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Autor Nachricht

Anmeldungsdatum: 15.11.2008
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 15. Nov 2008 19:14    Titel: Bitte um Korektur => wäre sehr nett Antworten mit Zitat

Muss nächste Woche ein Referat über die Freiheitsstatue präsentieren, daher bitte ich euch mal kurz meinen Text zu kontrollieren.

Schon mal vielen Dank im Vorraus

The Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty was a present from France at the centennial of the USA in 1776.
The 4th July 1776 is a very important day in the history of the United States, because it was the day of the Declaration of the Independence of the United States. Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was the designer of the statue, he was a famous sculptor from France. 350 statue pieces were packed into 215 boxes and shipped from France to New York. You can’t transport the statue in one piece, because she is about 225 tons heavy. On October 28th 1886, the dedication of the Statue of Liberty took place in front of thousands of spectators. The statue alone cost about $800000.

She is 46 metres tall, with the pedestal and the foundation she has a height of 93 metres, so she is one of the tallest statues in the world.
The bodyshell of the statue is made of pure copper, the copper is green, because the oxidation. The statue is a robed woman holding a torch in her right hand, the torch is coated in gold leaf, in her left hand she holds a tablet which shows the date of the United State’s Declaration of Independence. On her head she has a crown with seven spikes, the seven spikes stands for the light of liberty shinning on the seven seas and seven continents. A chain that represents tyranny lies broken at her feet. She stands atop a granite pedestal, on the pedestal is a bronze plaque inscribed with the poem “The New Collossus” by Emma Lazarus, the foundation of the statue is a star shaped wall.

More information
Formerly, the Statue of Liberty was called “Liberty Enlightening the world”. She stands on a small island in the middle of the New York harbour, the name of the island is Liberty Island.
You can only come to Liberty Island on ferry, adults pay $11.50 and children only $4.50 for the Ferry ticket. Every year about 4.5 million visitors come to the Statue of Liberty including Ellis Island. Ellis Island was the arrival point for a lot of immigrants, Ellis Island is a part of the Statue of Liberty and is included in the price of the ferry ticket.
The museum which is in the statue is telling about the history and symbolism of the Statue of Liberty, you can see photographs, prints, artefacts and a lot of other things.
If you have not much time, you can take the Staten Island Ferry that crosses the
New York harbour past the Statue of Liberty. This trip takes about one hour and cost nothing.
The Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable icons of the United States, she is also a universal symbol of freedom and democracy.
That was my presentation about the Statue of Liberty.

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