultural hinterlands and industrial centers, he made a mistake of enormous econornic consequence when, dividing Bengal on religious lines, he deprived the Muslim majority in the eastern region of its major city, Calcutta, condemning East Pakistan - and, later, Bangladesh - to decades of
rural backwardness.
It was in Punjab that Radcliffe's mapmaking sparked the biggest conflagration. As Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs on either side of the new border suddenly found themselves reduced to a religious minority, the tensions of the preceding months exploded into the violence of ethnic cleansing.
It seems extraordinary today that so few among the cabal of Indian leaders whom Mountbatten consulted anticipated that the drawing of borders and the crystallizing of national identities along religious lines would plunge millions into bewilderment, panic, and murderous rage. If the British were eager to divide and quit, their successors wanted to savor power. No one had prepared for a
massive transfer of population. Even as armed militias roamed the countryside, looking for people to kidnap, rape, and kill, houses to loot, and trains to derail and burn, the only force capable of restoring order, the British Indian Army, was itself being divided along religious lines - Muslim soldiers to Pakistan, Hindus to India. So on, many of the communalized soldiers would join their co-religionists
in killing sprees, giving the violence of partition its genocidal cast.
Trains carrying nothing but corpses through a desolate countryside became the totemic image of the savagery of partition. British soldiers confined to their barracks, ordered by Mountbatten to save only British lives, may prove to be the most enduring image of imperial retreat. With this act of moral dereliction, the
British Empire finally disowned its noble sense of mission. As Paul Scott put it
in [his novel] 'The Raj Quartet', the epic of imperial exhaustion and disillusion, India in 1947 was where the empire's high idea of itself collapsed and "the British came to the end of themselves as they were."
Meeting Mountbatten a few months after partition, Churchill assailed him
for helping Britain's "enemies", "Hindustan" against "Britain's friends", the Muslims. Little did Churchill know that his expedient boosting of political Islam would eventually unleash a global jihad engulfing even distant New York and London. The rival nationalisms and politicized religions the British Empire brought into being now clash in an enlarged geopolitical arena; and the human
costs of imperial overreaching seem unlikely to attain a final tally for many more decades.

Meine Ideen:
wusste leider net wie man das macht

Anmeldungsdatum: 22.01.2005
Beiträge: 1140
Wohnort: München

BeitragVerfasst am: 21. Nov 2010 13:16    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Zusammenfassung: Verkürzte Version eines Textes, die nur die wesentlichen Inhalte enthält. Der Standpunkt sollte sachlich und neutral sein, d.h. es wird in einer Zusammenfassung kein Spannungsbogen mit literarischen Mitteln aufgebaut. Neutral heißt auch: Zeit ist Präsens.

Soll heißen: Schreib einfach (nach eine kurzen Einleitung: Texttitel, Autor, Veröffentlicht wo/wann, etc.) die wesentlichen Aspekte des Inhalts auf. Eine Zusammenfassung ist keine Nacherzählung, d.h. eine Zusammenfassung, die länger als der Text ist, hat selten Sinn.

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