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Anmeldungsdatum: 23.04.2016
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 23. Apr 2016 12:05    Titel: Werbeplakat erstellen Antworten mit Zitat

Meine Frage:

Hey, ich (10. Klasse) muss als Hausaufgabe ein eigenes Werbeplakat erstellen und einen Text dazu schreiben, in dem ich ekläre, was ich mir bei den einzelnen Punkten gedacht habe. Da wir als letztes Thema Umweltverschmutzunghatten, habe ich mich für eine Bio Lebensmittelmarke entschieden. Da das benotet wird, wäre ich super dankbar, wenn sich das einer von Euch mal angucken und korrigieren könnte. gerne auch Verbesserungsvorschläge:)

Meine Ideen:

1. Product-Attractive product name?

My advertisement promotes an environmentally-friendly food brand, which is called "Bionica". I chose this name because of its reference to the word "bilogical" which is often associated with environment pollution.

2. Target group

The target group of the Bionica advertisement consists of ecology-minded people, who are fond of animals. This group of people is often willing to try biological products and to pay a higher price for it. Bionica products offer them the possibility to redound to the seaanimals' protection.

3. Message

The Bionica advertisement inform about our immense plastic use and its terrible impacts on our environment. It tries to raise the observer's awareness of environment protection. Furthermore, the advertisemnet promise that the customer is able to protect the suffering animals by using Bionica products

4. Slogan

I chose the slogan "Save the animals, use Bionica products" to promote the environmentally friendly food brand, because it expresses the major aspect of the brand. Bionica wants to protect the suffering marine animals by reducing the use of plastic packings. This message is presented by the slogan in a short and memorable way.

5. To attract the reader's attention, I used a picture of a sick fish with a sad facial expression. This image represents all the marine animals who have to suffer from the plastis use's impacts on our seaworld. By using this picture, I want to evoke the observer's pity on the animals. Therefore I induce him to buy some Bionica products.

6. Copy

The advertisement contains a body copy, which provides some backgroung information about the topic "environmentally pollution by plastic waste". The text inform the reader about our annual plastic use, as well as its awful marine pollution. By giving this information, the whole advertisement appears more reliable and important. As a consequencethe reader will be willing to try the product.

7. Structure/ Layout

The advertisement attracts the reader's attention by the striking and bright colours of the fish and the brand name. These colours form a contrast to the other text and the background, which are black and white. Only the word "plastic" is written in red capital letters to underline its terrible impacts on our environment. To make the advertisement visible from a distance, I decided to choose a large font size for the slogan and the brand name. As an exeption, the body copy is designed with smaller letters, becaus eit should only be visible for people, who are really interested in the product.

Body copy:

Each year, 230 millions of plastic is produced without respecting the terrible impacts on our environment. 46.000 pieces of plastic are swimming in one square kilometre. This plastic waste takes the life of thousands of marine animals. We really have to fight aganist it and reduce our use of plastic!

Anmeldungsdatum: 29.07.2018
Beiträge: 14

BeitragVerfasst am: 12. Okt 2018 14:29    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

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