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adjective - adverb?!
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BeitragVerfasst am: 26. Feb 2005 20:15    Titel: adjective - adverb?! Antworten mit Zitat

Hallo ihr lieben...

Kann mir Bitte jemand helfe und mal nachkucken ob ich das richtig habe?! Danke!(das Fettgedruckte ist mein Lösungsvorschlag  )

Die Aufgabenstellung ist: Decide if you need an adjective or an adverb.

Tracy Chapman - Born to fight?

Tracy Chapman is (wide) wide seen as a woman
who uses her influence to reach her audiences
with (meaningful) meaningfully messages. However, if you
look at her career, you will realize that she is a
(perfect) perfect example of a star who was (original) originally
created by the entertainment industry.
As a student she earned some extra money by
singing in coffee-houses in Boston, Mass. She
attracted the attention of a student whose
father had (great) great influence in the music
industry. He liked her voice and told his
father about Tracy, and her career as a singer
Tracy Chaprnan's music and the message of her songs (clear) clearly interested so many people that she (unexpected) unexpected sold several million copies of her first LP.
Many of her fans feel that she doesn't close her eyes to what is (important) important in the world. She not only seems to see the "big" issues, but also (private) private things which affect people (personal) personal. Issues which affect people world-wide are as (central) central to her songs as (personal) personally relationships. And as a black wornan she can understand the victims of modern society very (good) well. She knows about (social) socially as well as (recial) recially discrimination.
Still, with her as with many others who are (famous)famous, a (delicate) delicate question remains open. Perhaps it will never (real) really be answered: How much of what Tracy sings is taken (serious) seroiusly by herself and how much ofher message is part oft the image which managers have (skilful) skilfully designed for her?

Und hier die Aufgabenstellung: Put the words in brackets into the right form.

In private. . .
Before her match Jennifer told her mother that she was (extreme/nervous)extremly nervously, She had been (bad/injured) bad injured a few weeks before and she didn't know if her left knee would be okay, She was worried that the (unusual/hot) usually hot weather would make it hard for her to win. She was sure that everybody expected her to play (good) Good. Some other fans would be (serious/upset) serious upset.if she lost the match. Others would be (bitter / disappointed). Bitter disappointed. She was hoping that all would go (good) better and walked onto the court, smiling.

..... and in public
When the reporters asked her, Jennifer said that she was very (confident) confidently. She was (serious/
upset) serious upset that some people were still talking about the fact that she had been injured. The match would not just be (enjoyable) enjoyable she said; she thought it would be (exciting) excitingly for everybody, The (extreme/bot) extremly hot weather wouldn't be a problem at all. She hoped timt this mateh would be (complete/different) complete differently from the last match she had played and which had been so one-sided and (dead/boring) dead boringly for some people.

BeitragVerfasst am: 26. Feb 2005 21:16    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Unterschied Adjektiv - Adverb:

Das Adjektiv (Eigenschaftswort)

- beschreibt NUR ein Hauptwort
z.b. She is beautiful.
oder: A beautiful girl

Das Adverb (Umstandswort)

- beschreibt alles andere außer einem Hauptwort:
a) ein Zeitwort:

she sings beautifully.
Wie SINGT sie? - schön

b) ein Eigenschaftswort:

she is terribly nice
Wie NETT ist sie? - schrecklich nett

c) ein anderes Adverb

she sings terribly beautifully.
Wie SCHÖN singt sie? - schrecklich schön

Versuch nochmal, den Text darauf durchzugehen, WAS dein Adjektiv/Adverb beschreibt, denn ich seh, dass du sehr viele Fehler in diesem Text hast.
Wichtig ist, dass du die Sätze übersetzt, denn sonst weißt du nicht, was beschrieben wird.

lg kiki
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