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Anmeldungsdatum: 02.11.2011
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 02. Nov 2011 12:57    Titel: Eurocom Prüfung Antworten mit Zitat

Meine Frage:
Halli Hallo!
Ich brauche gaaaaaanz dringend eure Hilfe!
Ich habe im Dezember (5.-9.12.11) meine mündliche Englisch Prüfung zum Realschul-Abschluss -> Eurocom! ;*
Jetzt hab ich ein Thema und auch alles schon ausgearbeitet und wollte euch bitten, euch das vielleicht mal durchzulesen & mir Verbesserungsvorschläge + Verbesserung der Grammatik + Vokabelverbesserungen zu schicken? Wär richtig richtig lieb von euch!
Die mündliche muss einfach gut werden & ich habs einfach nicht so mit Englisch Big Laugh

1. Location
2. History of the Statue of Liberty
3. Description of the Statue -> what she wears
4. Degree on the basis of an image
5. Cultural influence
6. The end

1.) Location
The Statue of Liberty also offically called Liberty Enlightening the World or Lady Liberty, is a symbol of freedom and independence of the United States.
The Statue stands on a small uninhabited island Liberty Island (formerly called Bedloe´s Island) in the New Yorker harbor which is world famous as the location of the Statue of Liberty.
The island Liberty Island is about 4 kilometer south of the Battery Park and is a 49000 square meters large rocky island with the Statue of Liberty.

2.) History of the Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France to the United States in 1886 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the American independence and greeted millions of immigrants in the 19th century in search of a better life and came to America.
This world famous statue that stands in a prominent position at the entrance to New York harbor was originally called Liberty Enlightening the World and was the defining symbol of freedom and democracy. The original idea of the Statue of Liberty follows the French legal scholar Édouard René Lefebvre de Laboulaye which has the idea the people of the United States in recognition had to miss the time of the American Revolution justified her a symbol of friendship. Over the years, the importance of the Statue of Liberty expanded next to friendship to liberty and democracy. From this developed the plan to build the statue, which was to mark the centenary of the American Declaration of Independence the United States are given as a gift. The design of the statue is by the sculptor Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi, the iron frame that supports the copper shell was designed by Gustave Eiffel, who later built the Eiffeltower. To completion and handover but it took another 10 years longer:
While the U.S. was responsible for the construction of the base France was responsible for the construction of the statue. But on both sides of the atlantic ocean, there was first of all financing difficulties that needed to be clarified first. The financing of the base was only finally resolved in 1885 and the construction could be completed in April 1886.
On 28th of October 1886 the U.S. President Grover Cleveland unveiled the Statue of Liberty of Liberty Island.
The Statue of Liberty was declared a national monument in 1924 and to celebrate it´s 100th anniversary on restored at the 4th of July 1986.

3.) Description of the statue
- The statue represents the figure wrapped in clothes of Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom.
- For the face of the statue was Bartholdis mother standing model.
- It´s seven rayed crown is a symbol of the seven seas and continents.
- In which the 25 windows symbolize 25 gemstones in the world.
- There should be ?Lady Liberty? a gift to the U.S. Independence day, in the left hand she carries a board with the label 4th of July 1776, the day was the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
- In her right hand she holds a torch with a gold coated flame.
- At her feet is a broken chain as a symbol of oppression and tyranny.
- At the base there is a poem by Emma Lazarus, It contains the lines:
?Give me your tired, poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.?

5.) Cultural influence
The Statue of Liberty is known throughout the world and has a cultural significance for the American society. The statue of freedom is more than just a symbol of a city, she is a symbol of ?American Dreams? and the national monument and memorial since 1924.

6.) The end
I´m finished now!
Thank you for listening.
I´m glad to answer your questions.

Vielen, vielen aller liebsten Dank an alle fleißigen Helferchen?

Meine Ideen:
- Grammatikverbesserung
- Verbesserungsvorschläge
- Vokabelverbesserung
- Satzumstellungen
usw.. Fröhlich

Anmeldungsdatum: 25.08.2011
Beiträge: 73

BeitragVerfasst am: 02. Nov 2011 21:14    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat


1. Location
2. History of the Statue of Liberty
3. Description of the Statue -> what she's wearing
4. Degree on the basis of an image
5. Cultural influence
6. The end

Bei Punkt 6 könnte man "The end" missverstehen als das Ende der Statue. Schreib besser: End of presentation and time for questions.

Im Folgenden findest du deinen Text manchmal mit jeweils zwei Slashes, also so: //
Sie markieren wichtige Sprechpausen (Auf Englisch: emphasis)um Zuhörer bei Laune zu halten. Dies deshalb, weil es ja ein mündlicher Text ist. Schriftlich würde man das ja wiederum anders aufziehen.

Die Zahlen und Daten würde ich an deiner Stelle alle ausschreiben.


1.) Location
The Statue of Liberty // also offically called // Liberty Enlightening the World or // Lady Liberty // is a symbol of freedom and
independence of the United States.
The Statue stands in the New Yorker harbor on a small uninhabited island known as //
Liberty Island and (formerly called Bedloe´s Island).
The location is world famous as the location of the Statue of Liberty.

Liberty Island is about 4 kilometer south of the Battery Park and is a
fortyninethousand square meters large rocky island.

2.) History of the Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France to the United States in eighteen eighty six
to celebrate the hunderth anniversary of the American Independence.
Since then, it greeted millions of immigrants during the nineteenth century, who were
in search of a better life and therefore came to America.
This world's famous statue that stands in a prominent position at the entrance to New York harbor was originally called // Liberty Enlightening the World //
and was the defining symbol of freedom and democracy.

The original idea of the Statue of Liberty follows the French legal scholar Édouard René Lefebvre de Laboulaye who had
the idea the people of the United States in recognition had to miss the time of the American Revolution justified her a symbol of friendship.

Ab "The original idea..." solltest du neu formulieren, mache am besten mehrere kurze Sätze als ein oder zwei sehr lange.


Over the years, the importance of the Statue of Liberty expanded next to friendship to liberty and democracy.

Wie meinst du "Freundschaft zu Freiheit"? Auch hier empfiehlt sich eine Überarbeitung.


From this developed the plan to build the statue,
which was to mark the centenary of the American Declaration of Independence.

The design of the statue is by the sculptor Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi.

The iron frame that supports the copper shell was designed by Gustave Eiffel,
who later built the Eiffeltower.

But to complete and hand the statue over it took another decade.

While the U.S. was responsible for the construction of the base // France was responsible for the construction of the statue.
But on both sides of the atlantic ocean there were first of all financing difficulties that needed to be clarified first.

The financing of the base was finally resolved in 1885 and the construction could be completed in April 1886.
On the 28th of October 1886 the U.S. President // Grover Cleveland // unveiled the Statue of Liberty of Liberty Island.
The Statue of Liberty was declared a national monument in 1924 and for the celebration of its 100th anniversary // it was restored at the 4th of July 1986.

3.) Description of the statue
- The statue represents the figure wrapped in clothes of Libertas, the Roman goddess of freedom.
- For the face of the statue // Bartholdis mother 'd stoodmodel.
- Its seven rayed crown is a symbol of the seven seas and continents.
- In which the 25 windows symbolize 25 gemstones in the world.
- in the left hand she carries the tabula ansata with the label 4th of July 1776, the day of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
- In her right hand she holds a torch with a gold coated flame.
- At her feet is a broken chain as a symbol of oppression and tyranny.
- At the base there is a poem by Emma Lazarus, It contains the lines:
?Give me your tired, poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.?

5.) Cultural influence
The Statue of Liberty is known throughout the world and has an outstanding cultural significance for the American society. The statue of freedom is more than just a symbol of a city //
it is a symbol of The American Dream and a national monument and memorial since 1924.


6.) Thank you for listening. //
I´m glad to answer your questions now.


BeitragVerfasst am: 03. Nov 2011 14:21    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

vielen vielen liebsten Dank!♥
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