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Gender roles
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Anmeldungsdatum: 16.02.2007
Beiträge: 6

BeitragVerfasst am: 19. Jun 2007 21:30    Titel: Gender roles Antworten mit Zitat

hallo, leute! ich schreibe morgen klausur in englisch und das thema heisst " Gender roles". Ich habe schon eine Einleitung vorbereitet und möchte sie bitten, mögliche Korrekturen durchzuführen.

Men can’t listen and women can’t park. Men and women are completely different. Men learn languages badly. Women can’t think spatial. Men like to work hard. Women prefer buying shoes. These are deeply rooted concepts of men and women which are anchored in the heads of people till nowadays. Despite of scientic latest findings, that there are bigger differences inside the genders than between them and that the common ground between men and women is much bigger than differences, there are still stubborn prejudices. What are the reasons for these prejudices and do the stereotypes hide a peace of truth?
The prejudices of inborn difference between men and women lead to the conclusion, that women rack their brain over mathematic tasks and decide to study philology instead of physic. The rooted belief in fundamental differences of men and women reproduct themselves. The stereotypes are usually durable because they are loaded emotional which means that they are immun to reasonable arguments. Stereotypes also habe other functions , for example they have groups dynamical components which strenghten the feeling of community of people who tries to get more ego-boost through devaluation of others.
But every fairtale conceals a part of truth. Scientists searched for proofs and found the differences: the brain of women is smaller and lighter. Yet women are as good as men in intellient tests. Female brain has about 10 per cent more nerve cells in the area which is responsible for the proccesing of languages. They also have bigger area for the spatial memory!
There is no clear male or female role nowadays. More and more women have jobs and „conquer“ male domains so that men have to change their views. The democratical social intercource become more important and the role of men and women give way to the demands of daily life.
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    Foren-Übersicht -> Grammatik

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Keine neuen Beiträge Gender Roles 1 Steffi 3917 06. März 2006 22:04
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