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Korrekturlesen von Liedinterpretation "Not Afraid"
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Anmeldungsdatum: 08.11.2010
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 08. Nov 2010 15:21    Titel: Korrekturlesen von Liedinterpretation "Not Afraid" Antworten mit Zitat

ich bräuchte etwas Hilfe bei meinem Englisch. Ich halte bald ein Referat über das Lied "Not Afraid" von Eminem und habe dazu schon ein bisschen an Interpretation geschrieben und würde nun gerne jemanden bitte das Korrektur zu lesen,da mein englischer Elementarbereich schlecht ist....

Hier ist die Interpretation von der 1. Strophe und dem Refrain und dem Intro.

The chorus starts with “take my hand”. This is an appeal to his fans to never give up and go there way together and help each other. He wants to be an example that you can save your destroyed life to make a better life than before. The chorus is an encouragement for the people to start to resolve their problems. In the whole song the chorus should animate the people to thought out about the strophe before or after. It stands for a moment, when the fans can thought out about the sung song.
The intro is a setting in motion for the listener. With it Eminem wants to give his fans a stimulation to hear this song and follow it. And “that place” refers to his period of drug-addled depression, which has inspired his rebirth. He writes that someone could have the same problem anywhere on the world and so they are standing together for this problem now. And if “you´re trying to get out” you might “just follow me.
In the second strophe Eminem describe his fight against his demons inside him. With “It´s a rap” Eminem shouldn´t have to spitting this rhyme for you to know that him victory in any challenge to his dominance is a foregone conclusion. The line ”let´s be honest, that last Relapse CD was ehhhh” show that he is willing to quit the drugs to make a better album. In “perhaps I ran the, accents into the ground” we see, that he took a lot of hearth using in the various accents. And now he slips into one of the hated accents, like a joke for the people. The onomatopoeia “click-clack BLOAW” stands for cooking a gun and firing it up. That is a sight for the fight again his old life. And the last line of this strophe show us, that Eminem don´t exorcising his demons, he´s going to exercise them with "jumping jacks". He wants to „cut the crap“ and start a new part of his life, because at first he was like a little king. And later he notices how hard the real life is. Then he tries to get along. But if people can´t do this, they will be controlled by drugs easily. But now “it´s time to exercise this demons” and make a cut in their life and start a new part.

und hier ein paar Fragen,die ich noch der Klasse stellen wollte und deren englische Antwort meiner seits.

1. What do you think now about the song and do you think that this song can give you some advices for your own life?
I think the song can help people to solve their problem. And it shows everybody, that you have ever a chance to make you broken live better. And one other advises are, that it is never too late to start a new better live and that you must be helped by others and not give up an time.
2. Is the video good for the illustration of the main topic? Why or why not?
We think, it is a really good illustration, because the feeling describe in the song are very good illustrate. The viewer will be involved in the song.
For example in the verse:” So starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage” Eminem break out of a wall in the video. It looks very good. And also the part: “All I’m tryna say is get back, click-clack BLAOW“ is very good pictured on the video.
3. What are the motives for Eminem to sing the song?
The song is for him and his fans to say that he is alive. And he makes the song for his family to excuse Eminem for the problems in the past. The song is for all the people who have problems like him. He want to motivate they to solve their problems.
4. Do you like the song “Not afraid”? Why or why not?
We like the son, because it has a nice rhythm and it sounds good. And if you are thinking about the text, you will find a very important sense of the song.

Vielen Dank schon mal im voraus.

Und hier noch ein Link für den englischen Text und für das Video:

Ich hoffe, es findet sich jemand,der es korrigiert, weil das würde mir echt sehr helfen.

Liebe Grüße,Nicole
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