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grammatikalische Sätze kontrollieren.
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BeitragVerfasst am: 22. Feb 2005 20:29    Titel: grammatikalische Sätze kontrollieren. Antworten mit Zitat

Hallo, kann jemand die Sätze auf die Fragen nach der Grammatik kontrollieren. Bei einigen glaube ich etwas wenig geschrieben zu haben. Vielleicht kann jemand wenn ihm was einfällt noch hinzufügen.

Please write one or two paragraphs on each question.

Would you like to live in a bed-sitter?
No, I wouldn't live in a bed-sitter. Because it would have too small place. I need simply too much more place to life. I need a room for every room and this is not the case near a bed-sitter.

What do you think about sharing a bathroom with other people? Would you rather have a wash-basin in your room?
I don't consider a lot to share a bathroom with other people. I need only simply an individual bathroom for myself. Since I either would not like to wait until I am at the line. A washbasin is not a solution for me. I could just use that once for the tooth polishing.

Why do you think are the rooms on the ground floor and the first floor more expensive?
Because these rooms are always very much sought after. Most people do not run many stairs so with pleasure.

Flat-sharing is quite common today. What do you think about it? Try to give some reasons for and against sharing a flat.
The prices are very cheap in these rooms. For students these rooms are very ideal to life. t is not so good that one does not have as much place for the life.

BeitragVerfasst am: 22. Feb 2005 22:45    Titel: Re: grammatikalische Sätze kontrollieren. Antworten mit Zitat

Would you like to live in a bed-sitter?
No, I wouldn't LIKE TO live in a bed-sitter, because THERE would BE too LITTLE place. I SIMPLY need much more place to liVe. I need a room for every KIND OF room and this is not the case IN a bed-sitter.

What do you think about sharing a bathroom with other people? Would you rather have a wash-basin in your room?
I don't CARE MUCH to share a bathroom with other people. I SIMPLY need an individual bathroom for myself, since I would not like to wait until IT IS MY TURN. A washbasin is not a solution for me. I could just use that for BRUSHING MY TEETH.

Why do you think are the rooms on the ground floor and the first floor more expensive? THOSE ROOMS ARE MORE EXPENSIVE AS these rooms are always very much sought after. Most people do not ENJOY CLIMBING SO MANY STAIRS.

Flat-sharing is quite common today. What do you think about it? Try to give some reasons for and against sharing a flat.
The prices are very cheap in these rooms. For students these rooms are very ideal to liVe. t is not that good that one does not have SO much place for LIVING.

lg kiki
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    Foren-Übersicht -> Grammatik

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