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korrekturlesen?!? BITTE...
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BeitragVerfasst am: 08. Jun 2006 17:51    Titel: korrekturlesen?!? BITTE... Antworten mit Zitat

hallo ihr lieben menschen!
könntet ihr mir bitte mein referat korrigieren? das wäre wirklich super von euch! Danke im voraus!

The story takes places in the post-war period in England.
Anna Sidney got pregnant in 1945 when she was 16 years old. The father of the baby was a soldier who promised Anna that he would come back to marry her if the war is over. Anna’s relatives urge her to have the child put up for adoption because a bastardly child was the last thing they wanted in their house. Afterwards, Anna hold her little baby Ronnie in her arms and decided herself that she is unable to give him away.
It was very hard for Anna to give Ronny a good standard of living because she was very young and hadn’t a serious labour, had a bastard and she was contrived on her own.
But Ronny was always a good boy, he was the sunshine of Anna’s life. For her he was the understanding, gorgeous, perfect son but inside his heart he was full with hate against the people who add pain to his mother.
Years passed by and Ronny grew up to a teenager. However, his fantasies to murder proliferated too.

Now the story of Ronny stops here and I’m going to talk about the life of Susan.

Susan was also the darling by her parents, a popular girl at school. A nice girl in a nice home. She really had the perfect life until her mum had a mental breakdown. She had to admitted into a psychologist clinic for a long time.
When her mother had recovered herself from the breakdown her father died unfortunately. After the stroke of fate her mother married again. Susan really liked her stepfather as long as it was just a friend / husband of her mum. He was like her best friend, she could talk to him about everything, and she really trusted him.
But how better she knew him, she less liked him, because the way he loved her wasn’t very nice at all. He raped her all the nights and of course, it was horrible for her. She wasn’t even 10 years old! Susan had also the misgiving that her stepfather could also rape Jennifer, the friend of her, who lived in the house. The thought was shocking and she would do everything against this act.

So one day, you would have guessed, Ronnie and Susan met and they felt in love. They often went for a walk and talked to each other about everything of the past, even about Susie’s rape. She had never talked to anybody about this before, not even to her mum because she didn’t want to disappoint her about the new love.
One day, perfect Ronnie and perfect Susie decided to do something that would change their life – they wanted to kill her stepfather. So they planned the murder and killed him. No-one thought that they could have done such a weird thing. Least of all the perfect teenagers.

But after this assassination to the stepfather Ronny got crazy. He didn’t know a way out.
On the same day when Susie found out that she was pregnant from Ronny he shot himself after he had raped Jennifer.

Anmeldungsdatum: 22.01.2005
Beiträge: 1140
Wohnort: München

BeitragVerfasst am: 09. Jun 2006 15:14    Titel: Re: korrekturlesen?!? BITTE... Antworten mit Zitat

Ich hab mal angefangen. Habe mit Sicherheit nicht alles gesehen, und ich bin auch nicht ganz durchgekommen, aber vielleicht hilft dir das hier trotzdem.


gänseblümchen hat Folgendes geschrieben:
hallo ihr lieben menschen!
könntet ihr mir bitte mein referat korrigieren? das wäre wirklich super von euch! Danke im voraus!

The story takes places in the post-war period in England.
Anna Sidney got pregnant in 1945 when she was 16 years old. The father of the baby was a soldier who promised Anna that he would come back to marry her if the war is over Überprüfe mal den If-clause. Anna’s relatives urge her to have the child put up for adoption because a bastardly child ich würde einfach nur "bastard" sagen, oder "illegitimate child", das andere hört sich - finde ich - nicht so schön an was the last thing they wanted in their house. Afterwards, Anna hold held her little baby Ronnie in her arms and decided herself das herself weglassen that she is unable to give him away.
It was very hard for Anna to give Ronny a good standard of living das Fachwort ist eigentlich: living standard because she was very young and hadn’t a serious das serious gefällt mir nicht... Vielleicht: real, oder besser: permanent (fest) labour, she had a bastard and she was contrived on her own.
But Ronny was always a good boy, he was the sunshine of Anna’s life. For her, he was the understanding, gorgeous, perfect son but inside his heart he was full with of ist besser. full with gibt es meines Wissens nicht hate against the people who add pain to einfach nur hurt his mother.
Years passed by and Ronny grew up to a teenager. However, his fantasies to murder proliferated too.

Now the story of Ronny stops here das "now" weglassen oder eventuell nach dem "I'm" einsetzen and I’m going to talk about the life of Susan.

Susan was also the darling by of her parents, a popular girl at school. A nice girl in a nice home. She really had the perfect life until her mum had a mental breakdown. She had to be admitted into a psychologist clinic for a long time.
When her mother had recovered herself to recover from. kein "herself" from the breakdown her father died unfortunately. After the stroke of fate her mother married again. Susan really liked her stepfather as long as it was just a friend / husband of her mum. He was like her best friend, she could talk to him about everything, and she really trusted him.
But how "the" statt "how" - der Ausdruck wird nicht mit "how" gebildet better she knew him, she less liked him, because the way he loved her wasn’t very nice at all. He raped her all the nights ich würde "every night" vorziehen and of course, it was horrible for her. She wasn’t even 10 years old! Susan had also the misgiving ich persönlich finde "fear" hier besser... that her stepfather could also rape Jennifer, the friend of her, who lived in the house. The thought hier könnte man auch "idea" sagen was shocking and she would do everything against this act.
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