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Bitte um Korrektur - Comment zu Mary Dilworth "The Fact
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Anmeldungsdatum: 16.11.2012
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 16. Nov 2012 21:31    Titel: Bitte um Korrektur - Comment zu Mary Dilworth "The Fact Antworten mit Zitat

Hallo, ich würde mich freuen, wenn mir jmd. helfen würde mein Englisch zu verbessern. Die Aufgabe war: Imagine the following situation: In a women´s magazine you read an article about a housewife setting the factory her husband works for on fire. The article provides you with all the background information about the couple. The report ends with the following statement asking the reader to comment on it: arson and women´s liberation - factory fires as a weapon for emancipation?

Dear Editor,
I was shocked to read that you are supporting such a radical attitude. Sure, some people may say: “Oh that´s great! Finally a woman who breaks free from her suppressed life as a poor house wife”. I take the view, that to burn down a factory is only an act of violence and not a way to break free or to get more affection. But I am always endeavor to understand why people act the way they do. I can imagine that she thought, if his loved work not exists anymore, this will change their relationship and that could make him more sensitive to her wishes and feelings. Furthermore he could start to over think his settings to work and family. In my opinion, that changes nothing, because one day her husband will work again and probably the same routine comes back. In addition there is no doubt that this is a criminal act, but besides that, somebody could be injured and that makes it even worse. I am of the opinion that the main point is, that this could attract imitators, which think violence is a good way to effect something. Therefore I hope that all women in a similar situation, understand that communication is the only way to achieve something. If you are unhappy in your relationship: say it plain! And if your husband or boyfriend don´t care, stop serve him, pack bags and leaving him – that´s liberation. All in all it can be completely said, that arson is not a weapon for emancipation, it´s at most a way to go to prison.
Yours sincerely,
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