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BeitragVerfasst am: 22. März 2005 20:26    Titel: Fragen zum Text Antworten mit Zitat

Hi, ich soll zu diesem Text ein paar Fragen beantworten. Bin mir aber nicht sicher, ob ich die richtig beantwortet habe und bei 2 habe ich keine Antwort gefunden. Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir weiterhelfen.

Henry Scamp spent 60 of his 73 years as a woodsman, practising the ancient art of coppicing in Kent’s chestnut woods – and his three sons and a grandson all followed him into the trade, which was introduced across Britain in Roman times.

Today all of them are out of work and 2,000 more jobs are endangered as coppiced woods, home to rare birds and butterflies, are threatened throughout the South-East.

Ironically, the woods are in danger because of the ‘green’ decision of the region’s only hardwood pulp mill to conserve trees by switching to recycled paper.

Until last year the Kemsley Paper Mill at Sittingbourne took 100,000 tonnes of hard-wood a year, at £ 80 a tonne, from coppiced woods. These woods are pruned con-tinuously to prevent the trees falling over when they sprout too many branches.

Woodland owners have also been hit by a reduction in the sales of hardwood fenc-ing in favour of imported softwood and plastic fences.

Farmers in Kent and Sussex can no longer afford to maintain Britain’s coppiced wood heartlands, some of which are disintegrating into tangled masses of fallen trees.

‘It is really heartbreaking’, says Mr Scamp, who lives in the village of Blean near Canterbury. ‘If nothing is done the woods will be dead all over Kent in 30 to 40 years.’

A campaign to save Kent’s 15,500 hectares has been launched by a sheep farmer, Keith Laugharne, of Tyler Hill, near Canterbury. Mr Laugharne owns two sweet chestnut woods which are home to the heathfield fritillary, a rare butterfly, found at only one other site in the country. Five acres of the woodland which are officially de-clared a Site of Special Scientific Interest are badly affected after a year without coppicing.

The Government funded Nature Conservancy Council may step in with grants to save some of the threatened woods. ‘We would be very concerned if the problem became widespread’, said woodland ecologist Keith Kirby. ‘The coppicing cycle pro-vides habitats for traditional woodland flowers like bluebells and anemones and for wildlife under threat like dormice and nightingales’.

1. How did Henry Scamp spend his working life?
2. What economic threat is described in the text?
3. Why is it now more difficult to sell coppiced wood?
4. Why is this described as ironic?
5. What will be the direct consequence if the coppiced woods are not maintained?
6. What environmental consequences will follow if the woods are destroyed?
7. Who is campaigning to save the coppiced woods?
8. What is his personal interest in the question of the coppiced woods?
9. How can the Nature Conservancy Council help with the problem?
10. Can you think of other forms of livelihood which are disappearing in the West European countryside today?

1. He spent 60 of his 73 years as a woodsman, practising the ancient art of coppic-ing in Kent’s chestnut woods.
2. In the text it is described that today all of them are out of work and 2.000 more jobs are endangered as coppiced woods.
3. Because there was no enough jobs.
4. Because the woods are in danger because of the green decision of the region.
5. If nothing is done the woods will be dead all over Kent in 30 to 40 years.
6. –
7. This was a sheep farmer, Keith Laugharne.
8. Mr Laugharne owns two sweet chestnut woods which are home to the heathfield fritillary, a rare butterfly, found at only one other site in the country. Five acres of the woodland which are officially declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest are badly affected after a year without coppicing.
9. The Government can help the Nature Conservancy Council with their problem.
10. -



Anmeldungsdatum: 20.03.2005
Beiträge: 41
Wohnort: hessen

BeitragVerfasst am: 23. März 2005 13:24    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

ich hab den text zwar gerade nur kurz überflogen, aber ich muss dir UNBEDINGT raten, dich mehr von dem geschriebenen zu lösen!!! versuch mal eigene antworten zu den fragen zu finden und nicht teilweise die formulierungen aus dem text zu kopieren! das wird dir auf jeden fall mehr bringen, weil es im nachhinein darauf hinausläuft, dass du zu irgendetwas stellungbeziehen und deine eigene meinung erläutern musst und dann kann man auch nich so nah am text arbeiten...
und umso öfter du sowas übst, desto besser wirds dann auch! smile
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