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    Foren-Übersicht -> Textanalysen und Interpretationen
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BeitragVerfasst am: 08. Jan 2005 21:52    Titel: SUrvey's Antworten mit Zitat

Hi Ihr!
Sagmal musstet ihr in Englisch schn mal sowas, wie ne Unittask machen?
Wäre nett wenn ihr was darüber wisst user Thema ist üüber Jugendliche und unsere Umfrage dazu:

1. family:

Ø Do you love your family?

Ø How much time do you spend with your family?
a. very much b. much c. not so much d. a little bit e. no time

Ø Name your most important members of your family:
1______________ 2_______________ 3________________
Ø How many sisters or brothers have you?
Ø Are your parents divorced?
Ø How many children do you want to get in your future?
2. first love:

Ø On which age did you have your first boy-/girlfriend?
Ø How much did your parents like your first love?
a. strongly like b. like c. disike d. strongly dislike

Ø When did you have your first french kiss?
Ø How long was your longest relationship?
Ø Have you a boy-/girlfriend at the moment?
3. hobbies:

Ø Name your three favourite activities?
1______________ 2_______________ 3_________________
Ø How much time do you spend for your hobby?
Ø How long you are doing your favourite hobby?
Ø Do you need any material for your hobby?
6. smoking and drinking:

Ø Are you smoking?
Ø Are you drinking?
Ø How much money do you waste on smoking and drinking?
a. very much b. much c. not so much d. a little bit e. nothing

Ø Are you drinking alcohol only on parties?
( ) yes ( ) no ( ) I never drink alcohol

Ø What would your parents say if you are smoking or drinking?/ What say your parents that you are smoking or drinking?
6. pocket money:

Ø How much pocket money do you get in a month?
a. 5-10 b. 10-15 c. 15-20 d. 20-25 e. 25+

Ø Do you think that you get enough pocket money?
( ) yes ( ) no
Ø Who gives you your pocket money?
Ø What do you spend your pocket money on?
Ø Do you think that you are waste your pocket money?
( ) yes ( ) no

6. styling:

Ø How do you find your style?
a. very good b. good c. not so good d. bad

Ø Have you got an extrem style (punk, hopper …)?
Ø How much time do you need for your styling in the morning?
a. 10-30 min b. 30-45 min c. 45-60 min d. 60 min +

Ø Would you change your style?
Ø How much money do you spend for your styling?

Tschü smile

Anmeldungsdatum: 07.07.2004
Beiträge: 74

BeitragVerfasst am: 09. Jan 2005 19:15    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat


ich hatte sowas noch nie gemacht, aber was genau willst du denn jetzt wissen?

kannst du vll etwas über das unittask erzählen? smile
dann ist es vll einfacher Augenzwinkern

\\EDIT: was ich bis jetzt im inet gefunden habe sind das aufgaben, die man zum thema des unterrichts bekommt und dann eine umfrage oder was ähnliches dazu erstellt.

danach wird das dan vorgestellt.

welche aufgabe hat euch denn euer lehrer gegeben?
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    Foren-Übersicht -> Textanalysen und Interpretationen