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BeitragVerfasst am: 14. März 2005 20:37    Titel: Text auf Englisch!!! Antworten mit Zitat


kann mir bitte noch jemand HEUTE den text korrigieren?es ist sehr wichtig! sorry, dass es so kurzfristig ist!

A summary about the text floods and storms

Water is absolutely necesary for life on Earth! But it can also bring death and destruction. In the last, many people lost their lives because of floods. Those ones, who survived didn´t have food or medicines because the water cut off roads and other humans couldn´t reach them.
Especially in India, Bangladesh, China and the United States have been big disasters when the tidal waves arrived. The causes of floods were at first the great rivers and at second the seastroms in these countries.
In Bangladesh had been a lot of catrastrophes because its a very low-lying country at the mouth of the river Ganges. In Nov. 1970, the whole village were distroyed and it dissapeared. One humans died. The inhabitants reproach the government , that it didn´t spent enough money and so the floods couldn´t prevented and controlled. When the next tidal waves arrived in 1985 the people were capable of giving warning labels. But a lot of people didn´t care the warnings.
But also India was affecte. 1977, ninty percent of the population died.
The United States also suffected. The people there had built a dam that broke in 1927 and takes 750000 homes with itself.
Then they constructed a hole in a wall, that saved the city and many lives. But in 1927 300 people died and 350000 were homeless in spite of (trotz) the prevention. Than they made a new system to control the floods and identify (feststellen), that there will be still more flods.
A tornado is a very strong wind that goes rund and round.It commons in the Midvest of the USA. In 1974 324 people were killed by hundred tornadoes. In the years 1900 - 1969 12000 peoples died in the USA.
The tornado is one of the great fores of nature!It is difficult to say, when it happens.

Bitte sehr um Hilfe Hilfe Hilfe wäre euch ewig dankbar!

BeitragVerfasst am: 20. Apr 2005 10:06    Titel: Word XP Antworten mit Zitat

Wenn du nocheimal ein solches Problem hast:

Kopiere den Text in Microsoft Word XP.
Wähle unter Extras --> Sprache --> Sprache festlegen.
Danach auf Englisch.

Matthew Prost

PS: Dieses Programm unterstreicht Rechtschreibefehler rot.
Und Grammatkfehler grün.

=> Leider findet es nicht alle Fehler. Die meisten aber!
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