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Summary of a short passage please help and correct
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Anmeldungsdatum: 23.01.2006
Beiträge: 12

BeitragVerfasst am: 20. März 2007 16:43    Titel: Summary of a short passage please help and correct Antworten mit Zitat

Hallo ich muss hier einen kurzen Textabschnitt in eigenen Worten objektiv zusammenfassen, könnt ihr euch das kurz anschauen obs stimmt ?


There is also the "lost-empire syndrome " to consider. Instead if identifying with its Continental neighbors, Britain has tended to look toward its former colonies. Today its culture and language bind it more closely to Australia and the United States than to Greece or Italy. Traces if empire can be found in the tandoori takeout shops and hamburger joints that are a feature of many a British town. There are signs, however, that things may be gradually changing.(..) Euro-sensibilities are especially infectious among the younger generation. While people who lived during World War 2 still tend to think of the Germans as Nazis and the French as cowards, says author Anthony Sampson, British youth are excited by the economic and social possibilities presented by a United States of Europe. I feel very European, says unemployed 24-year-old David Coulthart, who just returned from a visit to the continent with a rock band. I love the idea of the channel tunnel and Europe. It's about time people realize that the British empire has come and gone and we can't stand alone.


li 62-88 :

This part of the text explains the strong british culture. Today Britain's colonies are still bounded to the imaginary empire, like in old days. So they feel more bounded to Australia than to Greece for example. Some shops the feeling of this imaginary still exists. Younger people from Britain want to have a united Europe in comparision to the older people who still have negative stereotypes of Germans and French. They want to have the link to Europe they don't want to be isolated in they're own "empire". Younger people think about future and better social and economic possibilities.



Anmeldungsdatum: 17.08.2006
Beiträge: 399

BeitragVerfasst am: 20. März 2007 19:21    Titel: Re: Summary of a short passage please help and correct Antworten mit Zitat

daniel2006 hat Folgendes geschrieben:
ll 62-88 :

This part of the text explains the strong British culture. Today Britain's colonies are still wenn, dann "bound", das ist bereits das partizip von "bind", aber ich finde das Verb hier nicht ganz passend to the imaginary empire, like in old days. So they feel more bound to Australia than to Greece, for example. In some shops the feeling wohl besser "atmosphere" of this imaginary das Wort kannst du so nicht benutzen, denn es ist ein Adjektiv, mir ist aber auch nicht ganz klar, was genau du sagen möchtest, deshalb kann ich dir keine Alternative vorschalgen still exists. Younger people from Britain want to have a united Europe in comparison (ein i zu viel) to the older people who still have negative stereotypes of Germans and French. They (hier ist syntaktisch nichtn klar, wenn du mit "they" meinst)want to have a link to Europe. They do not want to be isolated in their (nicht das Possessivpronomen "their" mit "they're"="they are" verwechseln) own "empire". Younger people think about future and better social and economic possibilities.


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