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The problem understanding high-flying texts
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BeitragVerfasst am: 28. Jul 2004 13:49    Titel: The problem understanding high-flying texts Antworten mit Zitat

It is without the slightest doubt that pupils have a lot of trouble to get wise about what the so-called "great" writers wanted to say. It is not in a slandering sense that I use quotes here when writing "great", it is only that even in the realm of outstandingly good literature there is still your own feeling, your own understanding which plays a decicive part in whether y o u think a writer is great or small. So, if you are at odds with the "common opinion" about let's say author X. it doesn't necessarily mean you didn't understand him or her. The prolix way, for instance, somebody dwells on a certain topic might be against your- taste! This opens a battle between the author and you and, of course,your teacher!
Am I right or wrong? It would be just great to hear what y o u ( or you over there!) think about this problem.
J. Rickers

Anmeldungsdatum: 18.06.2004
Beiträge: 221

BeitragVerfasst am: 28. Jul 2004 15:18    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat


I didn't check this from this point of view, but it sounds interesting. If I now think about it - I don't think, that if I don't understand a text, it's because of the topic.
But perhaps you yourself can't recognize it on yourself.

Sorry for bad english, correct me please Augenzwinkern


BeitragVerfasst am: 31. Jul 2004 13:31    Titel: dwelling on something Antworten mit Zitat

Thomas hat Folgendes geschrieben:

I didn't check this from this point of view, but it sounds interesting. If I now think about it - I don't think, that if I don't understand a text, it's because of the topic.
But perhaps you yourself can't recognize it on yourself.

Sorry for bad english, correct me please Augenzwinkern


Hello Thomas,
It was some kind of misunderstanding: it is understood that it is not(only) the topic which causes difficulties in understanding some texts: I wanted to refer to the specific style.For instance- if I take Hemingway: he was a master as writing short and to the point is concerned. But take Huxley who is well-known to most of the English pupils -you will find that sometimes it takes days ( at least hours) to get wise what he is about to say. So, to put it simply -what y o u make of the story somehow has to do with how the author brings forth his ideas.But- to be sure- this is not the only point in understanding difficult texts. Another factor might be the vocabulary of him/her who wrote the story. Thus it gets hard to find out what the meaning of a story is. Like you don't get the sense of "The tell-tale Heart" (E.A Poe) immediately and without background knowledge
about his period, his work, his life( for instance it pays to know that Poe translated the entire Gottlieb Fichte into English).

Best wishes!

J. Rickers

Anmeldungsdatum: 18.06.2004
Beiträge: 221

BeitragVerfasst am: 31. Jul 2004 13:47    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat


ok, this makes the thing clearer Freude
I absolutely agree with you! We read E.A.Poe and it was really difficult to understand, what E. wanted to express with its storys - but after a while, all seemed quite logical. smile


Anmeldungsdatum: 03.07.2004
Beiträge: 1389

BeitragVerfasst am: 01. Aug 2004 12:00    Titel: Hint Antworten mit Zitat

Hi Thomas and other users, Augenzwinkern

on and (click on LINKS)

there is plenty of information about authors and their novels etc.

Just take a look at them. smile


LG Ulli

Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.

Spanish proverb

Anmeldungsdatum: 29.09.2004
Beiträge: 18
Wohnort: österreich

BeitragVerfasst am: 04. Okt 2004 11:32    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

I´ve studied german literature and so I´m a so called specialist in analysing literature. Let me say so: of course liking a story is a matter of taste. Still there are factors which tells you, if a text is written well or not. (My English is not all the best. I´m sorry for my simple words etc). There is a lot of technical knowledge necessary to write a good text and as an expert you can see if someone is able to write or not.
Another thing is, that very often at school teachers let you read texts, that are much to difficult for pupils or that just have nothing to do with the problems and thoughts of young people. I hated Grillparzer for example at school. Today I´m very fond of his stories.
The third thing is, that very often they don´t show you, how to cope with difficult texts. You have to get into them, you have to dig your soul into the heart of the text - it´s not easy for me to explain how you start to really get in touch. I think, teachers should know better (but I´m not very sure, iif they really do!).
And last but not least - reading is also a talent you have ore haven´t.

liebe grüße
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