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Tortilla Curtain Chapter 4
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Anmeldungsdatum: 31.07.2012
Beiträge: 1

BeitragVerfasst am: 31. Jul 2012 17:03    Titel: Tortilla Curtain Chapter 4 Antworten mit Zitat

Ich habe mal eine Zusammenfassung vom Kapitel 4 geschrieben und wollte Fehler korrigiert haben smile habe mich über die Ferien verbessert.
Bin halt nach den Ferien in der 12. und mache Englisch LK Ich würde mich über Verbesserungen freuen

Tortilla Curtain – Chapter 4
This chapter describes some past memories of Candido vividly.
Since, América is used to go to the labor exchange every morning in order to receive work and since, Candido is not able to get up because he is still to weak, he whiles away the time with thinking about his whole life.
At first, he contemplates his time in Mexico where he met América for the first time. Before having met her, he had been in a relationship with América’s younger sister, named Resurreccion. He married her right after getting back from his work.
Due to the matter that all men in his village are working else where for approximately 3 quarters, he even states that all of them are away. Thus, the village seems to be entirely empty.
When Candido comes back from the North, he notices the fact that Resurreccion betrayed him by living with another man for about an entire year and spending all the money, she was given by Candido. Hence, Candido becomes frustrated and very strident so that he indeed wants revenge. Presently, he recognized that the other man is much stronger than him. Therefore, he winded up lying in the street with bleeding wounds and nearly everyone turned their backs on him. He has tried to make his way right across the border of the U.S. but he failed.
One day, he met América once more. However, he gave it another chance by then and hereafter, he decided to cross the border with her together.
They have managed to come across the border but he did not want to continue this way. This means, he determined not to worry for América. By virtue of his perpetual thirst he indeed drinks polluted water and he does not shun to drink blemished water.
Posterior, he begins to hear voices near to him. What comes in useful in this instant is that he finds shelter behind shrubs.
Firstly, he is afraid of those because they might be INS agents but afterwards, he obviously realized that they are bare white teenagers. His fear is gone and he has not to disguise anymore.
These teenagers toss nearly everything they find into the stream in which is much dirt. Wherefore, they rip up one of América’s dresses. Finally, they bequeath a message expressing their racist conduct.
At this time, América is at the labor exchange where she feels entirely comfortable on account of the familiar atmosphere there. In the beginning, she was shy and nervous since, she was the only woman there but in the end the atmosphere incites her forcefully.
Mary, who is a white woman she meets at the labor exchange, begs for work even though, they have real problems in terms of communication. Afterwards, América does not feel comfortable anymore because no one looks familiar anymore. Thence, all faces seem to be entirely strange and evil. All her hope fades away. Everyone there looks as though, everyone is full of greed.
Right after this incident, she is reminded of their border crossing at night where a man paid them in order to take them over safely. Abruptly, the coyote vanishes and a group of Mexicans appears for mugging them. They are discovered by the U.S police before they were in a position to rape América. Followingly, they are sent back to Mexico with other illegal immigrants.

LG Fireball
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