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Korrekturlesen bitte: Tragedy/Catharsis
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Kantige Bergeule

Anmeldungsdatum: 16.03.2007
Beiträge: 26
Wohnort: Siegen

BeitragVerfasst am: 26. März 2007 11:09    Titel: Korrekturlesen bitte: Tragedy/Catharsis Antworten mit Zitat

The Aristoteles definition of tragedy is the imitation of an actim that he is serious,with incidents arousing pity and fear. Hamartia, the act of the hero which initiates the fatal process is always horryfingly out of proportion to the consequences of pain and destruction. Tragedy is a dramatization of man´s sense of his humanity and society as constantly under threat from the arbitrary chances of fate and his own innante savagery. In its ironic phase tragedy emphasizes the arbitrariness of evil .
In Macbeth,the commitment to crime is specific and deliberate. Chaos of scottland caused by the forces the weird sisters testify to are given license by it. Tragedy/ Catharsis gives you a example like in Macbeth, that what Macbeth does is wrong and so you can suffer and get clean. You do not do the same mistake like Macbeth.
Many of the best tragedies deviate radically from the Aristotelian norms. Aristotle defined tragedy as "the imitation of an action that is serious and also as having magnitude,complete in itself. Aristotle in the first place sets out to account for the underiable,if extraordinary,fact that many tragic representations of suffering and defeat leave and audience feeling not depressed ,but relieved ,or even exaited. Aristotle uses this distinctive effect, "the pleasure of pity and fear", as the basic way to distinguish the tragic form from comic or other forms,and he regards the dramatist´s aim to produce and maximize as the principle which determines both the choice of the tragic protagonis and the organization of the tragic plot. Accordingly, Aristotle says that the tragic hero will most effectively evoke both our pity and our terror if he is neither thoroughly good nor thoroughly evil but a mixture of both; and also that the tragic effect will be stronger if the hero is "better than we are" in the sense that he is of higher moral worth.

Danke im vorraus für Korrektur und Verbesserungsvorschläge

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