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The War between the Classes Inhaltsangabe - Seite 4
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BeitragVerfasst am: 08. Jun 2006 20:15    Titel: ich trag mal was dazu bei Antworten mit Zitat

huhu nochmal
also ich dacht mir, weil diese seite mir hoffentlich zum zweiten mal den arsch retten wird, geb ich auch mal meinen teil dazu! smile
also hier habe ich die charakterisierung von hideo (amy´s brother) :
Hideo is a very kind, exotic, intelligent and good-looking man. He´s Amy´s brother. Not a lot is know about his social background but the rest of his family lives in a middle-class-neigborhood. They are not very rich. Hideo´s wife called Sue and is pregnant. Sue is a white woman and Hideo married her without his father´s conse, who is very strict. This rebellion against the permission of his father shows Hideo´s huge self-confidence. Since this time Hideo and Mr. Sumoto haven´t been in contact any longer. Friends aren´t described in the book. Hideo is a very friendly man and he´s proud to fall in love with Sue. The ethnic identity is that Hideo is a Japanese.

sooo ich hoffe das hilft eins oder zwei leuten hier! also meine lehrerin fand das super! also tschu tschu Prost

BeitragVerfasst am: 11. Jun 2006 16:40    Titel: The Wear between the classes Antworten mit Zitat

traurig Kann mir jemand bitte helfen?
Ich suche von jedem Kapitel eine kurze zusammenfassung, ich brauche die für die klausur!
Und wenn es geht characterisierungen von einzelnen Leuten aus dem Buch!
Bitte hilft mir schnell!!

Anmeldungsdatum: 15.06.2006
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 15. Jun 2006 17:21    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

musste nen bisschen runter scrollen da sind alle kapitel einzelnt beschrieben!!!

viel glück Augenzwinkern

Anmeldungsdatum: 25.06.2006
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 25. Jun 2006 12:03    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Hallo ich brauch unbedingt hilfe! ich muss ein reading diary über dieses buch schreiben aber ich find das buch total langweilig und schlecht und deshalb wollt ich mal fragen ob jemand nen passenden link oder sowas für mich hat????? meine aufgaben sind: die farben blue und dark green zu beschreiben das heißt wie sie sich zu anderen farben verhalten was mit ihnen passiert wer evtl. zu einer anderen farbe kommt etc. wär echt nett wenn ihr mir helfen könntet!!! ach ja noch was mir ist zu ohren gekommen, dass das summary auf nicht ganz korrekt ist, es sind n paar kleine fehler drin also vorsicht!!! also schonmal im vorraus fettes DANKE an alle

Anmeldungsdatum: 03.07.2004
Beiträge: 1389

BeitragVerfasst am: 25. Jun 2006 21:21    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

DieBombe hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Hallo ich brauch unbedingt hilfe! ich muss ein reading diary über dieses buch schreiben aber ich find das buch total langweilig und schlecht und deshalb wollt ich mal fragen ob jemand nen passenden link oder sowas für mich hat????? meine aufgaben sind: die farben blue und dark green zu beschreiben das heißt wie sie sich zu anderen farben verhalten was mit ihnen passiert wer evtl. zu einer anderen farbe kommt etc. wär echt nett wenn ihr mir helfen könntet!!! ach ja noch was mir ist zu ohren gekommen, dass das summary auf nicht ganz korrekt ist, es sind n paar kleine fehler drin also vorsicht!!! also schonmal im vorraus fettes DANKE an alle

Hi Wink

unter gibts bestimmt Hilfe für dich. Prost

LG Ulli

Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.

Spanish proverb

Anmeldungsdatum: 23.04.2006
Beiträge: 2

BeitragVerfasst am: 28. Jun 2006 22:23    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Hallo da bin ich wieda xD so nu mussten wir das buch lesen^^ ich finds eig interessant aber leider war ich 3 wochen krank und am Montag schreiben wir ne klausur drüpber danke xD und ich muss nu hm wa sübers kapitel hmm 12 o.13 schreiben da treffen die organgen da sich ja bei dem juan und adam fühlt sich da nicht besonders gtu ..joa und dassollen wir beschreiben und begründen ?!

Hilfe?! ^^

~> ich kann kein English <~ XD

Anmeldungsdatum: 01.10.2006
Beiträge: 1
Wohnort: Unna

BeitragVerfasst am: 22. Nov 2006 18:30    Titel: .. Antworten mit Zitat

also ich muss schon sagen eure seite hier ist echt super!
zwar schreib ich hier keine beiträge oder sonstiges aber dies musste ich los werden.
eure seite hilft vielen schülern so viel, danke euch

lg bianca*

Anmeldungsdatum: 18.03.2007
Beiträge: 4
Wohnort: Nettetal

BeitragVerfasst am: 18. März 2007 16:05    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Auch wenn der Thread schon was veraltet ist weiß i-jmd was über Juan und deren Hintergrund ?

Wäre echt nett


Anmeldungsdatum: 11.10.2007
Beiträge: 3

BeitragVerfasst am: 11. Okt 2007 11:47    Titel: Charakterisierung Antworten mit Zitat

Hey Leute

Muss über die Ferien das Buch - The war between the classes lesen- und es macht keinen spaß!!! Kotzen

Bräuchte eine Charakterisierung der wichtigsten Personen aus Chapter 1 und 2 .

Wäre toll wenn mir jemand helfen könnte ! Tanzen

Anmeldungsdatum: 22.01.2005
Beiträge: 1140
Wohnort: München

BeitragVerfasst am: 11. Okt 2007 23:00    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Wie immer gilt auf diesem Board: Egal wie du deine Hausaufgaben hasst, du musst sie dennoch selbst anfertigen. Bei der Berichtigung können wir dir dann gerne helfen - irgendwer wird sich schon finden, der das Buch gelesen hat Augenzwinkern .


PS: 78000+ Klicks - mehr als die größten Threads auf dem MatheBoard... und keine Wunder: Gebt mal "war between the classes" bei Google ein, da erscheint dieser Thread an zweiter Stelle direkt hinter dem mageren Wiki-Eintrag...

Anmeldungsdatum: 11.10.2007
Beiträge: 3

BeitragVerfasst am: 12. Okt 2007 10:54    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

dicher habe ich das buch gelesen. nur nicht ganz das muss ich nicht um diese Aufgabe zu lösen da es ja nur um die ersten ebiden kapitel geht...

...und so schlau das bei google einzugeben war ich auch aber nichts dabei das ich dafür gebrauchen könnze....

wär trotzdem nestt wenn mir jemand helfen könnte :-)


Anmeldungsdatum: 11.10.2007
Beiträge: 3

BeitragVerfasst am: 12. Okt 2007 11:35    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

sorry wegen der vielen schreibfehler..hab zu schnell geschrieben Augenzwinkern

Anmeldungsdatum: 17.09.2007
Beiträge: 39
Wohnort: Braunschweig

BeitragVerfasst am: 12. Okt 2007 15:20    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Wie wärs wenn du dich einfach mal hinsetzt, das Buch zur Hand nimmst, sowie einen Stift und Papier und die charakteristik selbst schreibst? Dann kannst du sie hier gerne zum korrigieren posten.
So schwer ist das gar nicht und die Zeit die du verschwendest während du es im Internet suchst, könnstest du viel besser nutzen. ;-)


Anmeldungsdatum: 09.10.2007
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 17. Okt 2007 17:23    Titel: Helft mir! Antworten mit Zitat

Hallo Zusammen!
Um gleich zur Sache zu kommen: Ich brauche eure Hilfe Hilfe Dringender denn je. Könnt ihr mir bitte eine Inhaltsangabe von jedem Kapitel auf Deutsch geben??? Und bitte die Eltern von Amy characterisieren??
Bitte! Ich braue eure Hilfe.

Anmeldungsdatum: 03.11.2007
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 03. Nov 2007 17:16    Titel: Hilfe! Antworten mit Zitat

Müssen in der schule the war between the classes lesen und wär total nett wenn irgendjemand ne zusammenfassung zu den einzelnen kapiteln hat, schreiben darüber am montag nen test und ich hab keine ahnung worum es in dem buch geht dürfen aber dür den test unsere notizen verwenden, brauch dringend eure hilfe hab auch schon im web geguckt aber nichts wirklich brauchbares gefunden oder nur was allgemeines zu dem buch

BeitragVerfasst am: 21. März 2009 21:42    Titel: Re: The war between the classes - Fragen! Antworten mit Zitat

Sarina** hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Hey Leute!
Habe hier drei Fragen zu dem Buch, die ich echt nicht beantworten kann.
Diese Fragen beziehen sich erst ab Kapitel 9 auf den Rest des Buches.

1. What changes take place in Mr. Sumoto?

2. What is the reason for giving the oranges atest that is too difficult to complete in the given time?

3. How has Amys behaviour towards her father changed?

Wär echt super nett wenn mir da jemand weiter helfen könnte!

Mit Zunge Sarina....

genau die gleichen fragen brauch ich auch beanteortet..
wäre echt super nett von euch wenn uns jemand die antworet sagen könnte.
LG Caro

BeitragVerfasst am: 21. März 2009 21:58    Titel: Re: nananna^^ Antworten mit Zitat

hey leute!finde das echt super wie ihr euch so gegenseitig helft und bin erleichtert das ich nicht die einziege bin die anscheind mit dem buch schwierigkeiten hat. Hilfe
ich bräuchte nur ganz dringend 2 fragen beantwortet:
-what change takes place in mr. sumoto?
-what is the pupose of given the oranges a test that is too difficult?

wäre echt total nett wenn mir jemand eine antwort geben könnte..ein - 2 sätze reichen mir auch schon.
Dankeschön schonmal und liebe Grüße,
Erdbeere 101

BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Mai 2010 15:29    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Voll fies !
Alle lesen das Buch erst in der Oberstufe und wir in der (. verstehen kein Wort ...
Okay das is übertrieben aber ich verstehe nich alles grübelnd

BeitragVerfasst am: 01. März 2011 19:25    Titel: Ich brauche bis morgen ein paar Infos über Paul! Antworten mit Zitat

Hi Leute,
das Problem ist ich hab das Buch noch nicht gelesen und soll eine Charakterisierung schreiben, über Paul! Hab schon ne Stunde gegoogelt und nichts gefunden! traurig

Wäre echt supi könntet ihr mir etwas über ihn sagen =)

Danke schonmal!

Gruß David

BeitragVerfasst am: 08. März 2011 12:42    Titel: Antwort Antworten mit Zitat


1. Summaries (Chapter 1-14)

2. Description of the Color-Game

3. Characterization of Amy and Adam and their families

3.1. Amy and her family

3.2. Adam and his family

4.1. Relationship: Amy and Adam

4.2. Subplot: Hideo and Sue

5. Assessment of the Color Game

6. Book Review

1. Summaries

The following are short summaries of each chapter of the book "The War
Between the Classes" written by Gloria D. Miklowitz – an author who has
specialized in writing young adult books. The story takes place in somewhere in
California and deals with a relationship between Amy a young of Japanese
extraction and Adam an upper-class WASP. For their disappointment their parents
are too prejudice to really accept their relationship.

Chapter 1

At the beginning of this chapter Amy is waiting at home for her boyfriend
Adam. As he arrives – and after her father has told her to be back right in
time – both are driving to a dance at school. On the way she is telling him
about the fear of her father that he could "lost" her like her older
Brother Hideo who married a white women. When they enter the courtyard Amy is
first talking to her friends Carol and Juan. Hereafter she moves with Adam to a
table which his friend Justin has reserved for them and some other friends. Then
because Adam has requested her for it, Amy shows the others how to dance the
hula. Soon Juan – a friend of Amy – and Justin are in trouble who is next to
dance with her. Just before they begin to fight Amy divides them saying that she
has already promised Juan to dance with him. Both begin to talk about what
happened just until Adam joins them and she goes away with him.

Chapter 2

This Chapters starts in front of Amy’s house. Amy and Adam are sitting in
his car when Amy looks on her watch and gets shocked that it is already so late.
She is hastening to the house hoping that her parents are already asleep but
instead both are still waiting for her coming home. So she gets in trouble
because of being late and her father forbids her to see Adam for a week. Sad she
goes to bed.

The next day she calls Adam at his home when their parents are outside working.
First of all she is a little bit confused and fears that she only is "some
girl" for Adam but she soon calms down and informs Adam about what has
happened and that she cannot go to the beach party with him.

Afterwards she is visiting her Brother Hideo and his wife Sue which Amy has not
seen for about a year because her father prohibits her to do so because of being
angry that Hideo has married without his permission. Both are living in small
and old apartment trying to make the best out of it. They are eating some
chicken Sue has cooked and are talking about several things including the color
game. Moreover Hideo tells his parents that they are going to get a child. First
off all Mr. Sumoto reacts in a very unfriendly way just asking Hideo if he could
afford that. But then he notices that it might be not so bad to have a

Chapter 3

The next day she meets Adam when she is walking at school and Amy tells him
what she has get to know about the color game and her fear that it could divide
them. However she is thinking that this might be a good test for their
relationship. When they arrives at class – in front the students sorted by
skin colors – Otero, their teacher, arrives an opens unlocks the door. He
informs everybody that the game will start today and thereafter explain its
rules (Þ 2. Description of the Color Game). A few, especially Adam, think that
this game is far from reality and shows it in making some jokes. Nevertheless
everybody has to chose a color by chance so that Amy gets Blue and Adam Orange.
Sad about this situation Adam tells her that there is the possibility that he is
promoted or she is demoted so that they could meet in the middle. Other people
just like Paul Thomas, a black, enjoys their new status and superiority.

Chapter 4

This Chapter begins in the library where Amy is thinking about what has
happened. We get to know that in a Japanese Camp she has learned, besides other
things, that being female means being a chameleon adapting the boy you are
dating with. Moreover she does not want to be bad to be demoted because its not
her way of living. That all makes her felling trapped by others just like her
father or even Adam.

Later, at lunchtime, she searches Adam and finds out that he is in the back of
the row just because being an orange. After she has taken her food she sits down
on a table with him, Justin, Melissa and some others. As Justin wants to answer
Melissa’s question about the armbands and several other things Amy gets angry
and remembers him of her superiority. But he does not want to follow her
instructions and so gets into trouble with Brian a G4 so that Amy regrets a
little that she is responsible for this. Moreover Brian remembers Amy to stop
socializing with an Orange like Adam. So she is a little depressed but Adam
promises to call her.While she is await of that call in the afternoon she thinks
about seeing Adam when she is going to tutor his sister Bettina. When he calls
her they are talking about what happened in school and Adam has to admit that it
does not feel good to be in so a low position and several other things related
with the game and their relationship.

Chapter 5

The next chapter starts with Amy on her way to school lost in thought when
Brian arrives and tries to get a date with her. Adam interrupts and remembers
him that Amy is his girl but Brian uses his position as a G4 to quiet him. But
however Amy does not want to go with him so that he leaves. Then she arrives at
class this time the students standing sorted by the colors of the game. In class
Thomas makes a joke about how it would be if he could keep his position also in
real live and then Mary – a G4 – explains another aspect of the game: sex
discrimination. (Þ 2. Description of the Color Game) Afterwards some students
including Adam and Amy are fined for offences of the rules. But Amy is shocked
that Adam because of being an Orange is fined much more then here. For the
remaining time Otero shows them some other examples of racial injustice how it
could be find in literature.After class Amy is talking to Carol – a friend of
Amy who owns the position of a Dark Green – about cheating the game. But Carol
is unsure what to do and Amy must fear that she might be reported to Brian
because Carol really wants to be promoted.

Chapter 6

Amy tutors or better tries to tutor Bettina in math because Bettina tries
everything to avoid it just as talking about a boy from school. Soon we get to
know that Bettina has the prejudice the Orientals are especially good in
mathematics but Amy tells her that it is only a matter practice and not of color.
Even though she has promised Adam to wait for him coming from soccer practice
she has to left. On the way outside she meets Mrs. Tarcher which makes feeling
her uncomfortable just taking her for Eileen – a girl she prefers instead of

When she leaves Adam arrives in his car, jumps out and explains that he is sorry
because he could not manage to leave earlier. Both go happily back into his car
but Amy cannot forget what happened and feels again sad because of their parents
prejudices. Adam tells her his experiences of being low class and because he ask
if it is always that way for those people Amy tells him a story about a man who
lost his arm so that he could not longer work and that his family has so no more
chance to move up in society. Therefor Adam explains her that he now understands
what Otero want to show with the game but that he is also going to manipulate
its the system. Before Amy can answer the two are disturb by a policeman but as
he recognizes that he is speaking to Adam Tarcher he is sorry and lefts. Just
before she leaves she remembers when her brother has been in trouble with the
police and that this officer has not been so polite because Hideo is no

Chapter 7

Later in the evening she is calling Carol. After a while they arrange to meet
at the shopping hall next Saturday. Moreover we get to know how Amy has tried to
convince other Blues to help her cheating the game in uniting all colors but has
not been successful. So she hopes now that maybe Carol would help her.

On Saturday just before going to the mall she is visiting Hideo and Sue. Both
are doing housework and Amy is surprised where her brother has learned to do so.
Later Amy wants to know how they have met and if their different colors has ever
mattered. So we get to know that both have met in College and that Hideo has
first tried to avoid further contact with Sue because of fearing the
old-fashioned opinion of his parents but he could not manage this for very long.
For Sue it never matter that Hideo has got another color because for her those
things are unimportant. But she knows that other people do so and is of the
opinion that Otero’s game might let them notice what they are doing.

At the mall Amy meets Carol in front of the bookstore. As Carol presents Amy the
romances she has bought she notices for the first time that it shows always
white people on the cover. We are also informed that Amy and Adam have met in a
Toy Factory on the mall where she has worked. Afterwards they are going in a
fast-food-restaurant talking about the game and how Amy wants to cheat it as
Brian – a G4 – arrives. He checks for the armbands an journals and as he
assumes that Amy has just forget to wear her armband she tells him that she has
intentionally not brought it with her so that she is going to be reported and

Chapter 8

When Amy is lost in thoughts why she is going to be a rebel, Bettina –
Adams sister – calls her because she wants to tell her that she passed the
math test. Moreover she insists that Adam is going to have a party at Saturday
with some friends and also Eileen so that Amy is confused that Adam has not
invited her.

Saturday night she is playing chess with her father telling him about the color
game and her try to cheat it. But her father cannot understand her will to be a
rebel instead of being pleased with her position in the game. He cannot
understand why she wants to help the lower classes and begins to speak about his
time in a camp during World War II and Amy’s grandfather who has tried to
change things and was sent to another camp. And when Amy says her brother thinks
she should do what is right and not what is safe he blames him being unknowing
because he has lived longer and therefore more experiences he can relate to.

The next day she is producing posters saying "All Colors Unite" for
putting them up at school. Later she call Juan – because of not knowing
someone else – for help her doing this. And both together manages it without
any problems. The next day she arrives at school she bows back at everybody just
showing to be equal. Moreover she sits down at a table with Light Greens getting
the attention of the G4’s and the advice to move to the right table.

In class they are talking about a book they had have to read "Black like me"
which deals with a educated white man how wants to know if color really matter
so that he changes his skin color to black and therefore has to notice that
everybody just looked at his color and not at his capabilities.

Then Brian begins to speak blaming the Oranges to have put up those posters and
wants to know who is responsible for it. Finally Amy and Juan admits to be
responsible and so that they are both demoted Orange.

Chapter 9

Amy and Adam leaves class together when there is soon a little trouble why
Juan helped her and not he but after a while everything is right again. And when
Amy goes to her next class they are already going to have an Orange meeting at
Adam’s house later. There – after everybody is convinced that Amy is no spy
– they are making plans what they could do to improve the situation and soon
there is the idea of making four-color-armbands for everybody at school to
finally unite all colors. They decide to meet at Juan because his mother is
doing piecework for dress manufacture so that there is enough material to be
used for it.

Chapter 10

On Wednesday Amy is called by her brother who tells her that Sue does not
feel all right and he has unfortunately an urgent meeting so that Amy offers him
to look for her right after school.

On her way to school she meets Brian blaming her being late and wanting to see
her journal so that she has to stay in the rain a little longer. Therefore she
is in hurry and sit down in the first row like usual but is send to the front by
Carol who has promoted Blue. In the Lesson they are talking about another book
Otero has forced them to read. It is "Down These Mean Streets" which
deals with a Puerto Rican and his experiences of living in the USA. This man was
unable to move up in society and was not accepted by upper classes because of
being white. Because of this some which similar roots begin to report about
their parents or grandparents bad experiences and that differences color and
money seems to be the factors most responsible for it.

After class Amy calls Mrs. Tarcher to excuse her for today in explaining her the
situation and offering her to tutor Bettina next Saturday. Moreover Amy is
surprised that Mrs. Tarcher does not say anything like: "Hope she feel
better soon!"

Later Adam drives her to Sue who is found by Amy in the bedroom not looking
good. After Amy has got to know that she has lost a lot of blood Sue begins to
cry so that Amy tries comfort her and calls her parents. When they arrives the
cares for her cooking some special tea and explaining that she should rest in
bed like the doctor has said.

Chapter 11

This Chapter is introduced by an journal entry of Amy telling us about a test
they have written in class and that it has seemed to be much easier for the
upper colors than for the lower.

Furthermore she calls Sue which has unfortunately lost her baby and say that she
wants no one to come over before tonight. Moreover Amy informs her parents about
this when they comes home from work. And she blames her father being unfair to
Sue so that her mother shows her the things she has made for Hideo’s and Sue’s
baby and the old bonsai which her father was going to hand to them. Finally they
decide to get over tonight.

When they arrive Hideo opens them, looking very sad. Quiet they are going into
the bedroom where Mr. Sumoto settles the bonsai on the dresser and explains Sue
that Hideo and the doctor are all right when they says she shall take care of
herself and not go to work. Moreover he promises her that she will have a son
one day. And for the first time they seem to be one big family.

Chapter 12

After tutoring Bettina Amy and Adam are driving to Juan’s house. On the way
they are talking about the contest which Adam might win and then Amy ask for the
party she was not invited. But Adam is surprised and then angry because he
realizes that his sister has played a shabby trick on them.

When they arrive at Juan’s the Oranges and some Light Greens are already going
to produce the four-color-armbands and some new "All Color
Unite"-posters. Both are helping to finish the latter. Beside they all are
talking about several things and their experiences with the color game. Around
six o’clock everything is finished and they are going to load everything in
there cars when Brian arrives and tries to confiscate everything but they just
ignore him. So that he cannot do anything except promising them that he has ways
to hinder their rally they have planed for Wednesday.

Chapter 13

When Amy arrives at school next Monday she is immediately going to her locker
to stow away some of the new armbands when she is stopped by Paul Thomas who
seems to know something about it. But then she can reach her aim without further
disturbance. In the rest room she meets Gwen a Blue who is also informed about
the rally and warns Amy that G4’s and Otero plans something to hinder it.
Moreover she will try to find out how it should be managed. Moreover she does
not treat Amy like an Orange but a friend.

In front of a class Dark Greens and Blues are still separated but Oranges and
Light Greens have begun to mix. At the beginning of the lessons Otero reminds
everybody of the beauty contest and that it shall show how sexist they really
are. The girls sit down in a circle around the boys which are forced to
demonstrate their physical attributes. After a while more and more boys are
sorted out finally only Adam and Paul remains. To decide who will win there is a
kind of quiz based on differences between the genders. At last Paul wins.
Afterwards – just before they leave class – the students talk about the
contest and their feelings about it.

Chapter 14

This is the last chapter and deals with the rally on Wednesday. It starts
with Amy awaking, having breakfast and going to school. On the way she meets Gia
– Dark Green – who tells her that something is going on with the armbands
they have met. The posters has been already hang up but no one make any attempt
in removing them. Before she can open her locker Adam appears, looking angry
because all of the four-color-armbands disappeared. Soon they suppose that
someone must be a spy. Not knowing what to do Gwen arrives with some red ribbons
which they can use as armbands. And it works. Everybody wants to get an armband
and soon the whole school is wearing them.

When they arrive at class Otero is proud because for the first time a class was
able to united everybody before the game ends. The fines the G4’s imposes does
not matter for anybody now.

On Friday morning Amy’s mother asks her about Adam and tells her that they was
possible wrong. Moreover her Dad has had the idea of inviting Adam for dinner.
Happily she is going to school.

There they sit down in a circle and before dropping their color-bands they are
talking about their experiences with the game. They get also to know how Otero
it has managed to select what people shall become what color and that Troy was
the spy who has informed the G4’s about the rally. And he is also very proud
because of Amy who has successfully changed the system of the game. Many have
found new friends through the game and are going to stop judging others by color
now. In the end Adam declares that he would like having dinner with Amy and her
parents very much.

2. Description of the Color-Game

The Color Game developed by Ray Otero works like described in the following
text. First off all there are four colors (Blue, Dark Green, Light Green,
Orange) representing four different classes in society, with Blue at the top and
Orange at the bottom. All participants of the game – which will last four
weeks – are allocated to one color by random – that is what they think –
but in fact there is a pre-selection by the teacher based on a evaluation of a
test everyone has had to write. So if they have "chosen" a color they
get a armband of their color and a journal which his to be carried all the time.
In this journal they have to write a report of every day helping the teacher to
decide if the owner learns anything or not what can be a responsibility for de-
or promoting someone.

By the rules of the game inferior colors are not allowed to speak to or
socialize with superior ones. The other way round a superior color may address
an inferior. Moreover lower colors must show their inferiority by bowing to
higher colors. And – of course – higher colors does have more privileges in
society so they gets e.g. more money than others.

Then there is a police force called G4 which is responsible for checking if
every keeps to the rules of the game and will fine everyone who is not doing
not. The G4’s also check for the journals. Additionally there are spies who
will report when someone tries to rebel against the system. Besides reporting
someone who does so means the chance of moving up in the game.

Furthermore all the subject of sex-discrimination is included in the game
working vice versa as in real life. That means that women – or Teks like they
are called in the game – are the superior and man – called No-Teks – the
inferior gender. Moreover that has to be shown by every No-Tek in curtsying to
Teks. In addition No-Teks are also forced to bring self made cookies and coffee
to class. And they will also take part in a beauty contest so that Teks could
judge for their physical attributes and talents. And at last Teks also gets more
money then No-Teks of the same color.

The game was developed because of the still present prejudices against people of
other classes of society or other colors. This game shall prevent that these
prejudice still grow and furthermore demonstrate that they are unfounded. The
color game helps to understand the situation of others better so that the
participants of the game learn to get along with each other after it. It also
shall prove how man treats women without really knowing. So they are forced to
think about their behavior. Moreover it illustrates how society really is and
instruct people to behave in another way just like they have learned in the game.
So a – when also far aim – of the game is to change society as well.

3. Characterization of Amy and Adam their families

3.1. Amy and her family

Amy Sumoto – which is the nickname for the Japanese name Emiko – is the
first person narrator in the story from whose point of view the story is
presented. That can be proven with following. So first of all we get only to
know about her experiences, thoughts and feelings. Other persons are therefore
always seen through her eyes. Moreover there is no other narrator in the story.
For that reason we suppose that she is the main character of the story.

Her outward appearance is not described very detailed in the story but she is
generally described as beautiful and exotic. It is very probably that she looks
like Japanese person in general. Moreover we get to know the following about
her. She is – like already mentioned – Japanese and lives with her parents
in a multi-cultural middle-class neighborhood. She is 17 years old and is
therefore going to high school. Her most preferred teacher is Mr. Otero who is
also the developer of the color game and instructs it to the class.

Except the end – that means the last two chapters – she has a not so good
relationship to her father because she thinks that he is old-fashioned and
stubborn and not accepting that she is in love with Adam a WASP. (Þ 4.1
Relationship: Amy and Adam) Moreover she blames him and also her mother for not
being able to accept Sue – the wife of her older brother Hideo – as a part
of the family. But in the end we get to know that her parents are not so narrow
minded like Adam’s parents and sister. (Þ 3.2 Adam and his family). And we
get also to know that he has a real reason to be prejudices what are his
experiences in a camp he was forced to live during World War II. But deep inside
she loves her parents.During the color game she tries several times to help the
lower colors and to unite all against the system. She also does not give up when
she is demoted an Orange and finally is successful. That shows that she can be a
very strong-willed person if she really believes in something. So she does e.g.
say that it is not in her "nature to try to fail." (p.33, l.33)

Moreover she is usually very friendly and polite towards others. For example in
the color game she does not treat someone bad only because he is of a lower
color. Of course there are some exception – especially in her treatment
towards Justin and Brian – but in general she tries to be a diplomatic person.

Furthermore – mainly relating to Adam – she is also very loyal. So she does
not go out with Brian just because she cannot go with Adam or does not end their
relationship only he is said to have a party with Eileen instead of her. That
also shows the deepness of her love towards Adam.

3.2. Adam and his family

Adam is Amy’s boyfriend. Because of this close relationship to the narrator
of the story we can say that he is the second main character in the story. Adam
is a white American upper-class WASP. The he must be wealthy can be proven with
following. So he is living in a very big house on "Valley Vista" (p.9,
l.5) which is described by Amy as looking like a "castle" (p.9, l.Rock
with "fourteen or more rooms" (p.9, l.6). Moreover he has got his own
and expensive car, an "BMW" (p.52, l.4). He is also one of the best
looking boys in class so he is e.g. one of the last two No-Teks in the
beauty-contest and is e.g. compared with a statue of a "young Greek"
(p.8, l.13). Moreover he has "golden" meaning blonde "hair"
(p.8, l.14/15) so that he is a strong and attractive boy.

He has got a sister called Bettina who is a few years younger than him and who
is tutored in mathematics by Amy. Moreover we got to know a little about his
mother but nothing about his father. All in this family – maybe except Adam
– have prejudice against non-white persons. So she is of the opinion that Amy
is not good enough for Adam and wants to replace her with Eileen – an also
rich white girl form the circle of friends of the family. Moreover she e.g.
thinks "that Orientals have special attitudes for math and science"
(p.49, l.7 f.) how Bettina informs Amy when she is tutored by her. That shows
indicates that she is also prejudiced. Moreover she plays a shabby trick on Adam
and Amy when phoning Amy and telling her that Adam is going to have a party with
some friends just as Eileen. But also because of his prejudices and the
conflicts with his parents he is not willed to leave Amy just because other does
not accept her.

4.1 Relationship: Amy and Adam

The relationship between Amy and Adam develops into the story so that I will
try to draw attention to the most important points in this process. In the
beginning there are in love and especially Adam does not see what could change
their relationship but Amy already recognizes the prejudices from both families
which try to separate them.

Then their relation is menaced by Amy’s father who places her under house
arrest four one week because of coming home late from the dance. (Þ Chapter 2)
Therefore she is not able to got with Adam to a beach party and because of this
calls him but when is call just "some girl" (p. 18, l. 6) she begins
to doubt that Adam is upright to her especially when he tells her to go to the
party anyway because he has promised to accompany Justin. But also because of
his diplomatic abilities everything seems to be again all right after the
call.When the color game starts it is possible the most difficult test for their
relationship since it beginning because of Amy getting Blue and Adam getting
Orange (Þ 2. Description of the Color Game) Therefore they can next to nothing
meet each other for about two weeks because of the rules of the game. So she can
have a little time with Adam at his home after she has tutored his sister. Then
their relationship gets finally into crisis when Bettina played a trick on her
brother and her. Therefore she asks Juan instead of him for putting up the
"All Colors Unite" posters so that the situation is near to escalate.
But their relationship improves when Amy is demoted an Orange. Now they can
prepare the rebellion against the color game together and at the end of the
story also Amy’s parents want to meet Adam so he is invited for dinner. (Þ
Chapter 14) But there relationship gets also some mature. So while playing the
color game Amy recognizes the sexist behavior of Adam. Because of this she is no
more trying to adapt him – as she has usually done when meeting boys. And also
Adam finally recognizes this fact and is going to change his behavior for not
jeopardizing their relationship this way.

4.2 Subplot: Hideo and Sue

The subplot Hideo and Sue shows mainly that such a relationship like this of
Amy and Adam can exist for a long period. So it might be an outlook of their
future life. Moreover it demonstrates that "whites" are not naturally
prejudiced. Moreover it illustrates how old-fashioned the idea is that women
should do housework and man should go to work. Instead of this Sue and Hideo see
each other equal. So both are go to work and shares the housework between each
other. Hideo usually makes those things you need more physical strength for and
Sue does the remaining work. It is in fact a very idealistic view of people,
always being unprejudiced against others in trying to understand and help them.
Moreover they always try to make the best out of everything, e.g. out of their
home a small but now clean and tidy flat.

5. Assessment of the Color Game

In my opinion the color game is a good way of teaching people how unfair it
really is to be judged by color, wealth or gender. Moreover it shows students
belonging to a low class – that which usually become Dark Green or Blue –
why how it feels to be upper-class and why upper-class people normally do not
care for inferior classes. For a few weeks you becomes another person with
another status and learns what it means to live so if you then regain you origin
status you can see everything from two perspectives so that upper-class people
might stop to discriminate lower-classes and the other way round lower classes
does better understand the behavior of upper-class persons. Moreover –
especially because the game works with colors – you might remember how it felt
to be judged by it and will stop to do so with other people.Moreover I do not
believe that you can really be emotionally damaged by the game. So upper colors
are of course threatened well so that in my humble opinion there is no reason of
being emotionally damaged this way. But also when you get a low color you have
only to bear things for about four weeks black or Puerto Rican people did for
decades. Moreover the teacher gets to know about the emotional situation of the
person through his/her journal. So if someone is really depressed to much he can
be promoted every time. Moreover in the appendix of the book it is written about
only one student who has blamed to have being emotional damaged by the game. But
this person has only played the game for one day so that this cannot be a real
proof. In my opinion playing the color game might be uncomfortable – also for
me – but for being emotionally damaged the probability is very small.

6. Book Review

I enjoyed reading the book very much. First of all because it was not written
in my mother tongue and so I get the chance to see how good I can cope with the
English language also when it was much easier to understand than e.g. a book of
one the big classical authors such as Shakespeare or Huxley. Then story was very
interesting and authentic because of being based on something we all good know:
school. And it is furthermore based on the real existing color game developed by
Ray Otero who "personally" explains it in the story. This game –
everything is constructed around – comprises so many aspects of the American
class system and shows how miserable your life could be just because of your
skin color. So by reading the book you get a – when sometimes even exaggerated
– outlook on living in the USA what was also very interesting for me. But the
book or the color game it deals with does not only show how unfair the American
class system could be it shows that something can be changed and orders the
reader to drop groundless prejudices. And that all packed in an exciting story
of relationship between a Japanese girl and a upper-class WASP called Amy and
Adam made it fun to read the book and made it easy to get part of the story.
Also when I prefer reading good science fiction novels stories (when I read for
my own) it was also exciting to read this one.

So, das sollte grob alle Fragen beantworten Augenzwinkern

BeitragVerfasst am: 10. Mai 2012 21:23    Titel: Brauche dringend hilfe Antworten mit Zitat

soll für morgen folgende aufgabe lösen hab aber keine idee was ich schreiben soll:

page 18 line 12 to page 20 line 8 (telephone call):

a question of respect? Amy and Adam disagree on the way to handle Amy's father and his strictness with Amy. Analyse both points of view and give other examples from the book (welche z.B.??) when respect is either given or not given.

Es wäre super nett wenn sich noch jemand heute abend melden könnte!!! Augenzwinkern

BeitragVerfasst am: 03. Dez 2021 15:14    Titel: The War between the Classes: Zusammenfassung Chapter 7 Antworten mit Zitat

– hier. Wenn du nach 15 Jahren noch da sein solltest Augenzwinkern

Later in the evening she is calling Carol. After a while they arrange to meet at the shopping hall next Saturday. Moreover we get to know how Amy has tried to convince other Blues to help her cheating the game in uniting all colors but has not been successful. So she hopes now that maybe Carol would help her.

On Saturday just before going to the mall she is visiting Hideo and Sue. Both are doing housework and Amy is surprised where her brother has learned to do so. Later Amy wants to know how they have met and if their different colors has ever mattered. So we get to know that both have met in College and that Hideo has first tried to avoid further contact with Sue because of fearing the old-fashioned opinion of his parents but he could not manage this for very long. For Sue it never matter that Hideo has got another color because for her those things are unimportant. But she knows that other people do so and is of the opinion that Otero’s game might let them notice what they are doing.

At the mall Amy meets Carol in front of the bookstore. As Carol presents Amy the romances she has bought she notices for the first time that it shows always white people on the cover. We are also informed that Amy and Adam have met in a Toy Factory on the mall where she has worked. Afterwards they are going in a fast-food-restaurant talking about the game and how Amy wants to cheat it as Brian - a G4 - arrives. He checks for the armbands an journals and as he assumes that Amy has just forget to wear her armband she tells him that she has intentionally not brought it with her so that she is going to be reported and demoted.
Steffen Bühler

Anmeldungsdatum: 03.12.2013
Beiträge: 92

BeitragVerfasst am: 06. Dez 2021 09:14    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Ein paar Grammatikfehler und öfter unpassendes continuous, aber trotzdem vielen Dank.

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