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BeitragVerfasst am: 04. Mai 2006 19:34    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

wenn jmd einzelne zusammenfassungen braucht (so von den einzelnen sachen von erika usw)...die hab ich aufm pc (auch korrigiert)...einfach mal melden:
icq: 198591393

BeitragVerfasst am: 15. Mai 2006 21:14    Titel: icq nummer vom gast Antworten mit Zitat

ja lieber gast, ich habe versucht dich zu kontaktieren, aber deine icq nummer ergibt keine treffer.
hast du dich vielleicht vertippt ich meine kann ja mal vorkommen.
ich bräuchte nämlich ne summary zu erika...seite 24-37 sehr dringend.
schonmal im vorraus lieben dank

kannst ja mal versuchen mich zu kontaktieren
icq :goldi2

bye bye

BeitragVerfasst am: 07. Jun 2006 12:58    Titel: Re: lorri hewett-coming of age Antworten mit Zitat

sonjachen1987 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
hi @ all!!
also wir lersen in der schule gerade coming of age von lorri hewett....hat jemand da zufällig materlia was wie inhaltsangaben charakterisierungen und so weiter??? es ist egal ob sie auf englisch oder auf deutsch sind

wir haben auch gerade in der Schule coming of age, als Buch für den Realabschluss. Ich wollte mal fragen, du hast ja auch im Net gefragt, ob du inzwischen was bekommen hast von wegen Inhaltsangaben oder Charakteriesierungen??? Wenn ja könntest du mir die dann auch schicken???
Das wäre sehr nett. [email protected]

BeitragVerfasst am: 08. Jun 2006 16:47    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

also mein enr oben stimmt, nur gibts nen andres porb: die festplatte wurde "überholt" und somit sind alle sachen weg... sry, tut mir leid.....

aber wie gesagt wurde, einfach mal unter gehen, da findet man was ;-)

Anmeldungsdatum: 06.02.2007
Beiträge: 1
Wohnort: MG

BeitragVerfasst am: 06. Feb 2007 22:37    Titel: ende Antworten mit Zitat

ok leutz ich wies ist jez bissel scheise von mir aber ich bracuh eure hilfe. wir haben das buch gelesen und sollen jez ein ende schreiben. ich habe nur das problem das mir einfach nichts einfällt und wenn mir was einfällt was man benutzten könnte dann weis ich nciht wie ich das schreiben soll. ihr müsst wissen mein englisch ist grotten schlecht. und ich ollte fragen ob einer von euch ein ende hat oder ob einer von euch eins schreiben könnte. wenn ja meldet euch bitte.

e-mail: [email protected]


Anmeldungsdatum: 08.07.2007
Beiträge: 1
Wohnort: Bodensee

BeitragVerfasst am: 08. Jul 2007 14:53    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Hi, wir lesen gerade das Buch und wir sollen eine Art "Lesetagebuch" führen. Dazu sollen wir ein personal favourite topic beschreiben, z.B. Football oder sowas...was soll ich da schreiben??? Und wer könnte mir ein tolles Deckblatt gestalten??? Bitte an [email protected] schicken....danke!!!



Anmeldungsdatum: 29.11.2008
Beiträge: 2

BeitragVerfasst am: 29. Nov 2008 19:32    Titel: Coming Of Age Antworten mit Zitat

[color=redHallo leute echt cool habt ihr das hier gemacht wir lesen gerade auch das buch und am mittwoch schreiben wir ne klausur darüber
es ist halt ne summary und characterization
wir müssen dafür mir der characterization die STEAL-CHARTS können:

könnt ihr mit bitte diese jeweiligen charts erklären anhand paar beispielen?

Anmeldungsdatum: 10.03.2009
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 10. März 2009 19:12    Titel: Comming of Age Antworten mit Zitat

Brauche super schnelle Hilfe!!

Hat jemand ein Summary von Part 5 aus dem Buch uund eine analyse über die Konversation zwischen Ruthie und Erika????

Schreibe am Donnerstag eine Klausur wäre wirklich super wenn ihr mir helfen könntet!!!!

liebe grüße

BeitragVerfasst am: 15. März 2009 11:16    Titel: WARNUNG Antworten mit Zitat

phil hat Folgendes geschrieben:
thx @alle. auch für den cs

Eine Warnung an Schüler: auch Lehrer können das Internet benutzen, so blöd sind sie nun auch wieder nicht. Wer also zitiert, der muss auch die Quelle angeben. Die Hälfte meines Kurses hat von dieser Seite zitiert, ohne Quellenangabe. Die haben jetzt maximal 4 Punkte, mehrere 0 Punkte, weil keine eigene Arbeit zu erkennen war!!!!!

BeitragVerfasst am: 27. März 2009 18:32    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Anonymous hat Folgendes geschrieben:
Nachdem ich in der letzten Zeit unglaublich viele Anfragen zu meinem letzen Posting erhalten habe, habe ich mich entschlossen, das Ganze hier doch mal zu veröffentlichen, also alles, was ich so in meinem alten Englisch-Folder zu dem Thema finden konnte.

Lorri Hewett – Coming of Age

narrative techniques/point-of-view-techniques
- a narrator-agent is a narrator who is also a character of the story and involved in the action -> he/she has a limited point of view
- the main protagonists of the novel are also the main narrator-agents: Ruthie (15 chapters, 22000 words), AJ (12 chapters, 25000 words), Erika (14 chapters, 16000 words)
- the minor characters (Ronell, Imani, Andrea, Shanice, Monica) are not real “narrator-agents” because they hardly produce an effect on the course of events, they function as “observers”

the setting
- the school: Centennial High, public inner-city in Denver/Colorado
- student body: 40% white, 25% black, 25% Hispanic,10% oriental/Asian
- from all different kinds of socio-economic background
- student cliques:
- football players, athletes (AJ, Dough, Kevin, Jamil, Walceen): do sports, not interested in school, want to be free, parties, alcohol, girls…
- Erika’s clique (Erika, Monica, Kelli, Imani, Michelle): fight against “black cows”, care about their looks, mixture of black and light skins, aggressive, use obscene/vulgar language
- student council group (Ruthie, Andrea, Christian): like to go to school, well-off backgrounds, important school decisions
- the Black cows (Shanice, …): fight, obscene language
- the insignificant students (La Trica, Marc): no athletes, no cheerleaders etc.; take part in things like marching band

“Coming of Age” is a story full of emotions: hate, problems with drugs and alcohol, fights with other people - but most it is a book about love.
The story takes part in a typical American high school where people with different skin colours meet and get to know each other better. In the development of the story some of the main characters start having a relationship with someone they never thought of getting to know.
Even in case you don´t like high school stories in general, you should immediately start reading this book – you’ll find out that this book is different to any high school story you have ever read before.

2 brothers, Anthony and Franco
mother dead (suicide)
father doesn´t take care of his children, but pays bills
AJ takes care of Anthony
bad neighbourhood (drugs, alcohol)
tries to be cool
famous football-player
sports (football)
friends, girls
not interested in school
doesn´t go there every day
wants to be free
not good grades
wants to be good in sports -> “emotional fighter”
wants Anthony to have a better life than he has
sensitive (inside)

black father in Phoenix, white mother -> divorced
lives with mother, they argue a lot (embarrassed about “black” daughter)
appearance important (light-skinned, pretty)
singing in choir at church, performs leading part in school musical
special (sexual) interest in AJ; doesn´t really care about others
aggressive: fights (reasons: jealousy,…) shouts, swears a lot
not really interested in school, but finds an apprenticeship in the end
bad temper, violent
learns from her mistakes and becomes a better person

live with family (mother, father, brother)
middle-class family
appearance is important for her, dresses like business-woman
acts like a white
interested in school; is in the student council
one of the best students; wants to go to university
never had a boyfriend before AJ
emotional, sensitive
friendly, helpful
confused about her black identity

AJ´s process of initiation
In the beginning of the story AJ is the cool football-player who does not care about other people’s feelings. He is not interested in anything except sports, party, alcohol and girls, which are his only hobbies. He never shows his emotions in presence of other people, although he is an emotional and sensitive boy actually.
When AJ gets to know Ruthie better his metamorphosis starts, he grows up and becomes a totally different person. He realizes that there are more important things than sports, parties or alcohol; instead of that he discovers the meaning of confidence, affection and deep love.
Through Ruthie´s influence AJ starts permitting his emotions and shows his love to her whenever he is able to do it.
He is really grateful against Ruthie for giving his little brother a new home and the chance of a better life. But it is not just his gratitude which made him falling in love with her: He loves her because she is the most wonderful person in the world, at least for him, and he wants to be together with her forever.
The development of AJ´s and Ruthie´s relationship

1. class mates in chemistry
no real relationship
AJ´s opinion of Ruthie: happy to have someone who supports him; snob; show-off (hangs out with whites)
Ruthie´s opinion of AJ: arrogant, conceited, lazy, no future perspectives
2. Ruthie becomes Anthony’s tutor/contact with AJ´s family
3. The Great Confrontation

Book review
The novel “Coming of Age”, written 1991 by Lorri Hewett, is about the life and typical racial problems in American high schools.
It was Lorri Hewett´s first book she wrote when she was 18 years old. In her opinion there was not enough fiction available which dealt with the experiences of black young adults, so she decided to write this book when she was still in high school. She realized from her own experiences that it is not easy to grow up as a black-skinned person.
The novel describes the life of the three main characters AJ, Ruthie and Erika.
AJ is the most famous, black-skinned football player at Centennial High, Erika is light-skinned and his girlfriend, but they do not really love each other, it is more a sexual relationship they’re having. In the development of the story AJ gets to know the all-teacher’s pet Ruthie. First of all he thinks she is just a grind and a show-off, bus as he gets to know her better, he realizes she is a really special person. There are also many racial problems between the different cliques at Centennial High, but while the story develops, some of the main characters start finding their identity.
In my opinion the novel was a very interesting book to read as the reader is able to understand the problems of young black adults. With the first page of the book the reader enters a totally different world with another culture and a different English as he usually knows: There are a lot of slang expressions which the characters use. (“Yeah. See ya! (…)Whassup?”(…) Nothin. Comin back to school now?”(cp. p. 106 l.13)) I would recommend the book to other people (which includes private readers and classes) because it is a good base to understand the feelings and the world of black-skinned teenagers in the US.

Erica’s reactions of losing AJ
1. internal reactions/psychological
determination to kill Ruthie (p. 148)
compares herself with Ruthie and feels superior (p. 149)
doesn´t know what to do, is desperate (p. 153)
looks for reasons, feels self-pity (p. 157)
phantasizes (p. 157)
anger, full of hate, aggressive (p. 158)
feeling of emptiness (p. 158)
“I am nothing” (p. 158)
-> feels worthless
-> sees her own life realistically
2. external reactions
tears dress apart
tries to fight with Ruthie
throws AJ´s picture on the wall
destroys wheels
“gets high” with Dane, Franco
nearly makes love to Dane
makes love to Franco but thinks about AJ

Class test
1. Language/Form
a) Black English, a fully developed systematic language variety, is used a lot in “Coming of Age”. Read the following example and rewrite it into standard English: p. 150, l. 33-35: “Tomorrow … AJ again.”
b) The following metaphor is taken from the passage you have to deal with in the “Comprehension” part (2.).
Describe what this stylistic device means in the given context!
p. 181, l.42: “…I was getting… under her skin.”

2. Comprehension (use quotations)
Read the following extract carefully: p. 180 l. 31 – p. 182 l. 2.
Describe and explain the changes you see in the behaviour of both girls in this scene. Also compare their actions and reactions in earlier scenes.

3. Comment
Choose one of the following topics and write a comment on it (about 300 words):
1. Discuss whether “Coming of Age” is a typical love story.
2. Comment on the idea of school-uniforms for all pupils (and maybe teacher, too).
3. There should be no exams. Discuss.

1. a) “Tomorrow”, says Imani grinning. I have got to grin, too. Because it is going to be fun, smashing her up, messing up those nice clothes of herself, bruising her up really badly. I will mess her up so badly she will never go near AJ again! (5/5 points)

b) The metaphor in the text passage means that Ruthie really starts getting to hurt Erika. She hurts her not with fists, but with words and she injures Erika with them. She does not need any knives to cut Erika and to get under her skin for stinging her. (3/3 points)

2. In the scene Erika tries to fight with Ruthie, but instead of fighting back Ruthie provokes her, making her feel angrier and in the end she believes her she is a nobody.
In the beginning of the extract Erika appears like she always does in the novel, she is a self-important and egocentric person who wants to reach her aims in any possible way. Her normal way for solving problems is to use violence against other people, but as she tries to hurt Ruthie, this way is not working. Ruthie does not show Erika her anger, she is not afraid of her and provokes her with words, not with fists: “A nobody! You never meant anything to AJ! All you ever were to him was a nice body for him to use at his disposal!” (p.18, l. 31/32). These words make Erika unsure and frustrate her, she tries to hurt Ruthie worse than before, but she is not bale to do it because Ruthie “danced around her” (p. 180 l.33). Ruthie starts enjoying the argument with Erika, which the reader would never have thought of her from other scenes in the novel: “(…) in a sadistic way, enjoying myself.” (p.180 l.37). She always used to be the nice girl and the teacher’s pet who never showed bad sides of herself. As she gets on to make Erika feel annoyed, Erika starts realizing Ruthie is telling the truth. She remarks she cannot solve her problems in other ways than violent ones, and all she can do is to be beautiful and a good singer. She has no future and she is a nothing, that is what Ruthie makes her believe. As Erika starts believing this, she is really hurt by Ruthie: “My words were stinging her, I knew it(…)” (p. 181 l. 70). She feels much more hate than she felt before because she realizes there is nothing in her life to be proud of: “It was the frustrating hate you feel when you begin to realize something about yourself that you don´t want to know, something you’ve tried to repress.” (p. 181/182 l. 72-2).
(9,5/10 points: You could have added that part of Erika’s way of behaving in conflicts involves swearing and threatening people and this is also shown at least in the beginning of the given scene.)

BeitragVerfasst am: 20. Apr 2009 17:32    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Ich habe das Buch gelesen, und muss jetzt nen readinglog schreiben, kann mir vielleicht jemand kurze anhaltspunkte zu den einzelnen "abschnitten" (sprich wenn der Ich erzähler wechselt) geben, damit ich das rekonstruktieren kann? Augenzwinkern

danke schon im vorraus Thumbs up!

BeitragVerfasst am: 20. Apr 2009 22:53    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

ich breuchte bitte für das ganze buch ne chapter analyse
würde mich sehr ffreuen wenn jemanden es haben würde Hilfe Rock

BeitragVerfasst am: 23. Mai 2009 18:35    Titel: teenager Antworten mit Zitat

Ich bräuchte die Teenagergruppen die in dem Buch vorkommen. Ich muss über die nämlich nen Referat halten, habe aber das Buch noch nicht gelesen (mussten wir auch noch nicht) aber werde das nicht mehr schaffen, wäre echt geil wenn mir jemand sagen könnte was für Gruppen darin vorkommen!

BeitragVerfasst am: 09. Jun 2009 23:41    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

einfach nur danke für all die tollen texte hier:)

BeitragVerfasst am: 21. Nov 2009 22:41    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

auch danke von mir, echt totall korrekt von allen smile und nicht selbstverständlich, dass ihr euch hier die mühe macht, damit andere nichts tun müssen Big Laugh

BeitragVerfasst am: 10. Dez 2009 14:15    Titel: Coming of age Antworten mit Zitat

hallo, ich habe zu ruthie,aj,erika die englishen charakterisierungen smile
falls ihr die braucht dann bitte melden smile bei icq 399608537

BeitragVerfasst am: 10. Dez 2009 14:48    Titel: Coming of age Antworten mit Zitat

so habe das einfach mal als bild hochgeladen Big Laugh Big Laugh
Das ist die erste Seite:

Und dies die 2. seite:

einfach adresse kopieren und oben beim browser einfügen smile
hoffe ich konnte helfen Big Laugh Big Laugh[/url]

BeitragVerfasst am: 15. Dez 2009 21:18    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

hey bin durch google auf das forum hier gekommen un muss sagen ihr habt mir sehr geholfen... Thumbs up! das einzige was ich nich finden konnte, was ich aber für meine arbeit brauche: ist ajs veränderung im laufe des buches wie er anfängt umzudenken und seine einstellung zur welt ändert.

Würd mich echt freuen und wär sehr dankbar wenn da jemand schon mal so was ähnliches verfasst hat.
PS: kl.11

Anmeldungsdatum: 14.11.2010
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 14. Nov 2010 18:20    Titel: zusammenfassung des buches 'coming of age' Antworten mit Zitat

ich lese auch das buch 'coming of age', schreib bald 'ne arbeit und hab noch nichts gelesen daraus, weil ich zurzeit noch in 2 anderen fächern bücher lese und das nicht koordiniert bekomme^^
ich fände es echt RICHTIG cool, wenn irgendwer von euch mir eine zusammenfassung von allen parts schicken könnte, per e-mail oder hier posten, das wäre echt genial.
liebste grüße, madeleine smile[/b][/b]

BeitragVerfasst am: 07. Dez 2010 20:16    Titel: yeah Antworten mit Zitat

Also ich muss ein Reading log für die schule machen. Hier in dem Forum konnt ich schon super für meine Arbeit lernen, also hab ich mir gedacht geb ich auch ma was zurück.
Das hier ist ein Anfang, der erste part

Ich garantiere nicht für erfolge und rechtschriebfehlern

In the following pages I want to summerize all little chapters from the novel "Coming of Age", by Lorri Hewett, in short texts.

Part I

AJ (P. 1-13)

Aj puts something wrong on the bunsen burner and this explodes in Ruthie's face. He brings her to the doctor and drives her home after it. In her house they talk abit and

AJ realizes that she is a proper speaking girl and don't bahaive lika a black girl.

Erika (P. 14-16)

Erika meets Aj and wants an explanation, because a fruebd saw him with another girl. Aj explains the truth and both are happy. After that Erika goes to her friends, who

don't belive AJ. They make her to be not sure about what he sais.

Ruthie (P. 17-23)

She visits the doctor and gets medicine. After two days at home she goes to school again.She thinks about she is black but never really feel black. The city have 5 parts

with their own peopls. Her friends tells her about Erika and that she is envy and that Ruthie should pay attention to Erika. In the 4th lesson she has chemistry again with

AJ, and Erica sees them and get more angry.

Erika (P. 24-2Rock

Erika and her friends see Ruthie laughing with AJ ans she gets angry and decides to make AJ jealous. Than 4 big, black women, the "black cows", came and Erika laughs about

one of them.They start a fight. After that she wents home to her white mom who don't seem to be proud of her, because she is half-black. They have an argumennt about black

people are stupid and Erika was anry and thinks about to shit on everything.

AJ (P. 29-37)

AJ is pissed off because of Erika and goes hime. There he meets his little brother Anthony. They speak about Franco, Aj's big brother, is a drug dealer and that Anthony

must not listens to him. Later on he goes to a party where Erika kisses on of the mafia to make him jealous and AJ starts kissing a white girl to make Erika envy.

Ruthie (P. 38-42)

In this chapter Ruhtie thinks about her blackness and if she has to feel proud of it. All people treat her like a black, even if she is a "normal" girl.

Erika(P. 43-44)

Erika is in a church and prepares her solo in the choir. She thinks Aj comes to listen to her but he doesn't. Erika sees Ruthie and thinks of kicking in her ass, because

she is so a snop bitch.

AJ (P. 45-4Rock

Erika confronts AJ with the question of love, but he doesn't know the answer so he just kisses her and goes away to chemistrie where he meets Ruthie. They decide to laern

together at AJ's house in the afternoon.

Ruthie (P. 49-52)

Ruthie comes to AJ to help AJ, but as she arrives there were AJ's friends with him and he tells he forgot that Ruthie wants to help him, and they make another date to


BeitragVerfasst am: 18. Jan 2011 10:39    Titel: Re: WARNUNG Antworten mit Zitat

genau, und bei meinem englischkurs war es genau so. für wie blöd haltet ihr uns eigentlich? ein bischen umformulieren reicht doch aus. anstelle dessen schreibt ihr bombastische satzkonstruktioen hier ab, die unmöglich von euch kommen können. tja, das war dan 0P.

ein Englischlehrer

BeitragVerfasst am: 25. Apr 2011 16:32    Titel: BITTEE HELFT MIR !!! Antworten mit Zitat


1.Analyze AJ´s language very closly in the initial chapter and compare it to ruthies in the following. What does the language reflect ?

2.evry chapter is told by one of the characters "narrator-agents". Why has Lorri Hewett decided on that technique ?

3.Choose one of three main characters and describe how he/she has "come of age" ?


BeitragVerfasst am: 13. Jun 2011 22:06    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Als hilfe: Eine Zusammenfassung. die hat mir geholfen *grins*

Coming of age Part I
AJ 5-13:
AJ and Ruthie get to know each other. He hurts Ruthie in chemistry class and then he has to take her home.
AJ is a very lazy person. He is a football star so he will be graduating without doing sth. for his grades.
Ruthie is a very smart girl. And thats why Aj feels uncomfortable and stupid in front of her.

Erika 14-16:
Erika is hysteric, vainly and jealous. She doesn't like white or black people.
I think she is a superficial stupid girl. She meets her friends an AJ. She wants to know more about Ruthie because she thinks her boyfriend AJ gets to close to her.

Ruthie 17-23:
Ruthie is very ambicious (not like AJ). She changed school because she didn't feel good in a school where she was one of 6 black kids. Now at Centennial High School she is more isolated than before. Her friends are still white. She worries about her black identity. She speaks very smart not like other black people. She is black but doesn't behaves like one. Blacks don't like her(they think she is a snob). She has white friends but she isn't a white girl.
Erika and her friends are well-known: light skinned black girls who think they are sth. better. They often are involved in fights.
Ruthie doesn't care about Erike (but Erika cares about Ruthie).
Every student at her High School knows about the accident and that Erika is very jealous. Ruthie seems to be cool and doesn't worry about Erika. Erika just behaves ridiculous like a little girl.

Erika 24-28:
Erika thinks to be black is a crime. She often is involved in fights with black girls and thinks that's cool. I think she is silly.
The only topic of her friends is Ruthie and AJ. Erika can't stand hearing about that so she goes home thinking about AJ. I don't know if she really lovbes him or just because he is cool and good-looking.

Erika doesn't get along with her parents but she is living with her mum who seems to be racial. She doesn't like black men because of Erika's dad and she is shamed about having a half breed as a daughter (Erika). Erika hates white people because of her mother.

Now I feel sry for Erika because of her mum. I can understand why she is racial too. (Isn't AJ black????)

Everything in the book is about the colour of the skin. AJ and Erika try to excuse having black or white friends like it would be a crime staying together with people who has another colour of the skin.

AJ 29-37:
Erika gets on his nerves with her jeaolous behaviour. Ruthie seems to be a big problem in their relationship.

AJ lives in a bad neighbourhood but in fact he is a really nice guy. He loves his little brother and tries to protect him of the bad influence in his sorrounding field.His mother died and his dad doesn't care that much about them.

At night he and his friends are at a party. Erika flirts with a guy they hate and kisses him. That's why AJ is pissed off and so he chooses a white girl for kissing.

Ruthie 38-41:
3 weeks since her accident
Ruthie thinks a lot. She thinks she is different than the pupils at High School. She is black but she doesn't want to associate with black people. She thinks that's wrong. I think she is confused and thinks that's wrong because the others think it's wrong.
I think she is "real" and everyone else tries to be a person the others expected.
The others see she is black and they think she is a part of the black community (problems with drugs gangs and in family), the prejudices are like a stigma she wears. She can't be at first a human being because the fact that she is black value first (for the others; she is confused about her identity, is her identity being black or just a human being?)

Ruthie doesn't like going to church anymore because she and her parents don't fit into one clique there, her parents doesn't care about this.

Erika 42-44:
Erika likes going to church because god don't care that she is a half-breed.(she is the student director of the church Youth Chor). Today she will sing solo and AJ will be there.
(Erika and AJ were involved in different fights a night before.
Why do they have to fight so often? Do they really like it? Do you have to do it to become respect??)
When Erika sees Ruthie in church she thinks about "kicking her ass".She is mad because AJ hasn't come to see her.

AJ 45-48:
Erika asks AJ if he loves her and she says she loves him. AJ just doesn't know and doesn't answer. Then he goes in chemistry after having missed the last weeks so that he couldn't answer the question on the worksheet he had to do. Ruthie offers to help him with the worksheet. AJ accepted and so they will meet. AJ and Ruthie talk about love and about the question Erika has asked AJ. AJ wants to know what Ruthie thinks about love and how do you know if you love somebody.

Ruthie 49-52:
Ruthie entered AJ's room where AJ is with his friends Wakeen, Jamil and Ray because he forgot that she will come. Ruthie is angry that he doesn't show any willing to learn sth. and that she missed her aerobics for nothing. But then Anthony makes them laughing again. AJ walks her out to her car.
I think they would make a interesting couple.

Part II

AJ 53-56:
2 days before signing day and AJ still doesn't know which college he shoul choose. Everyody makes a big deal about his decision (newspaper, TV, college recruiters).
AJ want to know Ruthies opinion. I think he asks her because she is the only person who can be honest to him even if it would be hard. She doesn't treat him like a king like everybody else. He hasn't to work hard to be accepted in a college just because he is a football "star".

Ruthie will tutor elementary kids and she tells him that she picked Anthony. He is angry about that because she always thinks she knows everything better. She is smart in everything and behaves like he is just a stupid football player. I think both are arrogant and both do think that they are sth better than the other one. She tells him that he should choose a college not because of the football and that he should be more interested in school because it's very possible that he wouldn't be a pro in football.
I think he is angry because he knows that she's right but he won't believe it.

Ronell 57:
He is a dopeman and a friend of France, a dopeman too.
Is Franco AJ's brother????

AJ 58-62:
AJ and his friends celebrate in his house because they have chosen a college.

Ruthie 63-67:
Ruthie is happy about being a finalist which means she has a good chance for a college scholarship.
AJ is cold in front of Ruthie because she refused to admires him like everyone else.
Ruthie meets Anthony because she will tutor him.

Erika 68-70:
Erika is happy because she got to lead the school musical Porgy and Bess. But she is angry that she have share this with Shanice, a black and her enemy. She thinks Shanice has a better chance because she is black and her chor teacher too.
I think Shanice is better but Erika is too egoistic to recognize it.

AJ 71-74:
Ruthie and Anthony are reading a book in his house when he came in; he must remember his mum.
AJ becomes angry because he thinks Ruthie will try to give him charity with buying him books and ice cream. He feels like she is threatening him.
He treats her very ugly.
She tries to explain him that she just wanted to help his brother in reading and things like books he is interested in and ice cream would motivate him.
I don't know why AJ behaves like a stupid.... maybe he can't accept help from other persons. He always has helped his brother and now Ruthie and her organization think that he hasn't done his job well. He feels insulted.

But later on he understands and feels stupid.
So Ruthie and Anthony went for an ice cream.

Ruthie 75-82:
She doens't like that AJ critizies her the whole time but she likes to spend time with Anthony and Anthony doas she like her too. He tells Ruthie that his mother killed herself. Ruthie has to think about AJ like his mother's death would explain his behaviour.

AJ and Ruthie have a big fight. They can't stand each other anymore. AJ tries to hurt her and wants her to become mad. After having told him that Anthony has told Ruthie that she knows about his mother's suicide, AJ's behaviour gets worse. Now Ruthie is afraid that he will hurt Anthony.

(look at the text text passage I've posted; under the headline)

I think this textpassage is a very important part of the book. Ruthies and AJs conversation shows us their character!
AJ still hasn't overcome the pain of his mothers death, so he reacts very aggressive when Ruthie talks with him about his mum. He doesn't want anybody to get too close to him. Ruthie isn't shy, she knows how to handle the situation and she thinks she is superior. She is understanding and not resentful as he tries to hits her in front of the teacher. She protects him and would like to help him with his depression by showing him not to keep everything inside.

AJ 83-92:
He won't talk about his mother because he doesn't want Ruthie to know everything about him even if she already knows a lot.
- AJ fills a roll as a parent to Anthony
- He behaves like a yerk when he gets attention for football
- He tries to hide sth.
- He and his brother don't look like they get along

AJ tries to piss her off like she pisses him off with her know-it-all. He tries to hurt her. He talks about Christian and about being black and her identity problems which is really a problem of her.
She handles the situation much cooler than AJ because she can talk about her feelings... not like AJ.

Then they have a deep conversation. Ruthie recognized the loving and caring person in AJ when she saw him with Anthony. AJ has to tell Ruthie about his mum, he couldn't stop it. It is the first time he told about that.I think he had a big stone to carry...
Ruthie takes his hand in hers while he is telling his story. Sweet :-)
AJ begins to trust her and I think he already likes her...

At home he hears from Anthony that Franco involves his little brother in his dope-business.
AJ decides to wait for Franco and to force him to stay away from Anthony which ends in a fight. Franco tries to choke his brother but when Anthony cries about his mum he let go. He also has to wear the pain of their mothers death...

Both are hurt, they hate each other, AJ runs away.

Part III
Ruthie 93-95:
-In April they will get college acceptance and rejection letters
-Ruthie has to prepare a speech for Graduation
-May 5 will be prom

Ruthie has to think about AJ because he hasn't come home all week.

AJ 96-107:
He talked with his mum all week at cemetery where Ruthie find and talks with him about his mum.
AJ thinks he is in love for the moment he saw her smile but he couldn't believe that she would like a boy like him.
Later after the dinner with Anthony and Ruthie's parents AJ tells her about hbis worries to leave Anthony alone with Franco when he has to go to Florida for a week.
AJ likes to spend time with Ruthie more than with Erika.

Ruthie 108-112:
Ruthies's parents offered Anthony to stay in their house while AJ is in Florida, but they are afraid it would hurt Anthony when he has to leave again.
Ruthie asked if he couldn't stay longer...

Erika 113-114:
She feels like losing AJ because is cold and different since he is with that girl Ruthie. She doesn't want to lose him to a dark-skinned girl.

Ruthie 115-12:
Erika wants her to stay away from AJ but Ruthie said she just are friends.
AJ acts different around Ruthie and Kevin also knows about that. But he is really nice to Ruthie.
Ruthie begins to have feelings in front of AJ even if she doesn't want to show it.

AJ 122-130
After the week in Florida AJ couldn't let his little brother pass up the chance to stay with Ruthie's family which they offered him and even if he is thanksful he couldn't feel happy about that.
He will miss him because he is the only person he got, he is his family and now Anthony should join a new, better family. That makes him sad.

He can talk with Ruthie about that but not with his girlfriend Erika.

Erika 131-134:
She will sing Bess but Shanice is the first choice.
She really loves AJ. After singing AJ and Ruthie went in to gratulate her but Erika isn't glad to see Ruthie with his boy.

I think she will loose AJ staying as jealous and aggressive as she is.

Ruthie 135-141:
AJ enteres Ruthie's room through her window. He really has changed better to say he is comig of age ( titel!!! ).
Ruthie always understands him which he likes a lot.
He says
-she is life smart which scared him a little
-she make a guy feel not good enough
-she has her head on straight that's why they respect her

-he doesn't know if he still likes Erika
-that he thinks he couldn't be good enough for her

But then there are kissing and touching and it seems like AJ does it mean really serious.

Andrea 142-144:
AJ admits in front of Ruthie that he likes her and that the last night wasn't a mistake for him.
One problem left: Erika

Ruthie 145-146:
AJ and Ruthie talk and Ruthie like to get things clear.
AJ will break up with Erika because he loves Ruthie.

Erika 147-148:
Kevin tells her about Ruthie and AJ. She is going made and says she will kill her.

Part IV
Erika 149-153:
She thinks Ruthie is sth worse than her because she is black.
All she is thinking about is taking revenge and to "smash her up". She wears rings to make it harder.

Erika and her friend find Ruthie and Erika hits her a little when suddenly AJ takes her away to protect Ruthie and en he brakes up with Erika who bursts into tears.

Ruthie 154-156:
AJ and Ruthie are worried about what Erika is going to do, but he says that his and her friends will keep Erika away from Ruthie.

Erika 157-161:
She is despaired and depressed and her mum tries to help her. With a blade she damages Ruthies car as a warning sign leaving her a message that she will do that with her face too.
She gets more and more aggressive like she would be out of control.

Monika 162-165:
At prom AJ's friends are tired off the aggressive and angry girls (Erika's friends) and they protect Ruthie from another ataque. Kevin likes Ruthie.

Erika 166-167:
She admits that she is acting when she said all the bad things about other-coloured guys she wouldn't mean it.
Erika hasn't got a real family. Her mother is white and her dad black and she feels like an outsider in front of them. She has to fight with prejudices in front of her own skin colour.
AJ is the only good thing in her life, Ruthie has everything she wanted so why does she have to take her boyfriend too?

She still thinks AJ and she will be together again. I don't think so.

AJ 172-176:
He is sad seing Anthony happy with his new family even if he wants him to be happy.

A normal reaction...He thinks he is losing his brother.

Ruthie 177-184:
Ruthie and Erika has a one to one confrontation outside where everybody are watching them.
Erika will hit her but first Ruthie doesn't want to fight. Then Ruthie feels more strength and she tries to open Erika's eyes that fighting is the inly thing Erika knows. Ruthie provokes her and she fights with her words telling the truth to Erika even if there are some bad things to say.
Erika feels hurt inside she's feeling like a nobody as Ruthie said she would be. She feels helpless and so she runs away.

Erika 185:
She knows Ruthie was right she behaved wrong all the time.

I feel sry for her.

Shanice 186:
She is saying bad things about Erika.

Imani 182-184:
She and her friends will kill Ruthie if Erika doesn't. But Erika's resistence vanished in the "fight"

Erika 190-195:
She is down. She spends a lot of time with Franco who takes care of her. She is smoking a lot of weed with him.

Because she can't stand that pain inside her seing and thinking about AJ so she tries to satisfy her loneliness with Franco's kisses. She is crying while they are making love.
Part V
Ruthie 196-201:
Graduating day
1. Ruthie's speech
2. Christians Senior party

Erika 202-204:
She doesn't spend time with her girls. She is working.
Kelli is pregnant.

AJ 205- 212:
He and his friends are sad about leaving each other.
Franco and AJ would like to give money to Ruthies parents for taking care about Anthony. Ruthie doesn't accept Franco's money but it shows that he cares a little and Ruthie's parents doesn't want to take the money from AJ. They he just should make good grades at college and AJ will try to do so.

Erika 213-216:
At a party she is talking friendly with AJ, it still hurts but she is getting over him.
She decided to change her life which makes her feel proud of herself.

AJ 217-221:
AJ says goodbye to his mum, his dad and to Anthony which makes his little brother crie. He seems to love his whole family.
He spends his last night together with Ruthie. He thinks about marrying her after the college.

Ruthie 222-225:
AJ leaves and Ruthie has to cry all the weekend. She feels somehow empty without him. But they will try to stay together because they love each other.

She met Erika again and they had a really understanding conversation.

Like AJ she feels ready and prepared for the future.
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