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Comment verbessern, schnell ;)
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BeitragVerfasst am: 21. Okt 2014 23:36    Titel: Comment verbessern, schnell ;) Antworten mit Zitat

Meine Frage:
Wäre sehr dankbar über Wortverbesserungen und Korrektur der Grammatik

The number of immgrants rises in the last years. But not the whole population is amused by their arrival. So the question arises whether immigrants is a valuable acquisition (Bereicherung) for the soiety.
First of all you can say that they are and advantage for the society because in their mother country they cant find a workplace but here they can fill up unpopular cheap jobs. For instance they often work in factorys or in the agriculture.
Another argument is favour of the immigration is that it has been proved when children grow up with children form anouther country they are getting more and more tolerant and they can better understand other cultures.
A striking example is that buisness mans or policans need a good contact with people of other country to make a good job.
On the other hand immigrants can be a problem for the society. They havent always the unpopular jobs. Sometimes they get a better job with that they pinch/steal? the workplacces of the natives which brings conflicts between them.
But the strongest argument against immigration is that a little part of them wouldnt integrate in the society because they arent in the country for learn the culture or the language they are only there for take the advantae of the economic system. As we can see from ghettos where are only living immigrants whor arent interested in the society and only wants to get the money of the state.
To sum up I can say that normally immigrants has a positive influence for their society and they can learn a lot of each other. But every town has to look for a mixed accomodation of normal inhabitants and immigrants.

Meine Ideen:
Mein Ansatz
Steffen Bühler

Anmeldungsdatum: 03.12.2013
Beiträge: 92

BeitragVerfasst am: 22. Okt 2014 10:05    Titel: Re: Comment verbessern, schnell ;) Antworten mit Zitat

Wenn ich Sachen wie

they are and advantage

lese, schlage ich vor, dass Du zunächst mal Deine Flüchtigkeitsfehler korrigierst.

Viele Grüße
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